Cork Soaker, ye uneducated knot-pated, thou art the slave that with thy
Post by Cork SoakerPost by philoPost by Cork SoakerPost by philoPost by Cork SoakerI had posted about trying to help a friend of mine remove a
rootkit from his machine. (mebroot)
It kept returning even after he's run the fixmbr command.
Now he tells me his machine has several HD's !!!
So he is going to try again running the fixmbr command on each
drive. Trouble shooting over the phone is a PITA...
I should just have gone over there and had a look at it !
Why? It doesn't sound like you know what you're doing anyway.
Sometimes it takes a while
but so far I have had a 100% success rate in repairing computers.
The longest it's taken me to get one up and running has been three
days... but usually I get them going within a few minutes.
Trouble shooting over the phone
or on Usenet is tough...because it's best to get the machine right
in front of you.
I also repair vacuum tube radios
and have also had a 100% success rate...
but one of them took me a year to trace down the problem.
Finally, K-man says I cannot read...but he's wrong...
It only took me 16 years to finish Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas
Pynchon. I am still reading a book by Kipling that I got when I was 13
years old... that was 46 years ago...
I'll have to dust it off one of these days and read another chapter.
It doesn't sound very exciting.
Get some porn.
Don't need it, I have a GF
Now I *know* you're lying!
No, he's not. However she's as ugly as all fuck and mentally ill.
I'm only imparting that latter information to you so you know when he is
"We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us."
Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 [129]
Hammer of Thor: February 2007.
Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker:
September 2005, April 2006, January 2007, August 2008.
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle, Official owner
and trainer of Bucky Breeder, August 2008.
Official Member: Cabal Obsidian Order COOSN-124-07-06660
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Find me on Google Maps: 24°39'47.13"S, 134°4'20.18"E
Join me for dinner. I'm cooking bent lobster pussing boil and aardvark
snot garnish with putrid gizzard aside synthetic marsupial blight with
shuddersome chicken entrails, arranged in a splashing pot filled with
well-done seaweed, flavourless sundry bits of sea slug, sputum, a side
of earthworm placenta and a bowl of creamed duck shit.