2014-05-26 08:43:36 UTC
Perhaps mindless Jahnu could have an orignal thought an post it .. but no,
what does he do ....
Atheists on AA always bitch and moan about proof. They don't even havewhat does he do ....
the wits to realize that their own belief system - ie. that the
ultimate cause is purely material - is complete and unfounded blind
belief. Why don't atheists demand proof of that?
But this is the double-standard one is forced to accept as an atheist.
Stone-hard and cold facts are required to give credibility to the
opposition, but when it comes to one's own beliefs the same demands
are suddenly not required.
Anyway, that's not even the point I want to make. The point is, that
atheists always go on and on about scientific proof and evidence. So
then I give you the scientific proof - that if you maintain an
atheistic mentality, you will experience a lot more suffering and
frustration in life than if you accept to connect with Krishna. That
is a test anyone can perform and verify that Krishna conciousness
brings greater happiness in life and atheism brings greater misery and
suffering in life.
What you don't understand is that life in the material world is
basically one of suffering and frustration. It is so, because Krishna
has designed it that way. The reason Krishna has designed it that way,
is because if things were perfect in the material world, the fallen,
lost souls would not want to go back to the spiritual world and enjoy
with Krishna. They would want to stay in the material world and enjoy
the body. Actually, this is what most people want, anyway - stay in
the material world and enjoy their senses. Krishna is even so kind,
that a soul in the body of a worm in stool, thinks he is enjoying.
Even the souls living under the most hellish conditions think they are
enjoying. Apart from that, there are the heavenly planets where the
demigods enjoy bodily gratification to the max. They just have more
subtle bodies. Krishna is very kind, even to the wayward souls in the
material world.
So the human form of life is a chance for the soul to get rid of all
suffering. A thoughtful person will ask the question, why do I suffer?
and try to get rid of it. The human form of life is a chance for the
soul to get rid of all suffering. Atheism bars the human being from
this opportunity. Atheism just conditions the soul to more suffering.
Therefore atheism is evil -
Krishna says: From the highest planet in the material world down to
the lowest, all are places of misery wherein repeated birth and death
take place. But one who attains to My abode, O son of KuntI, never
takes birth again. (Bg. 8.16)
Humility; pridelessness; nonviolence; tolerance; simplicity;
approaching a bona fide spiritual master; cleanliness; steadiness;
self-control; renunciation of the objects of sense gratification;
absence of false ego; the perception of the evil of birth, death, old
age and disease; detachment; freedom from entanglement with children,
wife, home and the rest; even-mindedness amid pleasant and unpleasant
events; constant and unalloyed devotion to Me; aspiring to live in a
solitary place; detachment from the general mass of people; accepting
the importance of self-realization; and philosophical search for the
Absolute Truth—all these I declare to be knowledge, and besides this
whatever there may be is ignorance. (Bg.13. 8-12)
Note. that the perception of the evil of birth, death, old age and
disease is one of the symptoms of knowledge. Most people on AA are
intelligent enough to understand they are suffering. Only animals
don't understand they are suffering. In the human form of life the
soul is given sufficient intelligence by nature to understand he is
suffering. Whether you will admit it here, is another matter. But who
cares, if you say you don't suffer, you are either lying or too dumb
to even comprehend your own suffering.
So anyone who is serious about becoming free from suffering must
surrender to Krishna and God's laws. These laws are explained in the
Vedas. And anyone who maintains an atheistic mentality will suffer
repeatedly. That's the proof that atheism is bad for you. And anyone
who chants Krishna's name on a regular basis will experience great joy
and happiness in life. That's proof that Krishna is good for you. It's
as simple as that.
Have a look at my art -
- 7th Heaven
- Sudder street
- Big Apple
- Poster Boy
- Microbes