Doofus (DFS) has finally stopped posting his fake Linux user experiences
(too old to reply)
Cork Soaker
2008-12-03 01:33:38 UTC
Wibble wobble I'm lying I'm lying.
Shut up, shit head.
2008-12-03 02:26:10 UTC
Post by Cork Soaker
Wibble wobble I'm lying I'm lying.
Shut up, shit head.
Please give me a count of how many people in this NG respond to your
juvenile posts?

Linux newbies, ask your questions in a moderated safe haven:

On 11/26/08 networking_at_home said:
"I learned from the best Dan, I learned from you. How do you like me now?"

A good read indeed:
Dan C Wannabes: Cork Soaker, SINNER

Now Playing: Nektar, Remember the Future
Cork Soaker
2008-12-03 03:01:37 UTC
Post by anti_what_ever_you_got
Post by Cork Soaker
Wibble wobble I'm lying I'm lying.
Shut up, shit head.
Please give me a count of how many people in this NG respond to your
juvenile posts?
Says you, the child on the killfile. Who the fuck do you think gives a
shit what you think?
I don't mean your boyfriend Hardon, you silly little bitch.

Now stop lying, or you'll end up in the same hole as your boyfriend!
Cork Soaker
2008-12-03 01:36:23 UTC
I was going to ask if anyone here ever read his fake user
experiences ("I can't install Linux because my CD-ROM isn't
recognized"), I ussually just ignore them but he probably noticed
people weren't responding to them and probably never read them
either so now he's switching to personal attacks. To me they're
just 'noise' drowned out by tne music of Roy's virulent post which,
and I agree with Terry here, are the most successfull
anti-Microsoft PR campaign EVER. Roy's posts alone are doing
billions of dollars in damages to M$'s stockvalue and will
eventually lead to the company's downfall. No wonder the Wintroll's
masters in Redmond have ordered personal attacks on Roy and Terry,
they know they are taking damage, but they are doing themselves
more harm than good by attacking Roy, because it shows how Evil the
management of Microsoft really is. They became number one not by
making great software, but by playing dirty tricks on others, most
of which were illegal but were 'bought off' by bribing politicians
and donating hundreds of millions to anonymous, coded Swiss bank
accounts. But their day of reckoning is coming, believe me, and I
will savior every moment of it!
Il mittente di questo messaggio|The sender address of this
non corrisponde ad un utente |message is not related to a real
reale ma all'indirizzo fittizio|person but to a fake address of an
di un sistema anonimizzatore |anonymous system
Per maggiori informazioni |For more info
How many people do you think read this newgroup ?
How many computer users have even heard of newsgroups ?
You can't seriously belive that Microsoft pay people to post here!
You can't seriously believe the wintrolls come here for any other
From what I've seen, the people you refer to as "Wintrolls" come here to
have a good laugh at the crap the likes of you spout. You know, where
you were "advocating" that companies should be forced to share all their
R&D with their competitors for nothing!
I advocated no such thing. As you well know. Now stop lying.
Yes you did. Numerous times.
Don't make me provide the links .....

The Google-spastic is back!
Cork Soaker
2008-12-03 01:35:07 UTC
I am a fucking loser.
We know!
After takin' a swig o' grog, Tattoo Vampire belched out
Now now, Phil, don't make Hadron stop the habit that has served him so well
since early childhood.
He wants Hadron to quit whacking off?
No, that would be /late/ childhood. I understand that Hadron has the
situation well in hand at this time.
Why did you snip the quote which proves I am not lying? My God but
you're a snip and run little weasel.
Do TRY to read a thread before getting it wrong again.
Wibble wobble wiffle waffle.

Stop fucking lying Hardon, you pathetic piece of shit!
2008-12-03 02:41:06 UTC
Post by Cork Soaker
I am a fucking loser.
We know!
After takin' a swig o' grog, Tattoo Vampire belched out
Now now, Phil, don't make Hadron stop the habit that has served
him so well since early childhood.
He wants Hadron to quit whacking off?
No, that would be /late/ childhood. I understand that Hadron has
the situation well in hand at this time.
Why did you snip the quote which proves I am not lying? My God but
you're a snip and run little weasel.
Do TRY to read a thread before getting it wrong again.
Wibble wobble wiffle waffle.
Stop fucking lying Hardon, you pathetic piece of shit!
That sounds like sour grapes to me. Too bad noone but me will ever see it.

Linux newbies, ask your questions in a moderated safe haven:

On 11/26/08 networking_at_home said:
"I learned from the best Dan, I learned from you. How do you like me now?"

A good read indeed:
Dan C Wannabes: Cork Soaker, SINNER

Now Playing: Nektar, Remember the Future
Cork Soaker
2008-12-03 01:43:12 UTC
How many people do you think read this newgroup ?
How many computer users have even heard of newsgroups ?
You can't seriously belive that Microsoft pay people to post here!
There is about 8 Linux advocates left because Schestowitz scared them all
away with his SPAM.
Those 8 don't care who reads the group because all they are interested in
is seeding the search engines with their Microsoft hate and FUD.
Where the fuck would you discover FUD for Microshaft, you frigging in-breed?
2008-12-03 02:49:44 UTC
Post by Cork Soaker
How many people do you think read this newgroup ?
How many computer users have even heard of newsgroups ?
You can't seriously belive that Microsoft pay people to post here!
There is about 8 Linux advocates left because Schestowitz scared them
all away with his SPAM.
Those 8 don't care who reads the group because all they are
interested in is seeding the search engines with their Microsoft hate
and FUD.
Where the fuck would you discover FUD for Microshaft, you frigging in-breed?
I just can't punish you anymore tonight. It's just too sad. Run along
little tadpole and I will taunt you again tomorrow.

Linux newbies, ask your questions in a moderated safe haven:

On 11/26/08 networking_at_home said:
"I learned from the best Dan, I learned from you. How do you like me now?"

A good read indeed:
Dan C Wannabes: Cork Soaker, SINNER

Now Playing: Nektar, Remember the Future
Cork Soaker
2008-12-03 01:40:09 UTC
Yes you did. Numerous times.
Don't make me provide the links .....
We shouldn't be expected to MAKE you do anything.
When you make a stupid accusation like that, you should provide proof
immediately without having to be asked or "made".
Unfortuantely in Hardon's world being against a pure software patent
regime means you must expect and require every bit of software to be
open sourced. Classic confusion of "free", "open" and "freedom". Being
for "freedom" does not preclude closed source companies making a mint.
I know that. As you well know.
But "Free" also means pirated and copied a LOT easier.
You deluded little spastic!
It works for SOME people. But not by all by any means.
2008-12-03 02:43:58 UTC
Post by Cork Soaker
Yes you did. Numerous times.
Don't make me provide the links .....
We shouldn't be expected to MAKE you do anything.
When you make a stupid accusation like that, you should provide proof
immediately without having to be asked or "made".
Unfortuantely in Hardon's world being against a pure software patent
regime means you must expect and require every bit of software to be
open sourced. Classic confusion of "free", "open" and "freedom". Being
for "freedom" does not preclude closed source companies making a mint.
I know that. As you well know.
But "Free" also means pirated and copied a LOT easier.
You deluded little spastic!
And I still see nary a reply to your sad display. How sad is that?

Linux newbies, ask your questions in a moderated safe haven:

On 11/26/08 networking_at_home said:
"I learned from the best Dan, I learned from you. How do you like me now?"

A good read indeed:
Dan C Wannabes: Cork Soaker, SINNER

Now Playing: Nektar, Remember the Future
Cork Soaker
2008-12-03 03:21:04 UTC
Are you trying to encourage him back?
Only two replies to your pitiful cries for attention. This I so sad I
almost feel sorry for you.
You haven't got any but me, you deluded little fucktard.

I'll leave you alone now, to play with your tiny tail.
It's perfectly clear you're a retard, and on the permanent killfile of
every non-n00b on the planet.

I know, you don't understand!
Cork Soaker
2008-12-03 03:19:54 UTC
I was going to ask if anyone here ever read his fake user
experiences ("I can't install Linux because my CD-ROM isn't
recognized"), I ussually just ignore them but he probably noticed
people weren't responding to them and probably never read them
either so now he's switching to personal attacks. To me they're
just 'noise' drowned out by tne music of Roy's virulent post
which, and I agree with Terry here, are the most successfull
anti-Microsoft PR campaign EVER. Roy's posts alone are doing
billions of dollars in damages to M$'s stockvalue and will
eventually lead to the company's downfall. No wonder the
Wintroll's masters in Redmond have ordered personal attacks on
Roy and Terry, they know they are taking damage, but they are
doing themselves more harm than good by attacking Roy, because it
shows how Evil the management of Microsoft really is. They became
number one not by making great software, but by playing dirty
tricks on others, most of which were illegal but were 'bought
off' by bribing politicians and donating hundreds of millions to
anonymous, coded Swiss bank accounts. But their day of reckoning
is coming, believe me, and I will savior every moment of it!
Il mittente di questo messaggio|The sender address of this
non corrisponde ad un utente |message is not related to a real
reale ma all'indirizzo fittizio|person but to a fake address of
an di un sistema anonimizzatore |anonymous system
Per maggiori informazioni |For more info
How many people do you think read this newgroup ?
How many computer users have even heard of newsgroups ?
You can't seriously belive that Microsoft pay people to post here!
You can't seriously believe the wintrolls come here for any other
From what I've seen, the people you refer to as "Wintrolls" come
here to have a good laugh at the crap the likes of you spout. You
know, where you were "advocating" that companies should be forced to
share all their R&D with their competitors for nothing!
I advocated no such thing. As you well know. Now stop lying.
Hardon lying? NO WAY!!!
They can't hear you little boy. Cry louder and your mommy might hear you
Mommy? And you dare call anyone else a child!
Bitch needs a cuddle.
