2008-06-19 23:23:13 UTC
Sexing In Tribal Environments
In our many species of humans that live and thrive on this planet, men
are driven to dump their sperm loads into the cunt, or mouth of a
woman, and orgasm. Women are driven to accept the sperm loads into
their cunts, or mouths, not just from one male, but from numerous
males, three, four, five, or even six, in one sitting, and orgasm.
With five sperm loads dumped into the cunt of a woman, she begins to
orgasm, intensely. With six sperm loads, many women will begin to pass
out from orgasming. A maximum number of sperm loads dumped into her
cunt may be six, or seven, or eight, but not too many more than that,
in one session, going from one male to the next, such as would be done
in a tribal sexing setting.
We are led to believe that there are sex manuals that can enhance the
sex lives of men and women. The truth is, that these sex manuals are
only needed because we all live in dead-ender societies, where there
is only one male allotted to one female, such as in a marriage
arrangement. In normal tribal settings, there are no sex manuals
needed, as men and women sex, in a natural way, from one to the next,
to the next, until the woman passes out from orgasmic frenzy.
We often hear women say on the internet, or in conversations, is there
any thing I can do to spice up my sex life. Women are generally felt
to not to be able to have rewarding sex lives, in western dead-ender
societies. The truth is, if women were to sex in the natural, normal,
evolutionarily sound manner, as was done in primitive tribal settings,
no woman would need to feel that her sex life was dreary, or in need
of improvement. Because women and men are trapped in dead-ender
socieities, we hear them whining and complaining about how dreary
their sex lives are, and how much in need of spicing them up, they
feel their sex lives are in need of.
I can't believe it. Upon thinking about what I wrote, it becomesIn our many species of humans that live and thrive on this planet, men
are driven to dump their sperm loads into the cunt, or mouth of a
woman, and orgasm. Women are driven to accept the sperm loads into
their cunts, or mouths, not just from one male, but from numerous
males, three, four, five, or even six, in one sitting, and orgasm.
With five sperm loads dumped into the cunt of a woman, she begins to
orgasm, intensely. With six sperm loads, many women will begin to pass
out from orgasming. A maximum number of sperm loads dumped into her
cunt may be six, or seven, or eight, but not too many more than that,
in one session, going from one male to the next, such as would be done
in a tribal sexing setting.
We are led to believe that there are sex manuals that can enhance the
sex lives of men and women. The truth is, that these sex manuals are
only needed because we all live in dead-ender societies, where there
is only one male allotted to one female, such as in a marriage
arrangement. In normal tribal settings, there are no sex manuals
needed, as men and women sex, in a natural way, from one to the next,
to the next, until the woman passes out from orgasmic frenzy.
We often hear women say on the internet, or in conversations, is there
any thing I can do to spice up my sex life. Women are generally felt
to not to be able to have rewarding sex lives, in western dead-ender
societies. The truth is, if women were to sex in the natural, normal,
evolutionarily sound manner, as was done in primitive tribal settings,
no woman would need to feel that her sex life was dreary, or in need
of improvement. Because women and men are trapped in dead-ender
socieities, we hear them whining and complaining about how dreary
their sex lives are, and how much in need of spicing them up, they
feel their sex lives are in need of.
apparent that women who call them selves prostitutes, hookers, or what
ever, are acting in complete accord with their biologically and
evolutionarily driven needs to suck up into their cunt holes, multiple
loads of sperm bunnie liquids from multiple male's dicks.
We, in our racist abolitionists, big three monotheistic dead-ender
societies then make it a crime, capture and arrest said hookers, throw
them into jail, and punish them for following their normal,
biologically and evolutionarily driven activities that for them,
allows them to lead normal, mentally, physically, and emotionally
healthy lives. We also make dumping sperm loads into the cunts of
women a crime, and capture, arrest, and prosecute the so-called
"john's" who are also following their normal, biologically and
evolutionarily driven 'sound' needs to dump their sperm bunnies filled
fluids loads into the cunt holes, or mouth holes, or butt holes, of
This is just the most unbelievalble discovery, to me, that we are
acting in completely the opposite manner than we should be. We should
be rewarding both women and men for behaving in normal, biologically
sound, and evolutionarily sound manners. Yet we punish them, and then
paint them as some kind of social criminals and make them go to some
kind of mental retraining, and rehabilitation therapy school, in some
This is evidence that the big three, monotheistics, Christianity,
Judaism, and Islam are acting and dictating that we behave in
completely the opposite manner that would promote sound physical,
mental, and emotional health for not only the hookers and prostitutes,
but for the "John's" as well.
It just goes to prove how seriously off base, or out of line, our
societies are, due to their whimsical, fantasical, phoney, and false
ideas about a "creator god" that looks down on all its(?) children,
and dictates how its(?) children should live and worship it. Phooey.
Spit, spit, spit. Disgusting, it is, and until these monothheistics
are destroyed, along with all other monotheistics in this world, big
and small, mankind, and womankind will continue to suffer, needlessly.
So. Now we see that our societies are all ass backwards in the way
they are doing things. They punish women and men for behaving
biologically and evolutionarily sound by throwing hookers into jails,
and by throwing "John's" into jails.
So, what do we do about it to get it straightened out?
To fix the problem, first, we need volunteers who are willing to go
along with the new arrangements, with women as the leaders,
determining who sexes with who, and with men as the assistants to the
women, sexing as commanded by the women.
We give all authority to women to decide who sexes with whom, and we
leave it up to them, to determine how things should proceed, from one
day to the next.
We need to set up a polygamists compound, such as the Utahians have
set up, but in reverse, with women in charge, and with women marrying
multiple males as spouses. Reverse polygamy, or female led polygamy. I
don't know what the term is, but it is this style of living that needs
to be set up, and then, allowed by the legislatures, such as in San
Francisco, where gays can marry gays, legally.
We should be able to set up our own compounds, our own colonies of
followers who will be willing to get this problem straightened out,
with women leading the colonies, and with men, assisting the women.
Once the colonies or compounds are set up, then we push to get it
allowed by law, multiple marriages of the female to multiple males,
and multiple marriages of the males, to multiple females, such as in
tribal living, it would be found.
So, we are going to go back to tribal living, to allow the women to
finally get their normal sexing human rights established, as they have
been taken away from them, since the advent of the monotheistics.
To make this happen, we need interested persons, both female and male,
who have deep pockets, and who can afford to put together, the living
compounds that will be neccessary for them to live in, together,
harmoniously in a modern day tribal arrangement.
Once it is established as a test case, people will begin to gravitate
towards it, and they will begin to get involved. As they do, laws will
need to be changed to reflect the new reality of life for these people
in biologically and evolutionarily sound living circumstances, with
multiple males plugging or sexing individual females, based on the
female's discretion.
It will take some getting used to, the new living circumstances and
way of life, but with persons who are willing to give it a try,
successes will slowly follow.
If gay marriages can be legalized, then tribal marriages can be
legalized, as a new and alternative form of marriage, given we do not
subscribe to the teachings of the big three, monotheistics, any
longer, as we have said good bye to them, and have tossed their books
into dumpsters.
For any body interested, either on your own if you feel you can
develop it, on your own, or say, in concert with my ideas on the
subject, with my assistance, I will be glad to pursue and push this,
publicly, as a new and viable alternative to the traditional,
monogamous ways of doing things, both heterosexual monogamous
marriages and gay monogamous marriages.
It sounds sort of hair brained, or, not really thought out,
thouroughly enough, but there is no other way to go about it, that is,
changing the way things are done, other than getting in there and
making the changes, your self.
With enough publicity, soon, more and more people will turn to their
natural ways of doing things, as I've explained and outlined already
all we need to know, as a basis to this new movement. The finer
details that need to be worked out, will get worked out, through
actual, trial and error, seeing what works, and seeing what doesn't
work, in actual practice. We need to get doing things, so that we can
see the viablity of it, for ourselves, and if women experience it, and
if women understand that yes, this is the way to go, it is satisfying,
and natural for me to be involving myself with these males, and with
these females, in the way that I am, then, with that kind of success
under the belts of the women, along with the agreement of the males,
who will also have to relearn things, and go along with it, as an
experiment, until they realize it is the way for them to behave, in
the most natural way possible. Once these two groups are convinced
that it is the right way to go, then, with more and more publicity,
and personal experiences, and with invites to the curious to come and
experience life in this new way, the interest will grow, and the
support base will grow, and eventually, it will become a major
movement. How long will that take? Probably years, but it will occur
and when it does, it will then have the fertile ground of those long
years of experimentation at the basis of it to provide the nutrient
rich soils of experience by all the persons involved to then take that
experience, and get the laws changed. You smart people will be able to
figure out the best way to work it, making the new laws, for co-
mingling marriages of the species, the male species, and the female
Co-mingling is the name we will give to the new way of marriage. Co-
mingling marriages, or tribal marriages, with both sexes involved in
mutually mingling with each other, as need has them mingle with each
Lots of wonderful experiences will be built out of it, and women will
get back to their roots, and men will get back to their roots, and
after the initial brain readjustments every one will need to make,
things will slowly, ...
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Prior to our becoming civilized, we were part of a vigorous
evolutionary development program, that involved apes promiscuously
sexing, along the equatorial warm tropical coasts on all of the
continents of this planet.
We are not the children of Abraham, or whoever, as some misguided
religionists types might want you to believe. We did not evolve from
one "lucy", as some misguided anthropologists might want to have you
We evolved vigorously, so rapidly, we are at a point in time now,
where we are still trying to understand what it is we are.
Unfortunately, we have the dogmas of the monotheistic big three,
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, not to mention, Brahmanism,
Zorastrianism, and possibly others that believe in an absolutist
creator god, hampering us.
We don't realize it, but we were in a race with other animals, to see
who would evolve, first, as a life form with higher intelligence. I
think we can say, we beat every one else, that is, all of the animals
on this planet, and we came out, way ahead of every other animal on
this planet.
The trouble is, now, these religions we developed interfere with our
lives. I've explained already, that these religions are operating in
such a way as to hinder our evolutionary progress.
If we let them hinder us, we can not continue to develope ourselves as
an evolving species, to any remarkable extent. I think it is in our
interests to understand that our salvation lies not in religion, and
not in some life after death, but in evolution.
We can evolve into higher and higher life forms, that one day, will be
so advanced, our bodies will repair themselves from the wear and tear
of daily living. That means, when our teeth get chipped, or worn down,
they will automatcially regrow. When our bones deteriorate, they will
regrow. When our skin ages, it will rejuvenate itself, and regain a
youthful appearance. Our bodies will be able to handle all the wear
and tear on it, and reqrow, and replace the cells that are needed, to
continue on, with a youthful appearance and youthful health. Age and
aging will become a non issue, once we reach this level of
evolutionary development. We will, in essence, stop aging, and we will
remain youthful, and healthy. This is the next stop on the ride to
evolutionary development. We have evolved intelligence. Now, we need
to evolve, perpetuity of the species. Once we reach that level of
evolutionary development, perpetuity, then, life gets interesting, for
There are people in our universe, who have evolved to that point.
There are people who evolved to that level of physical endurance, life
and living perpetually, and they do not age, and their bodies repair
themselves. They have organs in their bodies, that evolved, that
handle all the repair operations.
In our bodies, we have proccesses that occur, that repair every day,
scrapes, scratches, cuts to the skin, chipped bones, broken bones, and
so forth. But this is part of a rudimentary repair system that all
animals have.
Evolutionarily, there are people in our universe, who developed much
more highly sophisticated repair systems, and they virtually do not
need to worry about aging and dying. They stay young, and for many of
them, their bodies regrow.
Yes, some of them reach a point, after many millions or billions of
years, where their bodies can not go on any longer, and their bodies
begin to slow down, and then the repair proccesses shut down.
Environmental radiation, for example, is one reason, the repair
processes of people's bodies slowly shut down. There are also diseases
that cause this to happen in some people.
These people, who with highly evolved body repair systems, who live
for millions, or billions of years, or perhaps, even longer, they
populate our universe, and live in advanced cultures and societies,
with highly sophisticated technologies to support their existence.
I mentioned, a brain wave frequencies database that has all of the
information in it on everything and on everyone who has ever lived.
There are technologies that can tap into this brain wave frequencies
database, and out of it, they can produce, anything needed.
This sounds impossible, but it is not. They can produce a living
chicken, or a living duck, or a living salmon, or a half dozen rolled
cigars, for that matter.
This type of technology is advanced molecular manipulation technology.
We can call it, particalization technology. There is also,
departicalization technology, that allows people to recycle molecules.
It takes a lot of energy to departicalize an object, but it can be
done with the right technologies. Particalizing something, is far more
difficult, since you can't particalize something, unless you can get
it imaged, properly. How do you image an object? It takes brain wave
frequencies to image an object, before the object can be particalized.
It is not a difficult process, but we haven't developed it, as yet. We
don't even know, or haven't even discovered that there is a brain wave
frequencies database, where in, we can find every thing needed for
molecularly structuring objects we would like to particalize. If we
don't know that it exists, how can we experiment with it? We can't.
But that doesn't mean, that other civilizations in our universe,
haven't experimented with it, and solved the problems involved.
Once the technologies are developed, then, there is an unlimited
wealth for food, and resources, right at our finger tips. Once the
technologies are developed, then it is just a matter of supplying the
energies needed to operate the technologies.
We have a lot of brainy people on this planet, but let's face it, we
don't know anything about this universe we are living in, and we don't
have the sciences we need to be able to understand our universe and
the processes involved in it.
We are an evolved species of intelligent beings, but we are not going
anywhere, right now, that is, we are at a standstill, thanks to the
monotheistic big three, as I've explained about.
Unless, we continue our evolutionary development on this planet, and
get to the point where are bodies and brains are self perpetuating,
that is, if we don't get to the point where we have in our bodies, all
the organs that are needed to constantly and continuously rebuild our
bodies and brains, then we have no chance of getting to any level of
living that is above this common, ordinary, dreary, short existence we
are stuck in, that begins as babies, and ends in old age.
It doesn't matter too much, as we are going to be here, for eternity,
and we come back, again and again, in one life, after the next, and
because as I said, there are people who are in our universe, who did
evolve far enough and who do, as a result, have self perpetuating self
repairing bodies and brains.
But. If we want to move the human race further along evolutionarily
than it is now, we will have to make some changes, in how things are
I have set out some ideas on how we need to change things, to restart
evolutionary development. In light of the need to continue with our
evolutionary development, it would seem wise, to change things,