If Gravity is a force, why do objects of different mass fall at the same speed?
(too old to reply)
2010-10-15 01:25:27 UTC
If Gravity is a force, why do objects of different mass fall at the
same speed?  Shouldn't a heavy object fall faster than a lighter
object?  Surely there will be more force between the heavier object
and the earth and therefore it should fall faster?  I know it takes
more effort to lift the heavier object, but that's inertia, isn't it?
As you can tell from all of the responses so far, only one explains
what occurs physically in nature to cause objects to 'fall' to Earth.
General relativity.
General relativity has the notion of curved spacetime.
Which explains gravity
General relativity consists of the notion of curved spacetime. That in
and of itself is not an explanation of what occurs physically in
nature to cause gravity.
relativity does not describe what is occurs physically in nature.
Yes it does.
Then explain it. The fact that you can only say "Yes it does" and not
actually explain what occurs physically in nature is evidence GR does
not explain what occurs physically in nature to cause gravity.
occurs physically in nature is aether is displaced by matter.
There is no aether in nature .. only in your mind
So, here is a poster who insists GR explains what occurs physically in
nature to cause gravity at the same time insisting there is no aether
in nature.

Maybe this poster is unaware Einstein is responsible for GR.

'Ether and the Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein'

"According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is
notion of curved spacetime is the displacement of aether by matter.
There is no aether in nature .. only in your mind
"According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is

Talk about being oxymoronic. Insisting GR explains gravity at the same
time aether does not exists at the same time Einstein insists GR
without aether is unthinkable.

Seems to fit as you are unable to think.
2010-10-15 01:27:06 UTC
If Gravity is a force, why do objects of different mass fall at the
same speed?  Shouldn't a heavy object fall faster than a lighter
object?  Surely there will be more force between the heavier object
and the earth and therefore it should fall faster?  I know it takes
more effort to lift the heavier object, but that's inertia, isn't it?
As you can tell from all of the responses so far, only one explains
what occurs physically in nature to cause objects to 'fall' to Earth.
He didn't ask that.  You are just using this question as an excuse for
posting your crackpot nonsense ideas (they aren't theories).
The original poster asked, "why do objects of different mass fall at
the same speed?"
And that was answered .. but not by you
[snip more nonsense]
'Ether and the Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein'

"According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is

You do understand the "according to GR" and the "space without ether
is unthinkable" are both in the same sentence, don't you?

Aether displaces and is displaced by matter.
2010-10-15 01:37:38 UTC
If Gravity is a force, why do objects of different mass fall at the
same speed?  Shouldn't a heavy object fall faster than a lighter
object?  Surely there will be more force between the heavier object
and the earth and therefore it should fall faster?  I know it takes
more effort to lift the heavier object, but that's inertia, isn't it?
The original poster asked, "why do objects of different mass fall at
the same speed?"
You explained neither how nor why. You just placed a bunch of labels
(i.e. force, accelerate, gravity field, mass) into a single post and
hope nobody notices you explained nothing. If you want to continue to
post word soup explaining nothing as you did in your first post then
continue on.
Just because you are unable or unwilling to understand what occurs
physically in nature to cause gravity does not mean the original
poster is also not capable.
I interpret the question as asking what occurs physically in nature to
cause objects of varying mass to accelerate towards the Earth at the
same rate.
I am explaining what occurs physically in nature to cause objects with
varying masses to 'fall' towards Earth at the same rate. The more
massive an object is the less aether it contains the more aether it
displaces. The more aether displaced by an object the more force the
aether exerts towards the object. The cumulative force exerted towards
the Earth by the Earth's displaced aether and the objects displaced
aether is proportional to the mass of the object and the height of the
object above the Earth.
The aether which exists between the object and the Earth is displaced
by both the Earth and the object. Since the Earth is so massive
compared to the object the vast majority of the force of the displaced
aether is directed towards the Earth. This vast majority of force
causes the aether displaced by the object applying force 'up' towards
the object to be negligible. Think of there as being a void of force
being applied 'up' towards the object.
This void of force and the cumulative effect of the Earth's displaced
aether and the object's displaced aether applying force 'down' towards
the Earth causes all objects, regardless of mass, to accelerate at the
same rate towards the Earth.
what a load of utter garbage and nonsense.
This from someone who insists GR explains gravity and there is no

There is definitely a comprehension issue.

'Ether and the Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein'

"According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is

Aether has mass.
Aether displaces and is displaced by matter.
Aether displaced by matter exerts force towards matter.
Force exerted towards matter by aether displaced by matter is gravity.
2010-10-15 02:28:29 UTC
If Gravity is a force, why do objects of different mass fall at the
same speed?  Shouldn't a heavy object fall faster than a lighter
object?  Surely there will be more force between the heavier object
and the earth and therefore it should fall faster?  I know it takes
more effort to lift the heavier object, but that's inertia, isn't it?
As you can tell from all of the responses so far, only one explains
what occurs physically in nature to cause objects to 'fall' to Earth.
General relativity.
General relativity has the notion of curved spacetime.
Which explains gravity
'Curved spacetime' does not explain what occurs physically in nature
to cause gravity.
relativity does not describe what is occurs physically in nature.
Yes it does.
Aether displaced by matter is a physical description of what occurs
physically in nature to cause gravity.
occurs physically in nature is aether is displaced by matter.
There is no aether in nature .. only in your mind
'Ether and the Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein'

"According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is

It is obvious you can't think.
notion of curved spacetime is the displacement of aether by matter.
There is no aether in nature .. only in your mind
'Ether and the Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein'

"According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is

You do realize "According to the general theory of relativity" and
"space without ether is unthinkable" are both in a single sentence
stated by Einstein, don't you?

Are you unaware "general relativity" and "the general theory of
relativity" are both describing the same theory? The theory in which
"space without ether is unthinkable"?
2010-10-15 02:29:54 UTC
If Gravity is a force, why do objects of different mass fall at the
same speed?  Shouldn't a heavy object fall faster than a lighter
object?  Surely there will be more force between the heavier object
and the earth and therefore it should fall faster?  I know it takes
more effort to lift the heavier object, but that's inertia, isn't it?
The original poster asked, "why do objects of different mass fall at
the same speed?"
You explained neither how nor why. You just placed a bunch of labels
(i.e. force, accelerate, gravity field, mass) into a single post and
hope nobody notices you explained nothing. If you want to continue to
post word soup explaining nothing as you did in your first post then
continue on.
Just because you are unable or unwilling to understand what occurs
physically in nature to cause gravity does not mean the original
poster is also not capable.
I interpret the question as asking what occurs physically in nature to
cause objects of varying mass to accelerate towards the Earth at the
same rate.
I am explaining what occurs physically in nature to cause objects with
varying masses to 'fall' towards Earth at the same rate. The more
massive an object is the less aether it contains the more aether it
displaces. The more aether displaced by an object the more force the
aether exerts towards the object. The cumulative force exerted towards
the Earth by the Earth's displaced aether and the objects displaced
aether is proportional to the mass of the object and the height of the
object above the Earth.
The aether which exists between the object and the Earth is displaced
by both the Earth and the object. Since the Earth is so massive
compared to the object the vast majority of the force of the displaced
aether is directed towards the Earth. This vast majority of force
causes the aether displaced by the object applying force 'up' towards
the object to be negligible. Think of there as being a void of force
being applied 'up' towards the object.
This void of force and the cumulative effect of the Earth's displaced
aether and the object's displaced aether applying force 'down' towards
the Earth causes all objects, regardless of mass, to accelerate at the
same rate towards the Earth.
what a load of utter garbage and nonsense.
'Ether and the Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein'

"According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is

Aether displaces and is displaced by matter.
Aether displaced by matter exerts force towards matter.
Force exerted towards matter by aether displaced by matter is gravity.
2010-10-15 03:15:44 UTC
If Gravity is a force, why do objects of different mass fall at the
same speed?  Shouldn't a heavy object fall faster than a lighter
object?  Surely there will be more force between the heavier object
and the earth and therefore it should fall faster?  I know it takes
more effort to lift the heavier object, but that's inertia, isn't it?
The original poster asked, "why do objects of different mass fall at
the same speed?"
You explained neither how nor why. You just placed a bunch of labels
(i.e. force, accelerate, gravity field, mass) into a single post and
hope nobody notices you explained nothing. If you want to continue to
post word soup explaining nothing as you did in your first post then
continue on.
Just because you are unable or unwilling to understand what occurs
physically in nature to cause gravity does not mean the original
poster is also not capable.
I interpret the question as asking what occurs physically in nature to
cause objects of varying mass to accelerate towards the Earth at the
same rate.
I am explaining what occurs physically in nature to cause objects with
varying masses to 'fall' towards Earth at the same rate. The more
massive an object is the less aether it contains the more aether it
displaces. The more aether displaced by an object the more force the
aether exerts towards the object. The cumulative force exerted towards
the Earth by the Earth's displaced aether and the objects displaced
aether is proportional to the mass of the object and the height of the
object above the Earth.
The aether which exists between the object and the Earth is displaced
by both the Earth and the object. Since the Earth is so massive
compared to the object the vast majority of the force of the displaced
aether is directed towards the Earth. This vast majority of force
causes the aether displaced by the object applying force 'up' towards
the object to be negligible. Think of there as being a void of force
being applied 'up' towards the object.
This void of force and the cumulative effect of the Earth's displaced
aether and the object's displaced aether applying force 'down' towards
the Earth causes all objects, regardless of mass, to accelerate at the
same rate towards the Earth.
what a load of utter garbage and nonsense.
'Ether and the Theory of Relativity - Albert Einstein'

"According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is

What part of "According to the general theory of relativity space
without ether is unthinkable" are you unable or unwilling to
2010-10-15 12:37:18 UTC
Post by mpc755
you are
in a delusional denial state of existence.
You just described yourself.
If your only evidence of the existence of water was the observed
behaviors of a double slit experiment performed with a marble in the
water would you be capable of understanding water exists or would you
insist all of the observed behaviors occurred due to the marble in and
of itself?

Your next non-answer of this question will be further evidence you are
in a delusional denial state of existence.

A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave.
