David Hartung
2008-11-30 00:08:41 UTC
Do you think the writers of the Second Amendment thought of this?http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-toysrus30-2008nov30,0,71300.s...
How'd you like to have been shopping in that store, with your kids?
Actually yes the founders of this country did envision this scenario.How'd you like to have been shopping in that store, with your kids?
What you refuse to see here, is that one of these men pulled a gun on
the other. One of these men threatened the other's life with deadly
force and did so before the other. The 2nd man responded in an act of
self-defense, drew his own weapon and fired at the threat. I would
have done exactly the same thing.
unstable people played shoo'em up in a Toy Store, filled with kids.
other was very probably defending himself.
If you would have done the same thing, you're as dumb as both of them!
Why?Is it "dumb" to defend oneself and family agaisnt an attacker?
The investigation should reveal who assaulted who. Unfortunately the
original "victim" is dead as is the original perpetrator. Even more
fortunately no one else was injured. But the bottom line is the same
nonetheless. When the 2nd man found himself in danger he had no option
but to defend himself. It's not like the police were there to
"protect" him. Your blinders are wrapped very tightly across your
eyes. Wake up and get a clue.
TFF, this from a clueless moron! He was obligated, by law, to flee iforiginal "victim" is dead as is the original perpetrator. Even more
fortunately no one else was injured. But the bottom line is the same
nonetheless. When the 2nd man found himself in danger he had no option
but to defend himself. It's not like the police were there to
"protect" him. Your blinders are wrapped very tightly across your
eyes. Wake up and get a clue.
possible, which he chose not to do!!
Would you mind supporting this asinine claim?
Instead he chose to engage in
reckless activity, putting numerous innocents, in harms way! Mach,
with a gun!
He attempted to defend himself, which was the right thing to do.reckless activity, putting numerous innocents, in harms way! Mach,
with a gun!