Co-Mingling Counsel Marriages / Tribal Marriages
(too old to reply)
2008-06-19 23:23:13 UTC
Sexing In Tribal Environments
In our many species of humans that live and thrive on this planet, men
are driven to dump their sperm loads into the cunt, or mouth of a
woman, and orgasm. Women are driven to accept the sperm loads into
their cunts, or mouths, not just from one male, but from numerous
males, three, four, five, or even six, in one sitting, and orgasm.
With five sperm loads dumped into the cunt of a woman, she begins to
orgasm, intensely. With six sperm loads, many women will begin to pass
out from orgasming. A maximum number of sperm loads dumped into her
cunt may be six, or seven, or eight, but not too many more than that,
in one session, going from one male to the next, such as would be done
in a tribal sexing setting.
We are led to believe that there are sex manuals that can enhance the
sex lives of men and women. The truth is, that these sex manuals are
only needed because we all live in dead-ender societies, where there
is only one male allotted to one female, such as in a marriage
arrangement. In normal tribal settings, there are no sex manuals
needed, as men and women sex, in a natural way, from one to the next,
to the next, until the woman passes out from orgasmic frenzy.
We often hear women say on the internet, or in conversations, is there
any thing I can do to spice up my sex life. Women are generally felt
to not to be able to have rewarding sex lives, in western dead-ender
societies. The truth is, if women were to sex in the natural, normal,
evolutionarily sound manner, as was done in primitive tribal settings,
no woman would need to feel that her sex life was dreary, or in need
of improvement. Because women and men are trapped in dead-ender
socieities, we hear them whining and complaining about how dreary
their sex lives are, and how much in need of spicing them up, they
feel their sex lives are in need of.
I can't believe it. Upon thinking about what I wrote, it becomes
apparent that women who call them selves prostitutes, hookers, or what
ever, are acting in complete accord with their biologically and
evolutionarily driven needs to suck up into their cunt holes, multiple
loads of sperm bunnie liquids from multiple male's dicks.
We, in our racist abolitionists, big three monotheistic dead-ender
societies then make it a crime, capture and arrest said hookers, throw
them into jail, and punish them for following their normal,
biologically and evolutionarily driven activities that for them,
allows them to lead normal, mentally, physically, and emotionally
healthy lives. We also make dumping sperm loads into the cunts of
women a crime, and capture, arrest, and prosecute the so-called
"john's" who are also following their normal, biologically and
evolutionarily driven 'sound' needs to dump their sperm bunnies filled
fluids loads into the cunt holes, or mouth holes, or butt holes, of
This is just the most unbelievalble discovery, to me, that we are
acting in completely the opposite manner than we should be. We should
be rewarding both women and men for behaving in normal, biologically
sound, and evolutionarily sound manners. Yet we punish them, and then
paint them as some kind of social criminals and make them go to some
kind of mental retraining, and rehabilitation therapy school, in some
This is evidence that the big three, monotheistics, Christianity,
Judaism, and Islam are acting and dictating that we behave in
completely the opposite manner that would promote sound physical,
mental, and emotional health for not only the hookers and prostitutes,
but for the "John's" as well.
It just goes to prove how seriously off base, or out of line, our
societies are, due to their whimsical, fantasical, phoney, and false
ideas about a "creator god" that looks down on all its(?) children,
and dictates how its(?) children should live and worship it. Phooey.
Spit, spit, spit. Disgusting, it is, and until these monothheistics
are destroyed, along with all other monotheistics in this world, big
and small, mankind, and womankind will continue to suffer, needlessly.
Co-Mingling Counsel Marriages / Tribal Marriages
So. Now we see that our societies are all ass backwards in the way
they are doing things. They punish women and men for behaving
biologically and evolutionarily sound by throwing hookers into jails,
and by throwing "John's" into jails.
So, what do we do about it to get it straightened out?
To fix the problem, first, we need volunteers who are willing to go
along with the new arrangements, with women as the leaders,
determining who sexes with who, and with men as the assistants to the
women, sexing as commanded by the women.
We give all authority to women to decide who sexes with whom, and we
leave it up to them, to determine how things should proceed, from one
day to the next.
We need to set up a polygamists compound, such as the Utahians have
set up, but in reverse, with women in charge, and with women marrying
multiple males as spouses. Reverse polygamy, or female led polygamy. I
don't know what the term is, but it is this style of living that needs
to be set up, and then, allowed by the legislatures, such as in San
Francisco, where gays can marry gays, legally.
We should be able to set up our own compounds, our own colonies of
followers who will be willing to get this problem straightened out,
with women leading the colonies, and with men, assisting the women.
Once the colonies or compounds are set up, then we push to get it
allowed by law, multiple marriages of the female to multiple males,
and multiple marriages of the males, to multiple females, such as in
tribal living, it would be found.
So, we are going to go back to tribal living, to allow the women to
finally get their normal sexing human rights established, as they have
been taken away from them, since the advent of the monotheistics.
To make this happen, we need interested persons, both female and male,
who have deep pockets, and who can afford to put together, the living
compounds that will be neccessary for them to live in, together,
harmoniously in a modern day tribal arrangement.
Once it is established as a test case, people will begin to gravitate
towards it, and they will begin to get involved. As they do, laws will
need to be changed to reflect the new reality of life for these people
in biologically and evolutionarily sound living circumstances, with
multiple males plugging or sexing individual females, based on the
female's discretion.
It will take some getting used to, the new living circumstances and
way of life, but with persons who are willing to give it a try,
successes will slowly follow.
If gay marriages can be legalized, then tribal marriages can be
legalized, as a new and alternative form of marriage, given we do not
subscribe to the teachings of the big three, monotheistics, any
longer, as we have said good bye to them, and have tossed their books
into dumpsters.
For any body interested, either on your own if you feel you can
develop it, on your own, or say, in concert with my ideas on the
subject, with my assistance, I will be glad to pursue and push this,
publicly, as a new and viable alternative to the traditional,
monogamous ways of doing things, both heterosexual monogamous
marriages and gay monogamous marriages.
It sounds sort of hair brained, or, not really thought out,
thouroughly enough, but there is no other way to go about it, that is,
changing the way things are done, other than getting in there and
making the changes, your self.
With enough publicity, soon, more and more people will turn to their
natural ways of doing things, as I've explained and outlined already
all we need to know, as a basis to this new movement. The finer
details that need to be worked out, will get worked out, through
actual, trial and error, seeing what works, and seeing what doesn't
work, in actual practice. We need to get doing things, so that we can
see the viablity of it, for ourselves, and if women experience it, and
if women understand that yes, this is the way to go, it is satisfying,
and natural for me to be involving myself with these males, and with
these females, in the way that I am, then, with that kind of success
under the belts of the women, along with the agreement of the males,
who will also have to relearn things, and go along with it, as an
experiment, until they realize it is the way for them to behave, in
the most natural way possible. Once these two groups are convinced
that it is the right way to go, then, with more and more publicity,
and personal experiences, and with invites to the curious to come and
experience life in this new way, the interest will grow, and the
support base will grow, and eventually, it will become a major
movement. How long will that take? Probably years, but it will occur
and when it does, it will then have the fertile ground of those long
years of experimentation at the basis of it to provide the nutrient
rich soils of experience by all the persons involved to then take that
experience, and get the laws changed. You smart people will be able to
figure out the best way to work it, making the new laws, for co-
mingling marriages of the species, the male species, and the female
Co-mingling is the name we will give to the new way of marriage. Co-
mingling marriages, or tribal marriages, with both sexes involved in
mutually mingling with each other, as need has them mingle with each
Lots of wonderful experiences will be built out of it, and women will
get back to their roots, and men will get back to their roots, and
after the initial brain readjustments every one will need to make,
things will slowly, ...
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What are the problems with the human races?

Prior to our becoming civilized, we were part of a vigorous
evolutionary development program, that involved apes promiscuously
sexing, along the equatorial warm tropical coasts on all of the
continents of this planet.

We are not the children of Abraham, or whoever, as some misguided
religionists types might want you to believe. We did not evolve from
one "lucy", as some misguided anthropologists might want to have you

We evolved vigorously, so rapidly, we are at a point in time now,
where we are still trying to understand what it is we are.

Unfortunately, we have the dogmas of the monotheistic big three,
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, not to mention, Brahmanism,
Zorastrianism, and possibly others that believe in an absolutist
creator god, hampering us.

We don't realize it, but we were in a race with other animals, to see
who would evolve, first, as a life form with higher intelligence. I
think we can say, we beat every one else, that is, all of the animals
on this planet, and we came out, way ahead of every other animal on
this planet.

The trouble is, now, these religions we developed interfere with our
lives. I've explained already, that these religions are operating in
such a way as to hinder our evolutionary progress.

If we let them hinder us, we can not continue to develope ourselves as
an evolving species, to any remarkable extent. I think it is in our
interests to understand that our salvation lies not in religion, and
not in some life after death, but in evolution.

We can evolve into higher and higher life forms, that one day, will be
so advanced, our bodies will repair themselves from the wear and tear
of daily living. That means, when our teeth get chipped, or worn down,
they will automatcially regrow. When our bones deteriorate, they will
regrow. When our skin ages, it will rejuvenate itself, and regain a
youthful appearance. Our bodies will be able to handle all the wear
and tear on it, and reqrow, and replace the cells that are needed, to
continue on, with a youthful appearance and youthful health. Age and
aging will become a non issue, once we reach this level of
evolutionary development. We will, in essence, stop aging, and we will
remain youthful, and healthy. This is the next stop on the ride to
evolutionary development. We have evolved intelligence. Now, we need
to evolve, perpetuity of the species. Once we reach that level of
evolutionary development, perpetuity, then, life gets interesting, for

There are people in our universe, who have evolved to that point.
There are people who evolved to that level of physical endurance, life
and living perpetually, and they do not age, and their bodies repair
themselves. They have organs in their bodies, that evolved, that
handle all the repair operations.

In our bodies, we have proccesses that occur, that repair every day,
scrapes, scratches, cuts to the skin, chipped bones, broken bones, and
so forth. But this is part of a rudimentary repair system that all
animals have.

Evolutionarily, there are people in our universe, who developed much
more highly sophisticated repair systems, and they virtually do not
need to worry about aging and dying. They stay young, and for many of
them, their bodies regrow.

Yes, some of them reach a point, after many millions or billions of
years, where their bodies can not go on any longer, and their bodies
begin to slow down, and then the repair proccesses shut down.
Environmental radiation, for example, is one reason, the repair
processes of people's bodies slowly shut down. There are also diseases
that cause this to happen in some people.

These people, who with highly evolved body repair systems, who live
for millions, or billions of years, or perhaps, even longer, they
populate our universe, and live in advanced cultures and societies,
with highly sophisticated technologies to support their existence.

I mentioned, a brain wave frequencies database that has all of the
information in it on everything and on everyone who has ever lived.

There are technologies that can tap into this brain wave frequencies
database, and out of it, they can produce, anything needed.

This sounds impossible, but it is not. They can produce a living
chicken, or a living duck, or a living salmon, or a half dozen rolled
cigars, for that matter.

This type of technology is advanced molecular manipulation technology.
We can call it, particalization technology. There is also,
departicalization technology, that allows people to recycle molecules.

It takes a lot of energy to departicalize an object, but it can be
done with the right technologies. Particalizing something, is far more
difficult, since you can't particalize something, unless you can get
it imaged, properly. How do you image an object? It takes brain wave
frequencies to image an object, before the object can be particalized.
It is not a difficult process, but we haven't developed it, as yet. We
don't even know, or haven't even discovered that there is a brain wave
frequencies database, where in, we can find every thing needed for
molecularly structuring objects we would like to particalize. If we
don't know that it exists, how can we experiment with it? We can't.
But that doesn't mean, that other civilizations in our universe,
haven't experimented with it, and solved the problems involved.

Once the technologies are developed, then, there is an unlimited
wealth for food, and resources, right at our finger tips. Once the
technologies are developed, then it is just a matter of supplying the
energies needed to operate the technologies.

We have a lot of brainy people on this planet, but let's face it, we
don't know anything about this universe we are living in, and we don't
have the sciences we need to be able to understand our universe and
the processes involved in it.

We are an evolved species of intelligent beings, but we are not going
anywhere, right now, that is, we are at a standstill, thanks to the
monotheistic big three, as I've explained about.

Unless, we continue our evolutionary development on this planet, and
get to the point where are bodies and brains are self perpetuating,
that is, if we don't get to the point where we have in our bodies, all
the organs that are needed to constantly and continuously rebuild our
bodies and brains, then we have no chance of getting to any level of
living that is above this common, ordinary, dreary, short existence we
are stuck in, that begins as babies, and ends in old age.

It doesn't matter too much, as we are going to be here, for eternity,
and we come back, again and again, in one life, after the next, and
because as I said, there are people who are in our universe, who did
evolve far enough and who do, as a result, have self perpetuating self
repairing bodies and brains.

But. If we want to move the human race further along evolutionarily
than it is now, we will have to make some changes, in how things are

I have set out some ideas on how we need to change things, to restart
evolutionary development. In light of the need to continue with our
evolutionary development, it would seem wise, to change things,

2008-06-19 23:27:56 UTC
What are the problems with the human races?

Prior to our becoming civilized, we were part of a vigorous
evolutionary development program, that involved apes promiscuously
sexing, along the equatorial warm tropical coasts on all of the
continents of this planet.

We are not the children of Abraham, or whoever, as some misguided
religionists types might want you to believe. We did not evolve from
one "lucy", as some misguided anthropologists might want to have you

We evolved vigorously, so rapidly, we are at a point in time now,
where we are still trying to understand what it is we are.

Unfortunately, we have the dogmas of the monotheistic big three,
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, not to mention, Brahmanism,
Zorastrianism, and possibly others that believe in an absolutist
creator god, hampering us.

We don't realize it, but we were in a race with other animals, to see
who would evolve, first, as a life form with higher intelligence. I
think we can say, we beat every one else, that is, all of the animals
on this planet, and we came out, way ahead of every other animal on
this planet.

The trouble is, now, these religions we developed interfere with our
lives. I've explained already, that these religions are operating in
such a way as to hinder our evolutionary progress.

If we let them hinder us, we can not continue to develope ourselves as
an evolving species, to any remarkable extent. I think it is in our
interests to understand that our salvation lies not in religion, and
not in some life after death, but in evolution.

We can evolve into higher and higher life forms, that one day, will be
so advanced, our bodies will repair themselves from the wear and tear
of daily living. That means, when our teeth get chipped, or worn down,
they will automatcially regrow. When our bones deteriorate, they will
regrow. When our skin ages, it will rejuvenate itself, and regain a
youthful appearance. Our bodies will be able to handle all the wear
and tear on it, and reqrow, and replace the cells that are needed, to
continue on, with a youthful appearance and youthful health. Age and
aging will become a non issue, once we reach this level of
evolutionary development. We will, in essence, stop aging, and we will
remain youthful, and healthy. This is the next stop on the ride to
evolutionary development. We have evolved intelligence. Now, we need
to evolve, perpetuity of the species. Once we reach that level of
evolutionary development, perpetuity, then, life gets interesting, for

There are people in our universe, who have evolved to that point.
There are people who evolved to that level of physical endurance, life
and living perpetually, and they do not age, and their bodies repair
themselves. They have organs in their bodies, that evolved, that
handle all the repair operations.

In our bodies, we have proccesses that occur, that repair every day,
scrapes, scratches, cuts to the skin, chipped bones, broken bones, and
so forth. But this is part of a rudimentary repair system that all
animals have.

Evolutionarily, there are people in our universe, who developed much
more highly sophisticated repair systems, and they virtually do not
need to worry about aging and dying. They stay young, and for many of
them, their bodies regrow.

Yes, some of them reach a point, after many millions or billions of
years, where their bodies can not go on any longer, and their bodies
begin to slow down, and then the repair proccesses shut down.
Environmental radiation, for example, is one reason, the repair
processes of people's bodies slowly shut down. There are also diseases
that cause this to happen in some people.

These people, who with highly evolved body repair systems, who live
for millions, or billions of years, or perhaps, even longer, they
populate our universe, and live in advanced cultures and societies,
with highly sophisticated technologies to support their existence.

I mentioned, a brain wave frequencies database that has all of the
information in it on everything and on everyone who has ever lived.

There are technologies that can tap into this brain wave frequencies
database, and out of it, they can produce, anything needed.

This sounds impossible, but it is not. They can produce a living
chicken, or a living duck, or a living salmon, or a half dozen rolled
cigars, for that matter.

This type of technology is advanced molecular manipulation technology.
We can call it, particalization technology. There is also,
departicalization technology, that allows people to recycle molecules.

It takes a lot of energy to departicalize an object, but it can be
done with the right technologies. Particalizing something, is far more
difficult, since you can't particalize something, unless you can get
it imaged, properly. How do you image an object? It takes brain wave
frequencies to image an object, before the object can be particalized.
It is not a difficult process, but we haven't developed it, as yet. We
don't even know, or haven't even discovered that there is a brain wave
frequencies database, where in, we can find every thing needed for
molecularly structuring objects we would like to particalize. If we
don't know that it exists, how can we experiment with it? We can't.
But that doesn't mean, that other civilizations in our universe,
haven't experimented with it, and solved the problems involved.

Once the technologies are developed, then, there is an unlimited
wealth for food, and resources, right at our finger tips. Once the
technologies are developed, then it is just a matter of supplying the
energies needed to operate the technologies.

We have a lot of brainy people on this planet, but let's face it, we
don't know anything about this universe we are living in, and we don't
have the sciences we need to be able to understand our universe and
the processes involved in it.

We are an evolved species of intelligent beings, but we are not going
anywhere, right now, that is, we are at a standstill, thanks to the
monotheistic big three, as I've explained about.

Unless, we continue our evolutionary development on this planet, and
get to the point where are bodies and brains are self perpetuating,
that is, if we don't get to the point where we have in our bodies, all
the organs that are needed to constantly and continuously rebuild our
bodies and brains, then we have no chance of getting to any level of
living that is above this common, ordinary, dreary, short existence we
are stuck in, that begins as babies, and ends in old age.

It doesn't matter too much, as we are going to be here, for eternity,
and we come back, again and again, in one life, after the next, and
because as I said, there are people who are in our universe, who did
evolve far enough and who do, as a result, have self perpetuating self
repairing bodies and brains.

But. If we want to move the human race further along evolutionarily
than it is now, we will have to make some changes, in how things are

I have set out some ideas on how we need to change things, to restart
evolutionary development. In light of the need to continue with our
evolutionary development, it would seem wise, to change things,

2008-06-20 00:56:01 UTC
What plants or herbs are there, do you think, that will aide the human
body to regrow itself? There must be some plants out there, that
assist the function of the human body to repair itself. I wonder what
those plants are.

Perrenial youth is the agenda here, and it would seem that plants that
appeal them selves to us, as perrenially youthful, in some remarkable
way that is noticable by us, might be the advertizing sign display, of
plants, as they communicate to humans, that, this is what they are
useful for.

I would guess that there is some extract that can be made from some of
these plants, that would assist the human body in rebuilding itself.
We have a rudimentary repair system, just as all animals do, and cuts
heal, skin repairs itself, finger nails and toe nails, and hair
continue to grow, skin grows and replaces itself, organs grow and
replace themselves, and even teeth grow, and replace themselves,
though it is not noticeable to us.

These processes, many of course, have noticed and commented on, and
there are probably lots of scientific research and analysis into it.
But the question still remains. Where in the plant world, will we find
plants that come to our aide to give us what we need, to rejuvenate
the human body.

We find plants that provide us with many things, besides food, of
course. Opium poppy flowers, and prickley lettuce plants, and possibly
other plants, exude latex gums that have opiates in them, or chemicals
similar to opiates, that help us with our needs to fight off pains in
our bodies. It seems there is an intelligence in the plants, an
intuitive intelligence, and that intelligence led to the development
of the latex gums liquids that assist humans in their needs for
finding ways to cope with pains in their bodies.

There must be intuitive intelligence in plants that developed plant
chemicals that assist the human body with regeneration of body parts,
for example, and with rejuvenation of the human body.

What research is there, that we can learn about, that will assist us
in understanding what these plants are, that intuitively developed
chemicals that allow the human body to more robustly regenerate
itself, and rejuvenate itself.

Not only humans need to regenerate and rejuvenate themselves, but all
animals need to, so it is a high level agenda, you would think, or a
priority issue, that plants long ago, must have picked up on, and
developed in their tiny laboratories, inside their stalks, roots,
branches, flowers, and leaves.

There must be lots of indigenous people in America, and in other
countries of the world, who noticed these things, and kept
information, orally, or otherwise, on what plants were good for what

I think this body of information, probably exists in various forms,
texts, computer databases, and so forth, and is held or kept by
individuals who do not wish to share it with others.

It is one of these areas where people are trying to use the
information for making a buck, at the expense of other people, who
have a right to learn about this information.

This kind of information probably exists in all the countries on our
planet, and it is held by handfuls of people, who do not care about
the needs of the ordinary people.

I think this information must be shared with all the people of this
planet, who can access it, via computer, or library, or educational
institution, etc., as it is something every one has a right to learn

There must be a lot of this, going on, useful plants information
withheld from others out of greed or stingyness. It's too bad that we
are the way we are, that there are greedy and stingy people,
interested in making a buck for themselves, and not caring about

In any case, we need to learn about plants and their use for assisting
the human bodies' repair systems. It's strange that there is this body
of knowledge, but it is not available to the ordinary people. We are
being cheated here, which is understandable, just as there are people
who go out into the coastal waters off the Bahamas, or Florida, or
Cuba, and so forth, looking for gold for self profit, there are people
who have this information, who are only interested in using it for
gaining self profit.

If this information were to be turned over to all people on this
planet, it would assist in our evolutionary development as a species
of animals, living in harmony with our environment.

It's too bad we are not given the opportunity to exploit fully, all
that there is to know and use for the purpose of healing our bodies,
and for regenerating them, and making them as good as new, again.

One day, we'll have this information, but it won't come, any time
soon, with out a struggle with the people who possess it and who do
not wish to share it with others.

We all have in us, tiny organs that help with the repair of our
bodies, such as when we get cuts, or scrapes, or broken bones, our
bodies go to work inside, fixing and repairing the damages. I'm pretty
sure we have dedicated organs in our bodies, though they may not be
all that well developed, at this point in time, due to our early
evolutionary status, but with the help of plants toxins, we can
nurture these organs on, and assist them in doing their jobs, and we
might find that we can repair teeth, finger nails, toe nails, skin,
and hair with the assistance of their chemicals, not to mention, the
organs in our bodies.

It seems to me, we need to get this information, and make it available
to all people. This will help us in our efforts to move forward, along
with the plant world, evolutionarily speaking.

That the U.S. government, or other governments, or the DEA, or the
FDA, or the FBI, would interfere with our experimentation with plants,
in our efforts to find plants that will assist us in our needs for
evolutionary development, seems a crime, to me. If we need to
experiment with psychotropic plants, plants that cause hallucinations,
or plants that cause euphoria, or a mental high, then we have the
right to experiment with them, if these plants show promise to us that
they may assist our bodies, in regenerating themselves.

Youthful exuberance, or the willingness to play, among children, if we
look at this, and then if we compare the plants we know about, that
give us euphoric highs, maybe there in, is a clue to us, that we are
over looking. Maybe that clue is saying, here is a plant, that allows
you to be perpetually young in spirit. Just smoke some of it, or make
a beverage of it, and see for your self, what this plant will do for
you. Oh, and by the way, this plant contains chemicals with properties
that will assist the human body to regenerate it self. Here in, may be
a key, or a code signal from the plant world to us. Plants that allow
us to enjoy sillyness, may in fact be these types of plants that will
assist the body to regenerate themselves, so that we can be
perpetually youthful, in body and in mind. I think we need to look
into this, more closely. Even though the FDA, and the DEA state there
are no good medical uses for these types of plants, perhaps they are
wrong, in that they have over looked an important area of human health
and development, the need to regenerate the human body and brain.

2008-06-20 03:42:57 UTC
In Japan, there is one girl, who looks twenty eight or nine, who is
over three hundred years old, and one guy, who looks in his fifties or
so, who is over twelve hundred years old. Some islanders, a few, are
around four hundred years old. The Japanese government knows about
them, but doesn't say any thing about them. They all eat healthful
diets. The two persons I mentioned experiment with mountain herbals of
the psychotropic kind, along with marijuana in their diet and with
marijuana as a type of herbal brew, like Absinthe, with other plants,
such as hallucinogenic mushrooms, and tiny animals, such as
hallucinogenic sea urchins and hallucinogenic sea weeds that are
euphoric. We don't know how to make these brews, or how to include
these substances into our diet. The islanders have a potent narcotic,
hallucinogenic wild rice they cultivate, along with other fruits that
are mildly euphoric, and other plants that are also psychotropic. You
won't hear about them in the news, as the Japanese government is not
going to talk about them.

They are not that old, but they are being helped along with the body
regenerative, and restorative properties of the combinations of potent
plant substances and sea urchins they use. Finland has a potent
hallucinogenic sea urchin. The Chinese use it in their medicine. More
research needs to be spent on this area of study, to find out the body
restorative and regenerative properties of the many psychotropic
plants, and animals, that we can find on this planet. Some jelly fish
may also pack a pychotropic punch, but they are probably very rare, or
difficult to harvest for the average person, unless you can travel.
Lots of tiny animals can have psychotropic properties to their
spittle, or in their glands, but you need to be careful when
harvesting them, as some may also pack a venomous punch.

Plants are probably the best source for useful psychotropic
substances. How to use them, what to mix them with, how to ingest
them, how regularly one should ingest them, etc., takes lots of time
to study up on and figure out.

Old time patent medicines around the world probably had a head start
on using them, safely, as they were probably used in a similar manner
as was observed in studying indigenous folks and their use of them.

I suspect a large body of the literature is kept secret from the
casual, general reader, so as to not alert people to the usefulness of
these psychotropic substances.

Cory Albrecht
2008-06-20 15:52:43 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
In Japan, there is one girl, who looks twenty eight or nine, who is
over three hundred years old, and one guy, who looks in his fifties or
so, who is over twelve hundred years old. Some islanders, a few, are
around four hundred years old. The Japanese government knows about
them, but doesn't say any thing about them. They all eat healthful
diets. The two persons I mentioned experiment with mountain herbals of
the psychotropic kind, along with marijuana in their diet and with
marijuana as a type of herbal brew, like Absinthe, with other plants,
such as hallucinogenic mushrooms, and tiny animals, such as
You, my friend are overly credulous. Or perhaps you've been
experimenting with a few of these "herbs"?
Dwight E. Howell
2008-06-23 05:17:52 UTC
Post by Cory Albrecht
Post by j***@gmail.com
In Japan, there is one girl, who looks twenty eight or nine, who is
over three hundred years old, and one guy, who looks in his fifties or
so, who is over twelve hundred years old. Some islanders, a few, are
around four hundred years old. The Japanese government knows about
them, but doesn't say any thing about them. They all eat healthful
diets. The two persons I mentioned experiment with mountain herbals of
the psychotropic kind, along with marijuana in their diet and with
marijuana as a type of herbal brew, like Absinthe, with other plants,
such as hallucinogenic mushrooms, and tiny animals, such as
You, my friend are overly credulous. Or perhaps you've been
experimenting with a few of these "herbs"?
The oldest person on the planet died recently. It made the news. 115 and
her brain was in good shape. I think Scandinavian?
Cory Albrecht
2008-06-23 06:01:52 UTC
Post by Dwight E. Howell
Post by Cory Albrecht
Post by j***@gmail.com
In Japan, there is one girl, who looks twenty eight or nine, who is
over three hundred years old, and one guy, who looks in his fifties or
so, who is over twelve hundred years old. Some islanders, a few, are
around four hundred years old. The Japanese government knows about
them, but doesn't say any thing about them. They all eat healthful
diets. The two persons I mentioned experiment with mountain herbals of
the psychotropic kind, along with marijuana in their diet and with
marijuana as a type of herbal brew, like Absinthe, with other plants,
such as hallucinogenic mushrooms, and tiny animals, such as
You, my friend are overly credulous. Or perhaps you've been
experimenting with a few of these "herbs"?
The oldest person on the planet died recently. It made the news. 115 and
her brain was in good shape. I think Scandinavian?
Edna Parker of Indiana, USA, born 20 April 1893, is currently the oldest
living person. She becae the oldest living person when Yone Minigawa of
Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan died on 13 August 2007 at age 114, 7 months
and 9 days. The only Scandinavan to hold the title of oldest living
person was Lovisa Svensson of Sweden who died in 1963 at age 109, 2
months and 28 days.

The longest unambiguously documented lifespan is that of Jeanne Calment
of France (1875–1997), who died aged 122 years and 164 days.

In any case, that's an order of magnitude *less* than Jonatthehelm's
claim of "ne guy, who looks in his fifties or so, who is over twelve
hundred years old".
Rick Wagler
2008-06-23 06:39:51 UTC
Post by Dwight E. Howell
Post by Cory Albrecht
Post by j***@gmail.com
In Japan, there is one girl, who looks twenty eight or nine, who is
over three hundred years old, and one guy, who looks in his fifties or
so, who is over twelve hundred years old. Some islanders, a few, are
around four hundred years old. The Japanese government knows about
them, but doesn't say any thing about them. They all eat healthful
diets. The two persons I mentioned experiment with mountain herbals of
the psychotropic kind, along with marijuana in their diet and with
marijuana as a type of herbal brew, like Absinthe, with other plants,
such as hallucinogenic mushrooms, and tiny animals, such as
You, my friend are overly credulous. Or perhaps you've been
experimenting with a few of these "herbs"?
The oldest person on the planet died recently. It made the news. 115 and
her brain was in good shape. I think Scandinavian?
Edna Parker of Indiana, USA, born 20 April 1893, is currently the oldest
living person. She becae the oldest living person when Yone Minigawa of
Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan died on 13 August 2007 at age 114, 7 months
and 9 days. The only Scandinavan to hold the title of oldest living
person was Lovisa Svensson of Sweden who died in 1963 at age 109, 2
months and 28 days.

The longest unambiguously documented lifespan is that of Jeanne Calment
of France (1875-1997), who died aged 122 years and 164 days.

In any case, that's an order of magnitude *less* than Jonatthehelm's
claim of "ne guy, who looks in his fifties or so, who is over twelve
hundred years old".

* For heaven's sake don't tell him about that valley in
* the Hindu Kush.....

Rick Wagler
2008-06-23 14:31:34 UTC
Post by Cory Albrecht
Edna Parker of Indiana, USA, born 20 April 1893, is currently the oldest
living person. She becae the oldest living person when Yone Minigawa of
Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan died on 13 August 2007 at age 114, 7 months
and 9 days. The only Scandinavan to hold the title of oldest living
person was Lovisa Svensson of Sweden who died in 1963 at age 109, 2
months and 28 days.
My brain showed me these people. That's all the documentation I need.
My brain and how it functions is far superior to any thing they've got
out there, including the hubble telescope and all their space
observatories, and any thing else they'd like to compare, as my brain
can see over the past to the present to the future and is plugged into
the brain waves frequencies database, very actively. You wouldn't
believe the stuff I've seen going on in our universe relayed to my
visual optics nerves by my brain. By the way, my grandma was 114 when
she passed away, a few years ago. That's nothing. They've got
documented cases of older folks in Japan, or they did, when I was over
there. I forget their ages, it's too common place a thing. Lots of
islanders living on the tiny islands south of Kyushu live a long time.
They attribute their long lives to staying active out in their
gardens, rice paddy fields, and so forth.

2008-06-23 15:12:53 UTC
What about those large trees in Yosemite that grow for thousands of
years. Why couldn't there be species of humans that could evolve and
live for hundreds, thousands, and longer, years?

One of the underlying principles of evolution is to over whelm all
other life forms, competitively, and make your species the one that
dominates, and populates, most prolificly. Think wildebeasts, or
bison, for a clearer idea on that evolutionary principle. I'm sure
there are other examples.

If humans, who have done pretty well to overwhelm all other living
species, numbers wise, driven by evolutionary forces, developed the
organs that would allow them to live forever, that is, the organs that
are or would be, for sake of argument, responsible for repairing
things in the body when they get old, or worn, or unreliable, than why
is it so difficult to understand and accept?

People in our universe are in fact living in bodies that self repair
themselves. It is a very simple and easy process and there are
multitudes of organs, plus the organs themselves, that handle the
repair and replacement jobs. We don't even know how molecules, and sub
molecule animals reproduce or replace themselves, or possibly update

Why should we discount the possiblity that human bodies can do it,
update them selves, as well, if tiny molly cules, and sub molly cule
animals, etc., can do it. Fools, we are, for thinking we are so smart.
We can't even understand what a molecule is, and what they are doing,
day in and day out, most people, anyway, perhaps. Given a real
education, up close and personal, they could figure it out. These
crappy physicists of the establishment types, are blocking the way to
understanding what is going on with molly cules, and with all the
molly cule friends, who are also alive but in ways we are unable to
understand or comprehend, presently.

There are plenty of people in our universe, living in bodies, that do
not die. Why is it that we are so stupid that we can not allow
ourselves to comprehend it. Hummph. They're laughing at all of us, and
waiting for us to catch up. Huh. It's a big universe, and one of these
days, we're going to get it together, evolutionarily speaking, and
then we're going to meet these people, and say hi to them.

2008-06-23 15:31:37 UTC
By the way, what's the purpose or point of a human being's, or other
intelligent life form at the top, body developing evolutionarily to
the point it overwhelms all other life forms, and then lives forever?
It is probably an evolutionary principle we have not discovered yet.
It is the rule of the brain, principle. That is, someone has to be in
charge. There is no god, there is no creator. There is only the human
brain. The purpose or point would be that the human brain would rule
this universe. As yet, we have not gotten to that level of
evolutionary development, but other species of human beings in our
universe have, and possibly other species of intelligent life forms,
who are also at the top, such as frog people, or bug praying mantis
type people, so-called aliens, who are quite attractive, actually, and
I would go to bed with any of their women, any day, as they are real
dolls, cuter than you can believe, have possibly also developed bodies
that allow them to live forever. I don't know if they would like to
sleep with me, but they have such incredible sexual appeal and sexual
allure, you could almost faint when you look at them and their sexy
bodies. I don't know how the men folk feel about me talking about
them, this way, but anyway, it's the truth. Their sexual allure, and
romantic appeal is over whelming. And they are most definitely,
promiscuous people, without question. I think the men are probably the
jealous types, though, as is often the case with men. I am also
getting their negative vibes, as I type, so they are definitely
reading what I'm typing. Hi there! Hello to all of you! Peace! At
least, they probably think I'm funny. If not just generally stupid,
and outrageous. Oh well. Cheers!

2008-06-23 15:49:03 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
By the way, what's the purpose or point of a human being's, or other
intelligent life form at the top, body developing evolutionarily to
the point it overwhelms all other life forms, and then lives forever?
It is probably an evolutionary principle we have not discovered yet.
It is the rule of the brain, principle. That is, someone has to be in
charge. There is no god, there is no creator. There is only the human
brain. The purpose or point would be that the human brain would rule
this universe. As yet, we have not gotten to that level of
evolutionary development, but other species of human beings in our
universe have, and possibly other species of intelligent life forms,
who are also at the top, such as frog people, or bug praying mantis
type people, so-called aliens, who are quite attractive, actually, and
I would go to bed with any of their women, any day, as they are real
dolls, cuter than you can believe, have possibly also developed bodies
that allow them to live forever. I don't know if they would like to
sleep with me, but they have such incredible sexual appeal and sexual
allure, you could almost faint when you look at them and their sexy
bodies. I don't know how the men folk feel about me talking about
them, this way, but anyway, it's the truth. Their sexual allure, and
romantic appeal is over whelming. And they are most definitely,
promiscuous people, without question. I think the men are probably the
jealous types, though, as is often the case with men. I am also
getting their negative vibes, as I type, so they are definitely
reading what I'm typing. Hi there! Hello to all of you! Peace! At
least, they probably think I'm funny. If not just generally stupid,
and outrageous. Oh well. Cheers!
You know, I'll bet we've got alien folks, that is, people here
visiting us from far away places, reading the stuff we type on the
internet, and answering posts, pretending they are just regular people
living on this planet, but in fact, they are hacked into our network,
they have the technologies for that of course, and they are just
having fun, writing drivel, back to us, since we have so much drivel
to write, in the first place. It's probably a past time of theirs,
matching our drivel, with drivel they concoct to laugh at us with,
after they post it, just for fun. It's entertainment for them, though
they might not like me saying it, publicly like this. Oh well. See ya.

Someone should make a keyboard with the peace sign on it. What a bunch
of idiot low lifes these folks in Silicon Valley are. Oh yeah. They
are all post Woodstock, non-Hippy generation types, aren't they. What
are they, anyway? Generation 'X''ers, or something? All they're
interested in is skateboarding, inline skating, biking, rock climbing
which is good excercise, and other such nonsense. Maybe they should
try to think in terms of 'we are not alone' in this universe, and
maybe then they could design a better keyboard. What do you think? I
think we got a lot of folks who think that is probably a good idea.
Any ideas, suggestions? No need for rude remarks, thank you.

Cory Albrecht
2008-06-23 16:29:23 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
You know, I'll bet we've got alien folks, that is, people here
visiting us from far away places, reading the stuff we type on the
internet, and answering posts, pretending they are just regular people
living on this planet, but in fact, they are hacked into our network,
Damm! How did you figure me out? I;m actually an intelligent squid from
Rigel Kentaurus.

And if you believe that, I have a bridge on Aldebaran to sell you.
2008-06-23 17:54:31 UTC
Post by Cory Albrecht
Post by j***@gmail.com
You know, I'll bet we've got alien folks, that is, people here
visiting us from far away places, reading the stuff we type on the
internet, and answering posts, pretending they are just regular people
living on this planet, but in fact, they are hacked into our network,
Damm! How did you figure me out? I;m actually an intelligent squid from
Rigel Kentaurus.

These folks aren't squids. They are from the insects families, I
think. It's interesting, as the locals who hang around with them and
do the mating experiments with them, are looked on as "food" since
they/we came up through the primates, not the bugs.

Tom McDonald
2008-06-23 22:39:45 UTC
Post by Cory Albrecht
Post by j***@gmail.com
You know, I'll bet we've got alien folks, that is, people here
visiting us from far away places, reading the stuff we type on the
internet, and answering posts, pretending they are just regular people
living on this planet, but in fact, they are hacked into our network,
Damm! How did you figure me out? I;m actually an intelligent squid from
Rigel Kentaurus.
And if you believe that, I have a bridge on Aldebaran to sell you.
Is there much traffic on that bridge?
Cory Albrecht
2008-06-24 18:23:20 UTC
Post by Tom McDonald
Post by Cory Albrecht
Post by j***@gmail.com
You know, I'll bet we've got alien folks, that is, people here
visiting us from far away places, reading the stuff we type on the
internet, and answering posts, pretending they are just regular people
living on this planet, but in fact, they are hacked into our network,
Damm! How did you figure me out? I;m actually an intelligent squid from
Rigel Kentaurus.
And if you believe that, I have a bridge on Aldebaran to sell you.
Is there much traffic on that bridge?
Not really, but the upkeep is quite a toll which is why I'm looking to sell.
Masked Avenger
2008-06-23 15:46:37 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
Post by Cory Albrecht
Edna Parker of Indiana, USA, born 20 April 1893, is currently the oldest
living person. She becae the oldest living person when Yone Minigawa of
Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan died on 13 August 2007 at age 114, 7 months
and 9 days. The only Scandinavan to hold the title of oldest living
person was Lovisa Svensson of Sweden who died in 1963 at age 109, 2
months and 28 days.
My brain showed me these people. That's all the documentation I need.
My brain and how it functions is far superior to any thing they've got
out there, including the hubble telescope and all their space
observatories, and any thing else they'd like to compare, as my brain
can see over the past to the present to the future and is plugged into
the brain waves frequencies database, very actively. You wouldn't
believe the stuff I've seen going on in our universe relayed to my
visual optics nerves by my brain.
Oh I believe you 'think' that all this is happening .......... but I
seriously doubt anyone else does ....... I suspect that you've not only
had your brain washed ...... but you've had it waxed as well .......

seriously mate ........ stop taking the red ones ....... try the blue
ones next time .....
MA ....Yoiks .... and away .....

Only two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity
............. and I'm not sure about the Universe ..........
- A. Einstein

Does Schrödinger's cat have 18 half lives ?
2008-06-23 15:54:08 UTC
Post by Masked Avenger
Oh I believe you 'think' that all this is happening .......... but I
seriously doubt anyone else does ....... I suspect that you've not only
had your brain washed ...... but you've had it waxed as well .......
seriously mate ........ stop taking the red ones ....... try the blue
ones next time .....
MA ....Yoiks .... and away .....
Only two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity
............. and I'm not sure about the Universe ..........
  - A. Einstein
Does Schrödinger's cat have 18 half lives ?
Don't tell me? You are one of the folks visiting here from far away,
as I call them, you know, aliens? You sure sound like you're
pretending to be a dingbat, just for the fun of it. Having fun? Good
for you. How are your women, anyway? Humm? Tasty? Say hello to one of
them, for me. Bye.

2008-06-23 16:49:18 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
Post by Masked Avenger
Oh I believe you 'think' that all this is happening .......... but I
seriously doubt anyone else does ....... I suspect that you've not only
had your brain washed ...... but you've had it waxed as well .......
seriously mate ........ stop taking the red ones ....... try the blue
ones next time .....
MA ....Yoiks .... and away .....
Only two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity
............. and I'm not sure about the Universe ..........
  - A. Einstein
Does Schrödinger's cat have 18 half lives ?
Don't tell me? You are one of the folks visiting here from far away,
as I call them, you know, aliens? You sure sound like you're
pretending to be a dingbat, just for the fun of it. Having fun? Good
for you. How are your women, anyway? Humm? Tasty? Say hello to one of
them, for me. Bye.
Mistake on my part. They don't goof ball us, they let the idiot white
folks and black folks, etc., hanging around with them, goof ball us,
for them. They tend to not to want to get involved, as it isn't really
their game. I have no time for this crap, any further. Very funny,
isn't it. Ah well....

2008-06-23 17:23:31 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
Post by j***@gmail.com
Post by Masked Avenger
Oh I believe you 'think' that all this is happening .......... but I
seriously doubt anyone else does ....... I suspect that you've not only
had your brain washed ...... but you've had it waxed as well .......
seriously mate ........ stop taking the red ones ....... try the blue
ones next time .....
MA ....Yoiks .... and away .....
Only two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity
............. and I'm not sure about the Universe ..........
  - A. Einstein
Does Schrödinger's cat have 18 half lives ?
Don't tell me? You are one of the folks visiting here from far away,
as I call them, you know, aliens? You sure sound like you're
pretending to be a dingbat, just for the fun of it. Having fun? Good
for you. How are your women, anyway? Humm? Tasty? Say hello to one of
them, for me. Bye.
Mistake on my part. They don't goof ball us, they let the idiot white
folks and black folks, etc., hanging around with them, goof ball us,
for them. They tend to not to want to get involved, as it isn't really
their game. I have no time for this crap, any further. Very funny,
isn't it. Ah well....
Jonjon- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Why do you seem to be only answering yourself? Is schizophenia your
main problem? There are pills that might help, you know.
If your problem is pressing the 'send' button before 'thinking' your
position through, you still need help, though perhaps not psychiatric.

Masked Avenger
2008-06-24 11:10:06 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
Post by j***@gmail.com
Post by Masked Avenger
Oh I believe you 'think' that all this is happening .......... but I
seriously doubt anyone else does ....... I suspect that you've not only
had your brain washed ...... but you've had it waxed as well .......
seriously mate ........ stop taking the red ones ....... try the blue
ones next time .....
MA ....Yoiks .... and away .....
Only two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity
............. and I'm not sure about the Universe ..........
- A. Einstein
Does Schrödinger's cat have 18 half lives ?
Don't tell me? You are one of the folks visiting here from far away,
as I call them, you know, aliens? You sure sound like you're
pretending to be a dingbat, just for the fun of it. Having fun? Good
for you. How are your women, anyway? Humm? Tasty? Say hello to one of
them, for me. Bye.
Mistake on my part. They don't goof ball us, they let the idiot white
folks and black folks, etc., hanging around with them, goof ball us,
for them. They tend to not to want to get involved, as it isn't really
their game. I have no time for this crap, any further. Very funny,
isn't it. Ah well....
If you have no time for this crap ....... why are you still here posting
this crap ? ....... I mean you have spent way too long on the Opium
sunshine ........ seek help ......
MA ....Yoiks .... and away .....

Only two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity
............. and I'm not sure about the Universe ..........
- A. Einstein

Does Schrödinger's cat have 18 half lives ?
Day Brown
2008-06-28 03:23:33 UTC
Post by Cory Albrecht
Post by j***@gmail.com
In Japan, there is one girl, who looks twenty eight or nine, who is
over three hundred years old, and one guy, who looks in his fifties or
so, who is over twelve hundred years old. Some islanders, a few, are
around four hundred years old. The Japanese government knows about
them, but doesn't say any thing about them. They all eat healthful
diets. The two persons I mentioned experiment with mountain herbals of
the psychotropic kind, along with marijuana in their diet and with
marijuana as a type of herbal brew, like Absinthe, with other plants,
such as hallucinogenic mushrooms, and tiny animals, such as
You, my friend are overly credulous.
Post by Cory Albrecht
Or perhaps you've been
experimenting with a few of these "herbs"?
I experiment with lots of herbs and fungi. I've been at it for
decades, but at nearly 69, young women are interested enuf in the
effect of these ancient shamantic compounds to spend the nite with
me for the personal insights that result.

Its not "eternal youth" in the usual sense of the term, but Brahmin
understood the nature of time in ways the Levantine religions were
blissfully unaware of. If I provide a young woman with a sacred
potion, in the sacred place, at the sacred time, and in the sacred
way, she has both spiritual enlightenment and the most intense orgasmic
experience, and is eternally grateful.

And while this may be new to those here, it was well understood by both
the practicioners of Taoism and Tantra thousands of years ago, who also
had a different sense of what time was, and so succeeded in their search
for eternal youth.

The earliest Ashrams ever found were noted by EW Barber, "The Mummies of
Urumchi" on pg 151. There's several points, as remarkable as the report
Japanese report above. The Ashrams were not in China or India, but the
common source for both tantric traditions, at Gonur and Togoluk in what
is not Uzbekistan. Both 4000 years old. Both of which laid out in the
Kara Kum desert, with all the hordes and armies that have passed by all
these years, yet- neither of which even has any grafitti.

Both Ashrams had an apothecary, not that different from mine; likewise,
both had bowls on the floor with cannibis, ephedra, and opium. Of course
totally dessicated, but intact otherwise.

I agree that what you think are drugs can increase credulity. But they
can also, as the Vedic Soma songs attest time and again, remove the veil
that hides the truth of existence so that the above search becomes a
trivial problem. The trick is- in the sacred time, in the sacred way,
with the spirit guide with sacred intent. Otherwise, its just a
recreational drug, and the effects you are aware of we see as the
kharmic cost of blasphemy.
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http://www.pronews.com offers corporate packages that have access to 100,000+ newsgroups
2008-06-20 23:41:50 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
In Japan, there is one girl, who looks twenty eight or nine, who is
over three hundred years old, and one guy, who looks in his fifties or
so, who is over twelve hundred years old. Some islanders, a few, are
around four hundred years old. The Japanese government knows about
them, but doesn't say any thing about them. They all eat healthful
diets. The two persons I mentioned experiment with mountain herbals of
the psychotropic kind, along with marijuana in their diet and with
marijuana as a type of herbal brew, like Absinthe, with other plants,
such as hallucinogenic mushrooms, and tiny animals, such as
hallucinogenic sea urchins and hallucinogenic sea weeds that are
euphoric. We don't know how to make these brews, or how to include
these substances into our diet. The islanders have a potent narcotic,
hallucinogenic wild rice they cultivate, along with other fruits that
are mildly euphoric, and other plants that are also psychotropic. You
won't hear about them in the news, as the Japanese government is not
going to talk about them.
They are not that old, but they are being helped along with the body
regenerative, and restorative properties of the combinations of potent
plant substances and sea urchins they use. Finland has a potent
hallucinogenic sea urchin. The Chinese use it in their medicine. More
research needs to be spent on this area of study, to find out the body
restorative and regenerative properties of the many psychotropic
plants, and animals, that we can find on this planet. Some jelly fish
may also pack a pychotropic punch, but they are probably very rare, or
difficult to harvest for the average person, unless you can travel.
Lots of tiny animals can have psychotropic properties to their
spittle, or in their glands, but you need to be careful when
harvesting them, as some may also pack a venomous punch.
Plants are probably the best source for useful psychotropic
substances. How to use them, what to mix them with, how to ingest
them, how regularly one should ingest them, etc., takes lots of time
to study up on and figure out.
Old time patent medicines around the world probably had a head start
on using them, safely, as they were probably used in a similar manner
as was observed in studying indigenous folks and their use of them.
I suspect a large body of the literature is kept secret from the
casual, general reader, so as to not alert people to the usefulness of
these psychotropic substances.
I would like the reference.
2008-06-21 01:29:40 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
In Japan, there is one girl, who looks twenty eight or nine, who is
over three hundred years old, and one guy, who looks in his fifties or
so, who is over twelve hundred years old. Some islanders, a few, are
around four hundred years old. The Japanese government knows about
them, but doesn't say any thing about them. They all eat healthful
Yes, it's known as Monster Island. (koff koff)

Here's a couple of the inhabitants:


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2008-06-22 01:25:45 UTC
On some planets in our universe, there are viking women, and they
purchase the male slaves, then take them to thei homestead, leave them
outside, and then one by one, they lead them in, gut them, and then
chop up their vital organs, to then place in a beaker of brew with
flowers, ginger, ginseng, herbs, roots, potatoes, carrots, yams, and
other vegetables.

They would then let the mix brew for several years, at which time,
when the meat became nice and ripe, and stewed, or completely
saturated in the brew liqour, they would take tiny bits of the meat
out, and slice it up, and then drink a tiny bit of the brew and eat a
tiny bit of the meat strips.

The raw meat and liqour, and the tiny molecules that developed in the
brew liqour, would help nourish and add to their body's abilities to
rejuvenate itself, and remain young.

They would practice this way of eating, every few months, on a regular
basis, and they would virtually not grow old.

The same trick can be done with monkeys and other primates. You might
want to shave the monkeys before you slice them up and brew them with
carrots, potatoes, flowers, ginger, ginseng, herbs, roots, and so
forth. It will add to your lifespan, and you'll be living far longer
than will most other people.

2008-06-22 02:16:48 UTC
On some planets in our universe, there are viking women, and they
purchase the male slaves, then take them to their homestead, leave
them outside, and then one by one, they lead them in, gut them, and
then chop up their vital organs, to then place in a beaker of brew
with flowers, ginger, ginseng, herbs, roots, potatoes, carrots, yams,
and other vegetables.

They would then let the mix brew for several years, at which time,
when the meat became nice and ripe, and stewed, or completely
saturated in the brew liqour, they would take tiny bits of the meat
out, and slice it up, and then drink a tiny bit of the brew and eat a
tiny bit of the meat strips.

The raw meat and liqour, and the tiny molecules that developed in the
brew liqour, would help nourish and add to their body's abilities to
rejuvenate itself, and remain young.

They would practice this way of eating, every few months, on a regular
basis, and they would virtually not grow old.

The same trick can be done with monkeys and other primates. You might
want to shave the monkeys before you slice them up and brew them with
carrots, potatoes, flowers, ginger, ginseng, herbs, roots, and so
forth. It will add to your lifespan, and you'll be living far longer
than will most other people.

I forgot to add that in some primitive cultures in our universe, when
babies were born, the fathers, generally the chieftan leaders, would
take the excess babies, and eat them live and raw, without cooking
them. It's generally not difficult to imagine that early Incan "war
games" in soccer like arenas inside of palace walls where the
vanquished came to perform before they were killed, those games may
have been used to "tenderize" the young captured babies the chieftans
used as 'soccer balls', to then eat when tenderized fully enough.

The tribal fathers or chieftans would generally have to eat upwards of
twenty or so each before they got any measureable effect in as far as
how they felt and looked.

This allowed them to ingest the glandular systems, and other organs,
that produce growth hormones and other growth factors needed to
sustain youthful appearance, and yougthful health.

In making a brew concoction with male bodies or with female bodies, it
is best to use the younger ones, and that is also true for useing
monkeys in place of humans. The younger the better.

Acquiring human babies is one thing, though it is an every day
occurance, acquring them from the indigent classes in India, Pakistan,
Bangaladesh, Kuala Lumpur, Indonesia, and in many other places, but
it's probably best to stay clear of that, but to acquire baby monkeys,
is some thing most any one can do. You can even raise them, if you
have the right facilities, maintenance persons, know how, and so on.

Cory Albrecht
2008-06-22 04:32:40 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
On some planets in our universe, there are viking women, and they
purchase the male slaves, then take them to their homestead, leave
them outside, and then one by one, they lead them in, gut them, and
then chop up their vital organs, to then place in a beaker of brew
with flowers, ginger, ginseng, herbs, roots, potatoes, carrots, yams,
and other vegetables.

Have you been at those psychotropic "herbs" you think centuries old
Japanese people are eating?
2008-06-22 08:56:57 UTC
1) Buy two rhesus monkey's. Bind them well. Suffocate them with a
plastic bag over their heads. Hands and feet should be tied, well, and
the mouth should be gagged. after they perish, shave their hair off,
gut them, and prepare them for food. Place them in cold storage.

2) Purchase Wine Spirits, high potency wine.

3) Purchase or grow pyschotrobic plants, such as marijuana, salvia,
opium pods, coca leaves, opium related flowers, pschycotropic flowers,
peyote, etc.

4) Purchase or grow potatoes, carrots, ginseng, ginger, etc.

5) Parcel out resus monkey organs, and cut into tiny bits.

6) Combine all the above in a container or two. Fill and cover all
parts with wine spirits.

7) Add, raw sugar, a tiny bit, and raw ocean salt, a tiny bit, to each
container. Please add potassium chloride as well. Crush up a favorite
multi vitamin multi mineral tablet, and add to the contents. Add kelp.
Cover and place in cool refrigerator. Let store for five to ten years.

After five to ten years, remove, and slice up meat pieces to extra
tiny bite sized pieces. Eat several pieces, and drink some of the
brew. Place container back into refrigerator to continue to brew.
Repeat every 1, to 2, to 3 months. Within five years, you should
notice a difference in how you appear. Your skin will look fresher and
younger, your skin will start to have its lusterous appearance from an
earlier time, and sagging flesh will slowly regain its resilence. Your
internal organs will be in better shape, and you will be rejuvenating
your body to that of a much healthier and younger you. Repeat,
indefiniately. You will out live all of your friends, and thus you
will need to make new friends, and you stay healthy, vivacious, and
alive. Vary types of monkey's you use, to get a wider spectrum of
replacement part resources for your body.

Cory Albrecht
2008-06-22 22:24:58 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
1) Buy two rhesus monkey's. Bind them well. Suffocate them with a
plastic bag over their heads. Hands and feet should be tied, well, and
the mouth should be gagged. after they perish, shave their hair off,
gut them, and prepare them for food. Place them in cold storage.
Go see a psychiatrist, now.

Oh, and never, *EVER* go near children or have one of your own.
2008-06-22 23:00:34 UTC
Post by Cory Albrecht
Post by j***@gmail.com
1) Buy two rhesus monkey's. Bind them well. Suffocate them with a
plastic bag over their heads. Hands and feet should be tied, well, and
the mouth should be gagged. after they perish, shave their hair off,
gut them, and prepare them for food. Place them in cold storage.
Go see a psychiatrist, now.
Oh, and never, *EVER* go near children or have one of your own.
It works for viking women on planets in our universe, cannibalizing
males, after curing their bodies in potent brews with herbs, roots,
flowers, as well as psychotropic plants, for several years or more. I
have seen them do it, putting together their recipes in their
kitchens. My brain showed me them doing it. My brain picks up video
images as well as audio of goings on in our universe. I have seen some
quite amazing things, at night and into the morning, just as I'm
waking up. And they are not dreams. Dreams are entirely different.
These are video movies and some can be really awe inspiring, not to
mention, eye opening. The brain waves energies and frequencies
universal data base keep all of the video and audio on storage, as
I've mentioned about, before, in my discussion of beamers, for any one
to access. The trick is, how to tune your brain into it to download
video from it. I've seen some really beautiful things, goings on in
parts of our universe, and some really scary stuff, as well. We are so
naive and haven't got a clue as to what is really happening in our
universe. Meditative skills and the use of the powerful sexual
energies while engaging in sexual activities for meditative purposes
can help tune your brains into that database, if you work at it.
Meditatively preparing your self for it, the complete abandonment
denial, or release of self, is needed, as well, before you can get
started. It takes practice, but it can be achieved.


Here is info on what's needed to get a commune started up, with one
other person, to begin with. I am looking for one other person who is
interested in setting up a commune on one of the Pacific islands. With
a minimum of one other person to start, we will be needing $14,000 USD
and change to get it started. Thanks.

Email me at: jonatthehelm @ gmail . com
Sam Buckland
2008-06-22 23:05:29 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
Post by Cory Albrecht
Post by j***@gmail.com
1) Buy two rhesus monkey's. Bind them well. Suffocate them with a
plastic bag over their heads. Hands and feet should be tied, well, and
the mouth should be gagged. after they perish, shave their hair off,
gut them, and prepare them for food. Place them in cold storage.
Go see a psychiatrist, now.
Oh, and never, *EVER* go near children or have one of your own.
It works for viking women on planets in our universe, cannibalizing
males, after curing their bodies in potent brews with herbs, roots,
flowers, as well as psychotropic plants, for several years or more. I
have seen them do it,
You've SEEN "viking women on other planets"?

Back SLOWLY away from the bong, son. You've had enough.
2008-06-23 13:07:17 UTC
Post by Sam Buckland
You've SEEN "viking women on other planets"?
You bet I have, in a movie my brain played to me, one morning. They're
awsome people who ride very large horses. No viking men. Maybe the men
were out to sea? Only the wretched, impoverished, poor, frail, and
weak men, indigents, bought up as slaves, coraled, and then taken to
the viking women's compound, cut and parceled up to be used in
medicinal brews for promoting longevity. One thing, they loved and
used lots of flowers in their health and longevity promoting medicinal
brews. Awsome sunrise scene by the sea, too. Wonderful planet to live
Post by Sam Buckland
Back SLOWLY away from the bong, son. You've had enough.
Ha. Never touch the stuff.

Cory Albrecht
2008-06-23 00:44:48 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
kitchens. My brain showed me them doing it. My brain picks up video
images as well as audio of goings on in our universe. I have seen some
quite amazing things, at night and into the morning, just as I'm
waking up. And they are not dreams. Dreams are entirely different.
Again, lay off the psychotropics go see a psychiatrist *NOW*.
Cory Albrecht
2008-06-20 15:56:44 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
What plants or herbs are there, do you think, that will aide the human
body to regrow itself? There must be some plants out there, that
assist the function of the human body to repair itself. I wonder what
those plants are.
Sorry, but there's no such magic plant. While many plants have medicinal
qualities, no plant will have fantasy compounds that will "aide the
human body to regrow itself".

We're better off using genetics to try and understand stem cells and the
Hayflick limit.
2008-06-23 12:22:24 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
What plants or herbs are there, do you think, that will aide the human
body to regrow itself? There must be some plants out there, that
assist the function of the human body to repair itself. I wonder what
those plants are.
Perrenial youth is the agenda here, and it would seem that plants that
appeal them selves to us, as perrenially youthful, in some remarkable
way that is noticable by us, might be the advertizing sign display, of
plants, as they communicate to humans, that, this is what they are
useful for.
I would guess that there is some extract that can be made from some of
these plants, that would assist the human body in rebuilding itself.
We have a rudimentary repair system, just as all animals do, and cuts
heal, skin repairs itself, finger nails and toe nails, and hair
continue to grow, skin grows and replaces itself, organs grow and
replace themselves, and even teeth grow, and replace themselves,
though it is not noticeable to us.
These processes, many of course, have noticed and commented on, and
there are probably lots of scientific research and analysis into it.
But the question still remains. Where in the plant world, will we find
plants that come to our aide to give us what we need, to rejuvenate
the human body.
We find plants that provide us with many things, besides food, of
course. Opium poppy flowers, and prickley lettuce plants, and possibly
other plants, exude latex gums that have opiates in them, or chemicals
similar to opiates, that help us with our needs to fight off pains in
our bodies. It seems there is an intelligence in the plants, an
intuitive intelligence, and that intelligence led to the development
of the latex gums liquids that assist humans in their needs for
finding ways to cope with pains in their bodies.
There must be intuitive intelligence in plants that developed plant
chemicals that assist the human body with regeneration of body parts,
for example, and with rejuvenation of the human body.
What research is there, that we can learn about, that will assist us
in understanding what these plants are, that intuitively developed
chemicals that allow the human body to more robustly regenerate
itself, and rejuvenate itself.
Not only humans need to regenerate and rejuvenate themselves, but all
animals need to, so it is a high level agenda, you would think, or a
priority issue, that plants long ago, must have picked up on, and
developed in their tiny laboratories, inside their stalks, roots,
branches, flowers, and leaves.
There must be lots of indigenous people in America, and in other
countries of the world, who noticed these things, and kept
information, orally, or otherwise, on what plants were good for what
I think this body of information, probably exists in various forms,
texts, computer databases, and so forth, and is held or kept by
individuals who do not wish to share it with others.
It is one of these areas where people are trying to use the
information for making a buck, at the expense of other people, who
have a right to learn about this information.
This kind of information probably exists in all the countries on our
planet, and it is held by handfuls of people, who do not care about
the needs of the ordinary people.
I think this information must be shared with all the people of this
planet, who can access it, via computer, or library, or educational
institution, etc., as it is something every one has a right to learn
There must be a lot of this, going on, useful plants information
withheld from others out of greed or stingyness. It's too bad that we
are the way we are, that there are greedy and stingy people,
interested in making a buck for themselves, and not caring about
In any case, we need to learn about plants and their use for assisting
the human bodies' repair systems. It's strange that there is this body
of knowledge, but it is not available to the ordinary people. We are
being cheated here, which is understandable, just as there are people
who go out into the coastal waters off the Bahamas, or Florida, or
Cuba, and so forth, looking for gold for self profit, there are people
who have this information, who are only interested in using it for
gaining self profit.
If this information were to be turned over to all people on this
planet, it would assist in our evolutionary development as a species
of animals, living in harmony with our environment.
It's too bad we are not given the opportunity to exploit fully, all
that there is to know and use for the purpose of healing our bodies,
and for regenerating them, and making them as good as new, again.
One day, we'll have this information, but it won't come, any time
soon, with out a struggle with the people who possess it and who do
not wish to share it with others.
We all have in us, tiny organs that help with the repair of our
bodies, such as when we get cuts, or scrapes, or broken bones, our
bodies go to work inside, fixing and repairing the damages. I'm pretty
sure we have dedicated organs in our bodies, though they may not be
all that well developed, at this point in time, due to our early
evolutionary status, but with the help of plants toxins, we can
nurture these organs on, and assist them in doing their jobs, and we
might find that we can repair teeth, finger nails, toe nails, skin,
and hair with the assistance of their chemicals, not to mention, the
organs in our bodies.
It seems to me, we need to get this information, and make it available
to all people. This will help us in our efforts to move forward, along
with the plant world, evolutionarily speaking.
That the U.S. government, or other governments, or the DEA, or the
FDA, or the FBI, would interfere with our experimentation with plants,
in our efforts to find plants that will assist us in our needs for
evolutionary development, seems a crime, to me. If we need to
experiment with psychotropic plants, plants that cause hallucinations,
or plants that cause euphoria, or a mental high, then we have the
right to experiment with them, if these plants show promise to us that
they may assist our bodies, in regenerating themselves.
Youthful exuberance, or the willingness to play, among children, if we
look at this, and then if we compare the plants we know about, that
give us euphoric highs, maybe there in, is a clue to us, that we are
over looking. Maybe that clue is saying, here is a plant, that allows
you to be perpetually young in spirit. Just smoke some of it, or make
a beverage of it, and see for your self, what this plant will do for
you. Oh, and by the way, this plant contains chemicals with properties
that will assist the human body to regenerate it self. Here in, may be
a key, or a code signal from the plant world to us. Plants that allow
us to enjoy sillyness, may in fact be these types of plants that will
assist the body to regenerate themselves, so that we can be
perpetually youthful, in body and in mind. I think we need to look
into this, more closely. Even though the FDA, and the DEA state there
are no good medical uses for these types of plants, perhaps they are
wrong, in that they have over looked an important area of human health
and development, the need to regenerate the human body and brain.
Google > Mangostein, that's your answer.
2008-06-23 12:35:35 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
What are the problems with the human races?
Prior to our becoming civilized, we were part of a vigorous
evolutionary development program, that involved apes promiscuously
sexing, along the equatorial warm tropical coasts on all of the
continents of this planet.
We are not the children of Abraham, or whoever, as some misguided
religionists types might want you to believe. We did not evolve from
one "lucy", as some misguided anthropologists might want to have you
We evolved vigorously, so rapidly, we are at a point in time now,
where we are still trying to understand what it is we are.
Unfortunately, we have the dogmas of the monotheistic big three,
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, not to mention, Brahmanism,
Zorastrianism, and possibly others that believe in an absolutist
creator god, hampering us.
We don't realize it, but we were in a race with other animals, to see
who would evolve, first, as a life form with higher intelligence. I
think we can say, we beat every one else, that is, all of the animals
on this planet, and we came out, way ahead of every other animal on
this planet.
The trouble is, now, these religions we developed interfere with our
lives. I've explained already, that these religions are operating in
such a way as to hinder our evolutionary progress.
If we let them hinder us, we can not continue to develope ourselves as
an evolving species, to any remarkable extent. I think it is in our
interests to understand that our salvation lies not in religion, and
not in some life after death, but in evolution.
We can evolve into higher and higher life forms, that one day, will be
so advanced, our bodies will repair themselves from the wear and tear
of daily living. That means, when our teeth get chipped, or worn down,
they will automatcially regrow. When our bones deteriorate, they will
regrow. When our skin ages, it will rejuvenate itself, and regain a
youthful appearance. Our bodies will be able to handle all the wear
and tear on it, and reqrow, and replace the cells that are needed, to
continue on, with a youthful appearance and youthful health. Age and
aging will become a non issue, once we reach this level of
evolutionary development. We will, in essence, stop aging, and we will
remain youthful, and healthy. This is the next stop on the ride to
evolutionary development. We have evolved intelligence. Now, we need
to evolve, perpetuity of the species. Once we reach that level of
evolutionary development, perpetuity, then, life gets interesting, for
There are people in our universe, who have evolved to that point.
There are people who evolved to that level of physical endurance, life
and living perpetually, and they do not age, and their bodies repair
themselves. They have organs in their bodies, that evolved, that
handle all the repair operations.
In our bodies, we have proccesses that occur, that repair every day,
scrapes, scratches, cuts to the skin, chipped bones, broken bones, and
so forth. But this is part of a rudimentary repair system that all
animals have.
Evolutionarily, there are people in our universe, who developed much
more highly sophisticated repair systems, and they virtually do not
need to worry about aging and dying. They stay young, and for many of
them, their bodies regrow.
Yes, some of them reach a point, after many millions or billions of
years, where their bodies can not go on any longer, and their bodies
begin to slow down, and then the repair proccesses shut down.
Environmental radiation, for example, is one reason, the repair
processes of people's bodies slowly shut down. There are also diseases
that cause this to happen in some people.
These people, who with highly evolved body repair systems, who live
for millions, or billions of years, or perhaps, even longer, they
populate our universe, and live in advanced cultures and societies,
with highly sophisticated technologies to support their existence.
I mentioned, a brain wave frequencies database that has all of the
information in it on everything and on everyone who has ever lived.
There are technologies that can tap into this brain wave frequencies
database, and out of it, they can produce, anything needed.
This sounds impossible, but it is not. They can produce a living
chicken, or a living duck, or a living salmon, or a half dozen rolled
cigars, for that matter.
This type of technology is advanced molecular manipulation technology.
We can call it, particalization technology. There is also,
departicalization technology, that allows people to recycle molecules.
It takes a lot of energy to departicalize an object, but it can be
done with the right technologies. Particalizing something, is far more
difficult, since you can't particalize something, unless you can get
it imaged, properly. How do you image an object? It takes brain wave
frequencies to image an object, before the object can be particalized.
It is not a difficult process, but we haven't developed it, as yet. We
don't even know, or haven't even discovered that there is a brain wave
frequencies database, where in, we can find every thing needed for
molecularly structuring objects we would like to particalize. If we
don't know that it exists, how can we experiment with it? We can't.
But that doesn't mean, that other civilizations in our universe,
haven't experimented with it, and solved the problems involved.
Once the technologies are developed, then, there is an unlimited
wealth for food, and resources, right at our finger tips. Once the
technologies are developed, then it is just a matter of supplying the
energies needed to operate the technologies.
We have a lot of brainy people on this planet, but let's face it, we
don't know anything about this universe we are living in, and we don't
have the sciences we need to be able to understand our universe and
the processes involved in it.
We are an evolved species of intelligent beings, but we are not going
anywhere, right now, that is, we are at a standstill, thanks to the
monotheistic big three, as I've explained about.
Unless, we continue our evolutionary development on this planet, and
get to the point where are bodies and brains are self perpetuating,
that is, if we don't get to the point where we have in our bodies, all
the organs that are needed to constantly and continuously rebuild our
bodies and brains, then we have no chance of getting to any level of
living that is above this common, ordinary, dreary, short existence we
are stuck in, that begins as babies, and ends in old age.
It doesn't matter too much, as we are going to be here, for eternity,
and we come back, again and again, in one life, after the next, and
because as I said, there are people who are in our universe, who did
evolve far enough and who do, as a result, have self perpetuating self
repairing bodies and brains.
But. If we want to move the human race further along evolutionarily
than it is now, we will have to make some changes, in how things are
I have set out some ideas on how we need to change things, to restart
evolutionary development. In light of the need to continue with our
evolutionary development, it would seem wise, to change things,
So ,with no religion, we need no government morals only public
opinion,because there are no right and wrong ,only what you think is
right and what I think is right ,so if enough people, think queer sex
is ok ,and out vote you ,that's the law, if enough people think
seatbelts are ok ,that's ok, if enough people smoke with their child
in the car,that's ok (more people smoke than are Republicans) then
again Jefferson was a Democrat and tobacco grower.If I like your wife
and I take her by force,thank your religious morals based government
for getting her back
Cory Albrecht
2008-06-20 04:00:56 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
Unfortunately, we have the dogmas of the monotheistic big three,
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, not to mention, Brahmanism,
Zorastrianism, and possibly others that believe in an absolutist
creator god, hampering us.
We don't realize it, but we were in a race with other animals, to see
who would evolve, first, as a life form with higher intelligence. I
think we can say, we beat every one else, that is, all of the animals
on this planet, and we came out, way ahead of every other animal on
this planet.
Your idea of being in a race to see which species developed intelligence
first has just as much teleology in it as do those religions you're
smacking down.

Even as just an analogy it's still a very flawed on because running a
race presupposes a goal which presupposes an intelligence.

Evolution is not goal oriented, there was no race and no species was
"trying" to evolve higher intelligence. While we humans may be
intelligent now and capable of affecting our evolution, how does a
proto-ape 20 million years ago "choose" to develop sentience? Simple
answer - it can't and it doesn't.
2008-06-20 11:40:49 UTC
Post by Cory Albrecht
Evolution is not goal oriented, there was no race and no species was
"trying" to evolve higher intelligence. While we humans may be
intelligent now and capable of affecting our evolution, how does a
proto-ape 20 million years ago "choose" to develop sentience? Simple
answer - it can't and it doesn't.
Evolution is what helps it along so that its descendants have it.
jerry warner
2008-06-21 06:09:35 UTC
Post by Cory Albrecht
Post by j***@gmail.com
Unfortunately, we have the dogmas of the monotheistic big three,
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, not to mention, Brahmanism,
Zorastrianism, and possibly others that believe in an absolutist
creator god, hampering us.
We don't realize it, but we were in a race with other animals, to see
who would evolve, first, as a life form with higher intelligence. I
think we can say, we beat every one else, that is, all of the animals
on this planet, and we came out, way ahead of every other animal on
this planet.
Your idea of being in a race to see which species developed intelligence
first has just as much teleology in it as do those religions you're
smacking down.
Even as just an analogy it's still a very flawed on because running a
race presupposes a goal which presupposes an intelligence.
Evolution is not goal oriented, there was no race and no species was
"trying" to evolve higher intelligence. While we humans may be
intelligent now and capable of affecting our evolution, how does a
proto-ape 20 million years ago "choose" to develop sentience? Simple
answer - it can't and it doesn't.
The guy doesnt begin to understand evolution, or care.
2008-06-22 18:54:28 UTC
Post by jerry warner
The guy doesnt begin to understand evolution, or care.
Sorry, but my brain is superior to any text for figuring out what is
going on with evolution, at least, that much of it that I am concerned
with. Once you understand the basics, given the whole picture of how
it works for every one living in our universe, along with how our
universe got started, which was also a process of evolution, the rest
will naturally fall into place, given enough time and thought. I'd
rather rely on my brain than on the 'establishment', which is going
relatively nowhere, led by persons associated in one way or another
with the big three monotheistics, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

Cory Albrecht
2008-06-22 22:33:48 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
Post by jerry warner
The guy doesnt begin to understand evolution, or care.
Sorry, but my brain is superior to any text for figuring out what is
going on with evolution, at least, that much of it that I am concerned
with. Once you understand the basics, given the whole picture of how
it works for every one living in our universe, along with how our
universe got started, which was also a process of evolution, the rest
will naturally fall into place, given enough time and thought. I'd
rather rely on my brain than on the 'establishment', which is going
relatively nowhere, led by persons associated in one way or another
with the big three monotheistics, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
Ah, so you think you know more than any biologist?

The fact that you think that evolution is a race with species "trying"
to become intelligent before others shows that you don;t know squat
about biology or evolution.

The fact that you think there are Japanese people who are centuries old
by using psychotropic herbs means that you are too credulous and that
your brain is not something that should be relied upon.

Also, the fact that you think that science is being led along the
Abrahamic faiths would seem to mean that you are completely ignorant of
how fundamentalist Christians are trying wreck science education and
science in general. While individual scientists may be religious,
science as an establishment is not.