2007-05-28 18:43:24 UTC
Then why don't you turn in your drivers license and turn over all your
money to the municipalities you have driven in because you must
certainly have exceeded the speed limits, and as the law is absolute,
What pinhead you are. If I'm speeding in a vehicle and were caught, Imoney to the municipalities you have driven in because you must
certainly have exceeded the speed limits, and as the law is absolute,
would gladly accept whatever consequence I deserved. I'm not going to
whine about unfair it is that I have to be fined for law breaking,
unlike doper scum to NEVER graciously accept their punishments.
IOW, obeying the law is not something you believe in doing. You'll
knowingly break the law and willfully endanger innocents in close
proximity to you, but that's all right providing you don't get
You're a Champion of Convoluted Logic, and a Moron.
You sound like a pothead yourself, because you display that same moral
relativist logic that druggies all share
You shouldn't question anyone else's morals or integrity, based uponrelativist logic that druggies all share
the moronic drivel you've been posting. Only a troll or a moron
post's the unsavory and/or idiotic things that you do. If you were
really a Police Officer, surely you served in the Rubber Gun Squad!