Ford T. AssClown's Daughter: This Is What Happens When You Smoke Dope and Reproduce
(too old to reply)
2007-05-28 18:43:24 UTC
Then why don't you turn in your drivers license and turn over all your
money to the municipalities you have driven in because you must
certainly have exceeded the speed limits, and as the law is absolute,
What pinhead you are. If I'm speeding in a vehicle and were caught, I
would gladly accept whatever consequence I deserved. I'm not going to
whine about unfair it is that I have to be fined for law breaking,
unlike doper scum to NEVER graciously accept their punishments.
Hey, Ace,
IOW, obeying the law is not something you believe in doing. You'll
knowingly break the law and willfully endanger innocents in close
proximity to you, but that's all right providing you don't get
You're a Champion of Convoluted Logic, and a Moron.
You sound like a pothead yourself, because you display that same moral
relativist logic that druggies all share
You shouldn't question anyone else's morals or integrity, based upon
the moronic drivel you've been posting. Only a troll or a moron
post's the unsavory and/or idiotic things that you do. If you were
really a Police Officer, surely you served in the Rubber Gun Squad!
2007-05-28 18:52:00 UTC
Hey, Ace,
IOW, obeying the law is not something you believe in doing. You'll
knowingly break the law and willfully endanger innocents in close
proximity to you, but that's all right providing you don't get
Amazing that you'll try to justify illegal drug use by citing people
breaking the speed limit, placing both behaviors on the same moral
plane. You are desperately weak and pathetic. You are typical of the
baby boomer/Gen X/Y/Z self-centered narcissicistic mentality that if
it feels good, do it. No one should be able to judge your behavior,
You shouldn't question anyone else's morals or integrity, based upon
the moronic drivel you've been posting.
I am honest about people. I see at the world for foul sty it is and
I'm not afraid to discuss it. The only way to survive is to embrace
all that is horrible instead of avoiding it like a fucking coward.
2007-05-28 19:56:14 UTC
In truth speeding is worse, in that there is a wealth of evidence
proving that many more people die from improperly operated Motor
Vehicles that illegal drug use.
Go ahead, pal, cite some of that "wealth of evidence" that isn't
backed by those brain damaged freaks from NORML or similar advocacy
groups. But first, why don't you suck up a few bong hits first so
whatever you think about the subject will make perfect sense only to
2007-05-28 20:24:48 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
In truth speeding is worse, in that there is a wealth of evidence
proving that many more people die from improperly operated Motor
Vehicles that illegal drug use.
Go ahead, pal, cite some of that "wealth of evidence" that isn't
backed by those brain damaged freaks from NORML or similar advocacy
groups. But first, why don't you suck up a few bong hits first so
whatever you think about the subject will make perfect sense only to
Here you go, Ace. Sift through these 18000 links, it's all there.
Read this first;
"The National Center for
Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) reports that
immaturity and lack of driving experience are the
main reasons for high teenage crash rates.
Qualities associated with immaturity such as taking
chances, testing limits, overconfidence and poor
decision making are associated with the risky
driving styles of young drivers which include
speeding, tailgating, and dangerous passing."
You clueless dope, the report makes ZERO comparisons to illegal drug
usage. Are you high right now? You must be. No one straight could be
this stupid.
2007-05-28 20:48:07 UTC
Now show me where your proof is in regard to the dangers of Marijuana,
especially as they compare to that of Alcohol.
One is illegal, one is not. What else do you need to know?

This is why this society has problems. Dipshits like you just can't
resist engaging in criminal behavior and supporting criminal networks.
You have zero self-control and I only hope that someday you are
arrested and convicted of drug possession and that your life is
subsequently ruined forever.
2007-05-28 19:26:45 UTC
Hey, Ace,
IOW, obeying the law is not something you believe in doing. You'll
knowingly break the law and willfully endanger innocents in close
proximity to you, but that's all right providing you don't get
Typical pro-druggie ploy on placing illegal drug usage on the same
moral plane as breaking the speed limit. This, in a nutshell,
perfectly illustrates the self-absorbed narcissism of the Boomer/Gen X/
Y/Z if-it-feels-good-do-it let's-not-be-judgmental-of-others mentality
2007-05-28 22:42:01 UTC
Hippie, my rear end. You're too stupid to engage in pragmatic
thinking so you just let Rush, O'Reilly and Hannity think for you.
You're their too, you Moron
Since I don't listen to or watch any of those media clowns, I wouldn't
know what they think about it. All I know is that there is a freak
minority that you belong to that wants illegal drugs made legal and
you'll do or say anything stupid to accomplish that goal.

People that think through their bong are not pragmatic thinkers, by
the way.
2007-05-29 00:26:30 UTC
You have no clue to what my beliefs are. I was trying to have a point
counter point discussion but you went off the charts and followed your
usual dogmatic diatribe, ignoring all facts and logic, failing
pitifully to make any point other than you're unable to interact
without being offensive.
It seems like you have the same problem with getting your point across
to the posters at alt.circumcision.
This is not a board for discussion but rather one for concession.
Either totally agree with circumcision or get on the perpetual "Race"
to nowhere. Dissension is not allowed! The "Little Red Book, Little
Red Book!", mentality prevails. For the most part, you're running
the 60's "Shout Down" mentality championed by a few zealots.
The participants in this thread have been a new group who have not
recently posted here. So Husky's characterizations are WAY off base.

Apparently when anyone disagrees with Husky, he needs to paint them
such a fashion as to dismiss them.

In fact, the participant who most resembles Husky's description is
BTW, one is quite insane!
See what I mean?
Ford T. FreezerClown
2007-05-29 17:00:48 UTC
That's correct, in relatiation for AssClown posting a picture of some
African bushman and claiming it was my wife. What, I was just supposed
to let that pass?
That was inexcusable, so no excuse is valid! You claim to be so
intellectually superior yet that was the best comeback you could come
back with, pathetic.
Not to mention the fact that I wasn't the one who posted the picture that
he's referring to - but I guess that's irrelevant.
