The Inconvenient Truth
2010-05-24 18:09:55 UTC
"now replying", shit fer brains? I've been on usenet, using this one handle,
for months now, dumbass. You're nym-shifting right now with the
bastardization of my handle and all the other nyms you are using.
Yeah, I'm the tweaker, right.
Sit boy! Roll over!
Good dog!
for months now, dumbass. You're nym-shifting right now with the
bastardization of my handle and all the other nyms you are using.
Yeah, I'm the tweaker, right.
Sit boy! Roll over!
Good dog!
Check out the big brain on Tweaker...
in thread subject "Re: Inconsitencies and Implausibility of the Official
911 Legend (a Legend is a false mythic story)"
without checking it ?
uh, weren't you paying attention the last ten years? the director of
the fbi himself said that they cannot validate any of the alleged
hijackers. and that's not to say that there aren't kook theories out
there. But
I just can't decide which is funnier...the kookier stories about 9-11
or the unwillingness of the right to look at ANYTHING outside of it's
comfy box.
And you're so stupid you have no fucking clue you're desperately sucking
on a thread started by one of the most notorious nutball screeders
anywhere on the net, in the nutball groups where he wants you to make a
moron of yourself by answering him, his nutball friends, and assorted
freaks and gullible tools.
Tweak again, you stupid fucking tweaker.
Bertt Farve
-I think, therefore it's obvious you're dumber that dogshit
in thread subject "Re: Inconsitencies and Implausibility of the Official
911 Legend (a Legend is a false mythic story)"
Can you provide an article stating that none of the hijackers have
been found alive or have been interviewed by the BBC despite claims
to the opposite in the media?
You mean that you have blindly accepted a story off a kook sitebeen found alive or have been interviewed by the BBC despite claims
to the opposite in the media?
without checking it ?
uh, weren't you paying attention the last ten years? the director of
the fbi himself said that they cannot validate any of the alleged
hijackers. and that's not to say that there aren't kook theories out
there. But
I just can't decide which is funnier...the kookier stories about 9-11
or the unwillingness of the right to look at ANYTHING outside of it's
comfy box.
And you're so stupid you have no fucking clue you're desperately sucking
on a thread started by one of the most notorious nutball screeders
anywhere on the net, in the nutball groups where he wants you to make a
moron of yourself by answering him, his nutball friends, and assorted
freaks and gullible tools.
Tweak again, you stupid fucking tweaker.
Bertt Farve
-I think, therefore it's obvious you're dumber that dogshit