Stu Gotz
2007-05-29 23:25:52 UTC
On May 26, 4:39 pm, "Ford T. FreezerClown"
pot head loser.
Exhibit #1, a Racist remark and an unsubstantiated assumption.Both of his aliases. Just wanted to show what a pathetic lying sack of
he was.
For the record, you showed nothing but speculation, you nigger talkingshit
he was.
pot head loser.
And I'm bored - My wife took our daughter to her Mom's this
Exhibit #2, the delusion continues. Another unsubstantiatedweekend.
And a divorced loser as well.assumption. To this Moron, 1 and 1 equals whatever the voices in his
head tell him.
Hmmm - Oh - I'll go smoke a bowl and watch Spinal Tap.
I rest my case, ladies and gentlemen. You have just witnessed thenadir of human existence. People constantly stoned on drugs never make
avoid it!