2010-10-15 01:25:27 UTC
If Gravity is a force, why do objects of different mass fall at the
same speed? Shouldn't a heavy object fall faster than a lighter
object? Surely there will be more force between the heavier object
and the earth and therefore it should fall faster? I know it takes
more effort to lift the heavier object, but that's inertia, isn't it?
As you can tell from all of the responses so far, only one explainssame speed? Shouldn't a heavy object fall faster than a lighter
object? Surely there will be more force between the heavier object
and the earth and therefore it should fall faster? I know it takes
more effort to lift the heavier object, but that's inertia, isn't it?
what occurs physically in nature to cause objects to 'fall' to Earth.
and of itself is not an explanation of what occurs physically in
nature to cause gravity.
relativity does not describe what is occurs physically in nature.
Yes it does.relativity does not describe what is occurs physically in nature.
actually explain what occurs physically in nature is evidence GR does
not explain what occurs physically in nature to cause gravity.
occurs physically in nature is aether is displaced by matter.
There is no aether in nature .. only in your mindoccurs physically in nature is aether is displaced by matter.
nature to cause gravity at the same time insisting there is no aether
in nature.
Maybe this poster is unaware Einstein is responsible for GR.
'Ether and the Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein'
"According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is
notion of curved spacetime is the displacement of aether by matter.
There is no aether in nature .. only in your mindnotion of curved spacetime is the displacement of aether by matter.
Talk about being oxymoronic. Insisting GR explains gravity at the same
time aether does not exists at the same time Einstein insists GR
without aether is unthinkable.
Seems to fit as you are unable to think.