Why Ubuntu?
(too old to reply)
2013-05-25 15:05:58 UTC
On Fri, 24 May 2013 21:39:20 +0000 (UTC), Nick Strawberry
As much as I liked the redhat paradigm, or what Suse did, I am of the
opinion that Debian is the clear winner.
Bullshit, everything you say seems bullshit
Nice, mature response there, you total fucking retard!
Sometimes I wonder which one of you Ubuntu users are more fucking braindead
stupid. I always get it wrong.
However, you are a sharp contender, you may win Moron Award 2013, stay cool
I was using Linux over a decade before Ubuntu ever hit the scene, you
complete and utter retard. And I only use it now because that is what
XBMC used as their 'live release' baseline, and because it installed on
my first gen PS3, which you are also clueless about, I am sure.

You are a sharp contender for proving, by way of immature public
display, just how spot on my assessment of you was.
Peter Köhlmann
2013-05-25 15:39:33 UTC
Show a little respect! Or keep your fucking big mouth shut!
Asking for "respect" while at the same time revealing a shitty personality
2013-05-25 16:02:05 UTC
Post by DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno
You are a sharp contender for proving, by way of immature public
display, just how spot on my assessment of you was.
Are you talking about "public display" you sick fuck hypocrite, by also
coming here shamelessly with a braindead ubuntu name entitled
"DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno" !!? (which reveals that your momma es una
Look, dumbfuck! My nym has not one fucking thing to do with Ubuntu.
Never did. You got that, IDIOT?

It also has nothing to do with my ancestry, you abso-fucking-lutely
retarded (and racist apparently) twit!
Read the fucking name of the group alt.os.linux.suse,
Yeah, IDIOT, and *I* am NOT the one who mentioned Ubuntu, the self
impotent "strawberry" retard did.
and also the
fucking name of the thread, since there are others here using linux
since there was no any linux available!
I did not start the pathetic thread either, you dumbfuck!
Show a little respect!
Get a clue, you retarded piece of shit. You glanced over the post, and
couldn't even get right who said what. you are even more retarded than
he is.
Or keep your fucking big mouth shut!

Your mother should be in prison with his for the same crime, shithead.
2013-05-26 11:31:12 UTC
On Sun, 26 May 2013 10:34:33 +0000 (UTC), Nick Strawberry
How about a big smelly wet fart rrriight in your face.
Real mature, dumbfuck.
Will that make you
feel better?
Watching you writhe at the bottom of a freshly filled pit of powder
lye. THAT would make me feel better.
I guess not, nothing can please you, Ubuntu usser lol
You're an idiot. I was using Linux before retarded punks like you were
out of your diapers, if that has even happened yet. Ubuntu is but one of
the distros I have used, you presumptuous fucking retard!

I rest in the knowledge that I am miles above a single digit IQ twit
like you.
2013-05-30 09:26:01 UTC
Not really. RPMs can be re-compiled with a single command before you
go to use it and the new rpm *should* be a bit more optimal for your
Can you tell me what this command is. Or a good place to go for such
Does not matter. The man seems to be a total imbecile.
Please don't talk to him.
So What's your problem?
