Terrys Linux vs Windows visitors statistics
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Cork Soaker
2008-12-02 03:44:29 UTC
One for all, and all for $17 a month from Microshit!!
Cork Soaker
2008-12-02 04:24:51 UTC
Consider this: Vista is a year old and is already batting 20 percent
according to most web stats.
Consider this, XP is 7 years old and according to my records only doing
twice as well as Linux, which is doing better than Vista.
Is this a troll?
Cork Soaker
2008-12-02 03:43:18 UTC
Consider this: Vista is a year old and is already batting 20 percent
according to most web stats.
Consider this, XP is 7 years old and according to my records only doing
twice as well as Linux, which is doing better than Vista.
You can't be serious?
This was already explained to you but you seem to have missed the point.
Consider that the BBC, a pretty generic site that is visited by all kinds
of users, had Linux pegged at 0.8 percent of their hits which is one reason
why they did not write a Linux based plugin for the site.
Even Microsoft would love XP to go away, lol.
And Ford is hoping your car falls apart so you can buy another one.
As for Microsoft's demise as you call it, it will come when Microsoft
releases a product tat nobody wants and they will find and use an
alternative product.
Consider Windows ME, Windows Vista.....Linux is out there and free. So
why is it still siting at less than 1 percent of desktop market share?
You keep saying 1% of the desktop share, but I see it at 20.5%. Do you
have a web-server, if so what are your stats ?
Like I said, you can't be serious?
1) Terry is completely clueless as the following points will explain ...
2) He is unable to differentiate between OSS and Linux. He thinks
Firefox and Gimp are "Linux programs" for example.
3) He thinks "available" means "can get hold of" and not "runs
and this is the clincher and you wont believe it,
4) Terry's website is dedicated to Linux solutions.
Yes. That's right. He maintains that 20.5% of his visitors use Linux
(probably Firefox) and that this is representative of the world at
large. He does actually think that 20% or more of the world's desktop
users use Linux.
I think he might need medical help.
Hardon is thick as fuck.
Kadaitcha Man
2008-12-02 06:03:31 UTC
Cork Soaker, ye toilet-scrubbing shame of rome, what a fool art thou, a
Post by Cork Soaker
Hardon is thick as fuck.
That's called a priapism.
"We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us."
Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 [129]

Hammer of Thor: February 2007.
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Join me for dinner. I'm cooking corrupted numbat intestines and peacock
droppings extract accentuated with fried droppings inside disturbing
dead animals, served in a cooling mug filled with raw rat brain,
flavourless croutons of sardine, congealed blood, a side of echidna
rectum and a drink of pap smear scrapings.
Cork Soaker
2008-12-02 23:20:16 UTC
Post by Kadaitcha Man
Cork Soaker, ye toilet-scrubbing shame of rome, what a fool art thou, a
Post by Cork Soaker
Hardon is thick as fuck.
That's called a priapism.

So noted, Sir Knight.

Cork Soaker
2008-12-02 03:42:43 UTC
Consider this: Vista is a year old and is already batting 20 percent
according to most web stats.
Consider this, XP is 7 years old and according to my records only doing
twice as well as Linux, which is doing better than Vista.
You can't be serious?
This was already explained to you but you seem to have missed the point.
You've already been told, by Microslut, that Linux use is more near 17%.
Consider that the BBC, a pretty generic site that is visited by all kinds
of users, had Linux pegged at 0.8 percent of their hits which is one reason
why they did not write a Linux based plugin for the site.
Consider the type of people that watch BBC programs.
Even Microsoft would love XP to go away, lol.
And Ford is hoping your car falls apart so you can buy another one.
But not because their new model is shite.
As for Microsoft's demise as you call it, it will come when Microsoft
releases a product tat nobody wants and they will find and use an
alternative product.
Consider Windows ME, Windows Vista.....Linux is out there and free. So
why is it still siting at less than 1 percent of desktop market share?
You keep saying 1% of the desktop share, but I see it at 20.5%. Do you
have a web-server, if so what are your stats ?
Like I said, you can't be serious?
Yes I do have a web server and my stats are just about 99 percent Windows.
There's a shocker!
And for the same reason, they are just as inaccurate a sampling as yours
In any event, the desktop is only *one* area. Linux owns the embedded
market these days, and that means netbooks, phones, routers, wifi
and even motherboards etc.
It doesn't own it but those are good markets for Linux and Linux is indeed
gaining momentum there.
This is a market Microsoft would love to own, but it's beyond their reach.
Probably but they have never been able to overcome the hurdle of the
proprietary systems already out there.