2010-12-15 14:03:56 UTC
I see that since I refuted your claims in the another thread about your
supposed absolute motion, that you don't have anything to say there any
.. so you've run off to here.
I didn't run off at all....supposed absolute motion, that you don't have anything to say there any
.. so you've run off to here.
you made the stupid assertion that A and C
move with the same velocity wrt B but in the opposite direction wrt
B.....B will predict that they have different gamma factors.
That is what IRT says ... unless B is at absolute rest (which you claim ismove with the same velocity wrt B but in the opposite direction wrt
B.....B will predict that they have different gamma factors.
is dependent on its state of absolute motion. When B and C accelerated
equally they will have the same state of absolute motion and therefore
they will have the same clock rate. Direction of relative motion of A
and C wrt B got nothing to do with the rates of clocks A and C.
Since you
are so stupid I decided not to waste time educating you.
In other words .. you ran away because I'd beaten you. I've refuted allare so stupid I decided not to waste time educating you.
your lies. Now you have to lie about what I said and run away again.