Dakota still feeling the pain and humiliation from being exposed as a three-time liar
(too old to reply)
Robert Duncan
2014-03-27 11:43:56 UTC
I'm going to change what I posted about Duncan. It's not him and nine
like minded pals. It's Duncan and nine of his sockpuppets. Shifting
nyms is just his way of telling us how honest he is.
Still feeling the pain and humiliation from being exposed as a liar I
That's just what I wanted.
I knew you'd never respond to Robert Duncan, so like Samuel L. Clemens
I decided to use a "nom de plume" instead.
It didn't matter to me who got the glory, as long as you felt the pain
and humiliation.
See how that works?
Yes .. it means you're a disgusting pathetic excuse for a human being. YOu
sicken me...
Why? For exposing liar, like you?

In that case, it's good that I sicken you.

You must still be feeling the pain and humiliation too.

Robert Duncan
2014-03-27 12:02:54 UTC
I'm going to change what I posted about Duncan. It's not him and
like minded pals. It's Duncan and nine of his sockpuppets.
Shifting nyms is just his way of telling us how honest he is.
Still feeling the pain and humiliation from being exposed as a liar
I see.
That's just what I wanted.
I knew you'd never respond to Robert Duncan, so like Samuel L.
Clemens I decided to use a "nom de plume" instead.
It didn't matter to me who got the glory, as long as you felt the
pain and humiliation.
See how that works?
Yes .. it means you're a disgusting pathetic excuse for a human
being. YOu sicken me...
Why? For exposing liars, like you?
I don't lie. But you are just a nasty mean little bullly
Your descendants, that is, if you ever have any, will disown and
disclaim having any relationship with you after they read that one line.

"...nasty mean little bullly".

That's just too funny.
In that case, it's good that I sicken you.
That's just what I wanted.
Fuck off cunt
I should get a trophy for this one.
2014-03-27 14:34:37 UTC
I'm going to change what I posted about Duncan. It's not him and
like minded pals. It's Duncan and nine of his sockpuppets.
Shifting nyms is just his way of telling us how honest he is.
Still feeling the pain and humiliation from being exposed as a liar
I see.
That's just what I wanted.
I knew you'd never respond to Robert Duncan, so like Samuel L.
Clemens I decided to use a "nom de plume" instead.
For the deceitful idiot Duncan to compare himself to Clemens is yet
another example of his unwarranted egotism.
It didn't matter to me who got the glory, as long as you felt the
pain and humiliation.
See how that works?
Yes .. it means you're a disgusting pathetic excuse for a human
being. YOu sicken me...
Why? For exposing liars, like you?
I don't lie. But you are just a nasty mean little bullly
In that case, it's good that I sicken you.
That's just what I wanted.
Fuck off cunt
I'm flattered that Duncan continues to mention his failure to respond to
my astute rebuttals of his absurd claims. It's clear he's still trying
unsuccessfully to convince himself that he was the winner.
Robert Duncan
2014-03-27 20:56:36 UTC
Post by Robert Duncan
I should get a trophy for this one.
No, you should [snip]
Piss on you.
2014-03-28 01:58:03 UTC
Post by Robert Duncan
Post by Robert Duncan
I should get a trophy for this one.
No, you should just [snip]
Piss on you.
No thanks, I'm not into your sexual deviations.
There's nothing sexual about it.
You get in my way, and I'll piss on you.
Got it?
You'd be arrested for that. I suggest you simply don't go out in
public while urinating. Also have the courtesy to wait for the guy
in front of you in the toilets to move out of the way before you
start urinating. Perhaps some incontinence pads may assist you, if
this is a medical condition.
I see you have the problem of taking most everything literally.
It's just a catchphrase, a saying, a shibboleth. You know, like 'up
yours', or 'stick it where the sun don't shine'.
Here's some free advice: Don't ever become a policeman, or a prison
Liar! You just lied three times in one post! 'Piss on you' is not a
catchphrase or a saying or a shibboleth, you liar. It's a colloquialism.

How do you like being exposed as a three time liar? Are you feeling the
pain and humiliation, you liar?

If you offer cogent explanations or rational arguments, I'll just keep
snipping your posts and calling you a liar again and again.

Oh, wait. Those are the tactics of a loser. I wouldn't do that. That's
your territory.
You won't last very long.
Neither would you if you were pissing on people.
Robert Duncan
2014-03-28 04:15:56 UTC
Post by Robert Duncan
Post by Robert Duncan
I should get a trophy for this one.
No, you should just [snip]
Piss on you.
No thanks, I'm not into your sexual deviations.
There's nothing sexual about it.
You get in my way, and I'll piss on you.
Got it?
You'd be arrested for that. I suggest you simply don't go out in
public while urinating. Also have the courtesy to wait for the guy
in front of you in the toilets to move out of the way before you
start urinating. Perhaps some incontinence pads may assist you, if
this is a medical condition.
I see you have the problem of taking most everything literally.
It's just a catchphrase, a saying, a shibboleth. You know, like 'up
yours', or 'stick it where the sun don't shine'.
Here's some free advice: Don't ever become a policeman, or a prison
You won't last very long.
Neither would you if you were pissing on people.
Forget it. I don't believe you're that stupid.
You're right. I'm not stupid enough to piss on people. I'll leave that
all up to you. It suits your mentality far better than mine.
I can see that talking to you would be like talking to a 9 or 10 year-old.
You would never say anything original. You'd just mimic the last thing
that was said to you.
Robert Duncan
2014-03-28 11:29:01 UTC
Post by Robert Duncan
Post by Robert Duncan
Post by Robert Duncan
I should get a trophy for this one.
No, you should just [snip]
Piss on you.
No thanks, I'm not into your sexual deviations.
There's nothing sexual about it.
You get in my way, and I'll piss on you.
Got it?
You'd be arrested for that. I suggest you simply don't
go out in public while urinating. Also have the courtesy
to wait for the guy in front of you in the toilets to
move out of the way before you start urinating. Perhaps
some incontinence pads may assist you, if this is a
medical condition.
I see you have the problem of taking most everything
It's just a catchphrase, a saying, a shibboleth. You know,
like 'up yours', or 'stick it where the sun don't shine'.
Here's some free advice: Don't ever become a policeman, or
a prison guard.
You won't last very long.
Neither would you if you were pissing on people.
Forget it. I don't believe you're that stupid.
You're right. I'm not stupid enough to piss on people. I'll
leave that all up to you. It suits your mentality far better
than mine.
I can see that talking to you would be like talking to a 9 or 10
year-old. You would never say anything original. You'd just mimic
the last thing that was said to you.
Oh, I see. So when I said you'd be arrested and to get some
incontinence pads, that was just mimicing you, was it?
No, that was when I had to correct you for taking the phrases "pissing
on your parade", and "piss on you" literally, and not as the
catchphrases they have always been.

Everything after that was you mimicking what I'd just said.

It's hard to believe you're really this stupid.
2014-03-29 13:02:03 UTC
By the way, you revealed a weakness of yours in your post.
Would you have any idea what it is? Care to guess?
By the way, you mimicked me again in your last post.
Would you have any idea where? Care to guess?
No, I didn't, moron. Do you even know the meaning of the word
'mimic'? Apparently not. You have delusions of grandeur. Not to
A serious question. Grandeur, or adequacy? Inadequacy is a given in
this case, for the imitaion human calling itself duncan is not a font of
anything but wishful thinking.

walksalone who has all the time an inquiring mind needs, & no time for
self deluded fools. Might be why I could never be theistic without hard
evidence & not once upon a time story's.

The honor & christian leadership at its best?

"Florida was purchased; treaties with the Florida Indians were made and
violated; gross frauds were perpetrated; dishonorable expedients were
resorted to, and another war provoked. During its protracted continuance
of seven years, bribery and treachery were practiced towards the Exiles
and their allies, the Seminole Indians; flags of truce were violated;
the pledged faith of the nation was disregarded....

"Men who wielded the influence of Government for the consummation of
these crimes, assiduously labored to suppress all knowledge of their
guilt; to keep facts from the popular mind; to falsify the history of
current events, and prevent an exposure of our national turpitude......"

Robert Duncan
2014-03-29 14:43:33 UTC
By the way, you mimicked me again in your last post. Would you have
any idea where? Care to guess?
No, I didn't, moron.
Yes, you did. Calling me names is a good indication that you know
you did, and that you've been caught doing it.
And there's proof.

