(too old to reply)
Noel Huston
2013-12-02 21:11:57 UTC
That would imply same color independent of speed. Empirically the color
changes, by simple observation, green turn into red etc.
No it does not imply that. It implies that color is dependent on
incoming frequency and any change in frequency is due to a change in the
arriving speed of incoming light. Thus a color change is due to a change
on the speed of incoming light.
Idiot (slightly less then Wizard-Of-Oz), a color *IS* a frequency, or a
spectrum of frequencies.

What you see as color, is either light coming directly from excited atoms
of a source, a reflection from the surface atoms of an object, or
scattered from particles and such.

You CANNOT change the RESONANCE of the atoms, AGREE?

If YES, then you admit that you are less fucking stupid than Wizard-Of-Oz.

Please don't talk to him anymore, you just get contaminated and become
more stupid!
Noel Hutson
2013-12-02 21:13:36 UTC
kenseto wrote:was how the
Post by Noel Huston
You CANNOT change the RESONANCE of the atoms, AGREE?
No I don't agree. The resonance of the atom is dependent on the speed
of arrival of energy.
No, not sure at all anyway.
The point is that the atoms in your retina for instance, are resonating
_exactly_ at those incoming EM _wavelengths_.
What a moron. Wavelengths are not time intervals.
Who said they was, fucking imbecile. You are more stupid than Wizard-Of-
The atoms are sensitive to the wave arrival rate, which is dependent on
arrival speed.
You must be fucking stoopid, telling that your retina tells you anything
about the speed of a color. That sentence makes not even sense.

Idiot. You descend form that island Australia, and Wizard is your friend.
No wonder you both are stupid.
Noel Hutson
2013-12-02 22:23:17 UTC
A word of advice, lad. Don't bother trying to beat Wizard in the 'ídiot
of the year award'. That's impossible.
Glad to see that you can't beat him.
Wavelength isn't a time interval and a colour is not a speed.
Who told that? You do, not me! I tell exactly the contrary. There is no
time at quantum level. The transition from an energy level to another is
considered instantaneous. Idiot.
Wizard is very stupid...so are you.
Yes he is a winner. You coming as nr 2.
Wizard-Of-Oz is an Imbecile
2013-12-02 22:26:13 UTC
But its really a rather round-about way to decide, based on what colors
we see and requiring an in-depth knowledge of the workings of the
chemcicals within the eyes that respond to color.
I should imagine that certain molecular bonds are excited by the input
of photons of a matching energy. When enough are raised to a higher
levels, they spontaneously collapse, causing a nerve cell to fire and
send an electrical pulse to the brain.
No, you both are wrong. However, Wizard-Of-Oz is an imbecile.

The resonance is done at the ATOMIC level, not molecular.
Fortunately we don't need to do that.
We have devices OTHER than eyes that can detect wavelength and frequency
Wizard - a "We" LOL
Henry Wilson DSc.
2013-12-05 17:52:00 UTC
I know more than you,. moron. You still can't get the basics right.
Tell us again how no form of energy, including kinetic energy which is
(1/2)mv^2, is frame dependendent
How's the perpetual motion machine going, idiot?
Buggered if I know, it was your stupid idea to pump energy between frames
of reference. Its not my fault you're a fucking stupid old cunt.
Physics will always be too hard for you. Stop trying to learn it.


Henry Wilson DSc.
