There - I blocked the fucker.
(too old to reply)
Stu Gotz
2007-05-29 23:25:52 UTC
On May 26, 4:39 pm, "Ford T. FreezerClown"
Both of his aliases. Just wanted to show what a pathetic lying sack of
he was.
For the record, you showed nothing but speculation, you nigger talking
pot head loser.
Exhibit #1, a Racist remark and an unsubstantiated assumption.
And I'm bored - My wife took our daughter to her Mom's this
And a divorced loser as well.
Exhibit #2, the delusion continues. Another unsubstantiated
assumption. To this Moron, 1 and 1 equals whatever the voices in his
head tell him.
Hmmm - Oh - I'll go smoke a bowl and watch Spinal Tap.
I rest my case, ladies and gentlemen. You have just witnessed the
nadir of human existence. People constantly stoned on drugs never make
Please tell us what Substance, if any, caused your dementia, so we can
avoid it!
He took too many shots to the head when he was the deputy of Mayberry.
2007-05-31 19:17:21 UTC
Non resposive! More insane drivel. Go play Russian Roulette with an
automatic, you horse's patute!
You've got to be kidding asking for a serious response on the subject
of moral degenerates.
Ford T. FreezerClown
2007-05-31 20:49:44 UTC
Post by j***@yahoo.com
You've got to be kidding asking for a serious response on the subject
of moral degenerates.
No - please don't address it. Conversation finished.
2007-05-31 20:56:35 UTC
As the law is absolute, according to your statement, anyone committing
should be jailed, no?
Physical assault? Yes. There is no such thing as mental assault, if
this is where you are going with this. The latter is a manifestation
of this sick and twisted post modern era thinking that people are too
fragile mentally to be verbally insulted, the "egg shell skull"
defense. It has been among the few remedies for fringe groups who have
no power or influence in society, the ones that have to run to the
ACLU to get what they want, instead of doing it themselves.
BTW, Most would consider a Racist and a Bigot a Moral degenerate,
whether you care or not about what they think.
"Most," as you term it, would be comprised of egalitarians who believe
that all people, races, ethnicities, beliefs, cultures, etc, are
placed on the same moral plane.

What you consider racism or bigotry is expression of personal opinion.
I am not bound by any law to like or approve of anyone I don't want
