Bucky Breeder
2009-01-09 14:02:30 UTC
I am Bucky Breeder, (*(^; , and I've got the
"brand new key" to her "brand new rollerskates."
I am Bucky Breeder, (*(^; , and I've got the
"brand new key" to her "brand new rollerskates."
(phunny how they can ghay-up almost anything these days...
"I Got a Brand New Pair of Rollerskates and So Do You"...
or how 'bout "I've Got a Brand New Key and I Want to Stick
It in Your Butt"???? Could make People's Choice Nominations?)
Repent - the end is near! So... smoke'em if you got'em.
was on a really old but really primo bona-fide "quadraphonic" sound
system with a huge 'Infinity' speaker system spread all over this
cavernous ~6.5k sq-ft loft... It came across much like reverb
accompanied by naturally occurring deep echos. And I thought just
for a moment that they had mic'ed my room earlier whilst I was
pleasuring a couple of maidens. <Enter Ashton Kutcher stage left...>
LOL. I was amazed, asked "whaaaaaa????" and revered Pink Floyd
a little bit more after that. Seen 'Dark Side of the Rainbow'?
given your propensity to 'ghay' 'butts'?
"Retarded_INVALID.in.ALL.your.s0cks", then... IAWTP!
If you are saying that you've never read a thread before
you lame-off your chronic retardations, then... IAWTP!
If you are saying, in your own "special" way that you
have a 'ghay-butt', then... get some treatment... and, IAWTP!
I am Bucky Breeder, (*(^; , and I've got the
"brand new key" to her "brand new rollerskates."
Repent - the end is near! So... smoke'em if you got'em.
I am Bucky Breeder, (*(^; , and I've got the
"brand new key" to her "brand new rollerskates."
Repent - the end is near! So... smoke'em if you got'em.