Circumcision - I'm With Droog on This One...
(too old to reply)
2008-05-26 07:01:28 UTC
What part of, "8-fold higher in those with low circumcision rate" did
your skinfreakness not understand the first time around? Here's
another link that confirms the above:http://tinyurl.com/bf8gs
(Background: "The most recent evidence suggests that circumcised men
are 8 times less likely to become infected by HIV-1 than uncircumcised
Obviously, you don't let science get in the way of your agenda!  Your
Suggestion, based upon a non scientific survey indicates how agenda
driven you are.  FYI, a 60% less likelyhood, based upon RCT's results,
in no way relates to an 8 fold variance, but you already knew that!
To sayyour premise is skewed is a major understatement!! GIGO!!!->>>
No, you're allowing a useless piece of skin to come before the well-
being of others. I'll say it once & I'll say it again: foreskin
fetishism is one of the most dangerous and maniacal obsessions of its
kind. You would rather risk AIDS than part with your beloved aardvark
snout. While I am neither a fayg nor a faygophobe, is it fair to
assume that you are a Foreskinstein (coined by yours truly!eh)
faygeleh?eh Afterall, with a name like Husky...ehe What is your
agenda? Where is this foreskin fervor coming from? Be honest now!>
My agenda is saying what's true because there are many people who,
like you, will skew reports and other data to make an untrue point,
not base on fact or science.
You are certifiably insane.  Who is saying anything but facts, other
than me?  You made ridiculous statements not based upon  any
scientific testing, that are directly refuted by RCT's and
subsequently go off on a tangent making unfounded conclusions and
insults.  You've reached troll status! See a  mental health
professional, as you obviously have issues that go deeper than mere
depression.> Now that's a dose of honesty for you to ponder!>>
Once again, the anti-circ ilk deflects and projects! Firstly, I am
responding to a crosspost that contained alt.support.depression.
Unlike you and the rest of the psychosexual skinfreaks, I do not
suffer from emotional problems. I do not sexualize and facilitate the
upkeep of a useless scab o' skin. You are a penorexic who focuses
exclusively on your putz, believing that it's the root cause of your
problems. As I told Dawggie, a skin-tugger who hangs weights from his
silly shlong, hoping to renegerate new skin: "blame the brain!" Sane
individuals do not obsess over their absent foreskin. Alt.moron, eh?
Yes, I'm a moron for championing civility and common sense? No, you're
the moron who values a hideous scab of skin over human life. -D, NYC
"How do you circumcise a hillbilly? A: kick his sister in the chin!"
eehee.."The ladies love a circumcision!" eh - RABBI TUCKMAN, ROBIN
HOOD: MEN IN TIGHTS.."The Egg Cream is psychologically the opposite of
circumcision - it pleasurably reaffirms your Jewishness!" ehe - MEL
BROOKS (b. Kaminsky, umpteenth sweet, Jewish NYer).."I was born in
Waukegan, a long, long, long time ago. As a matter of fact, our Rabbi
was an Indian..he used a tomahawk...I was eight days old..what did I
know?" ehe - JACK BENNY, b. Kubelsky, sweet Jew, quoted in Irving A.
Fein's Jack Benny.."If all 2,000,000 boys born in the US annually were
circumcised, the following would be prevented during their lifetimes:
7,000 cases of HIV, 10,000 cases of syphilis, 20,000 cases of
pyeleonephritis, 2,000 with concurrent bacterema, 1,500 cases of
hypertension, 150 cases of end stage renal disease, 2,000 cases of
penile cancer, 200,000 cases of phimosis, and 250,000-500,000 cases of
balanophimosis" - PROFESSOR BRIAN MORRIS, 30+ years of unbias research
on the benefits of circumcision.."Can I just talk about one other
issue I had? I'm almost hesitant to say this...because I'm not
gay...I'm not looking at other guys...but the whole uncircumcised
thing..when they're doing close-ups...It's just...that's a whole other
issue...it's just disgusting!" ehe - BABA BOOEY, aka Boy Gary
Dell'Abate, circumcised I-talian, producer - Howard Stern (umpteenth
sweet, Jewish NYer - KOAM - single-handedly changed the face of radio)
show, commenting on having seen a recent porn.."A London Times Survey
(1996) by Dr. T. Stuttaford found that among experienced Women &
Prostitutes, 90% preferred sex with circumcised men because it was
more hygenic and pleasurable" - DR. SCHOEN.."Be wise,
circumcise!".."Born imperfect, made perfect on the eighth day!".."To
perfect the world (TIKUN OLAM) is in Jewish thought - the obligation
of every human being. Where better to begin by fixing God's goof of
foreskin?".."Life insurance companies should class wearers of a
prepuce under the head of a hazardous risk" - MEDICAL WRITER,
UNKNOWN.."Part of the foreskin they throw away after circumcision, I
believe it is called SCHMUCK" eh - DAVID GALE (Kevin Spacey in The
Life Of David Gale).."Circumcision is like a substantial and well-
secured annuity; every year of life you draw the benefits. Parents
cannot make a better paying investment for their little boys" - DR.
P.C. REMONDINO.."The anti-circumcision craze has developed because
groups of conservative, sensitive, medically misinformed individuals,
some with fanatical emotionalism, have not seen the consequences of a
society where males are not circumcised. While medical prophylactic
measures are readily accepted by our society, surgical prophylaxis is
in danger of being discarded by an overemphasis on the return to the
"natural." The intense pain of natural childbirth is seen as a reward
while the minor discomfort, if any, of circumcision is magnified
beyond reason" - DR.GERALD WEISS
http://tinyurl.com/2tjkbc (Most Common Medical procedures in the US -
Circumcision #3)
http://tinyurl.com/bf8gs (Circumcision provides a 2-8 protective fold
against HIV)
http://tinyurl.com/4dr94 (Neonatal Circumcision: A Current Appraisal -
Dr. Thomas E. Wiswell, FAAP)
http://www.circinfo.net (Circumcision: an evidence-based appraisal -
Prof. Brian Morris - 30+ years of unbias research on the benefits of
http://tinyurl.com/6d9e7 (Circumcision - a lifetime of medical
benefits: Women's Sexual Penile Preference, Sexual Activity, Psych
2008-05-28 03:11:51 UTC
Post by Darrin
What part of, "8-fold higher in those with low circumcision rate" did
your skinfreakness not understand the first time around? Here's
another link that confirms the above:http://tinyurl.com/bf8gs
(Background: "The most recent evidence suggests that circumcised men
are 8 times less likely to become infected by HIV-1 than uncircumcised
Obviously, you don't let science get in the way of your agenda! Your
Suggestion, based upon a non scientific survey indicates how agenda
driven you are. FYI, a 60% less likelyhood, based upon RCT's results,
in no way relates to an 8 fold variance, but you already knew that!
To sayyour premise is skewed is a major understatement!! GIGO!!!->>>
No, you're allowing a useless piece of skin to come before the well-
being of others. I'll say it once & I'll say it again: foreskin
fetishism is one of the most dangerous and maniacal obsessions of its
kind. You would rather risk AIDS than part with your beloved aardvark
snout. While I am neither a fayg nor a faygophobe, is it fair to
assume that you are a Foreskinstein (coined by yours truly!eh)
faygeleh?eh Afterall, with a name like Husky...ehe What is your
agenda? Where is this foreskin fervor coming from? Be honest now!>
My agenda is saying what's true because there are many people who,
like you, will skew reports and other data to make an untrue point,
not base on fact or science.
You are certifiably insane. Who is saying anything but facts, other
than me? You made ridiculous statements not based upon any
scientific testing, that are directly refuted by RCT's and
subsequently go off on a tangent making unfounded conclusions and
insults. You've reached troll status! See a mental health
professional, as you obviously have issues that go deeper than mere
depression.> Now that's a dose of honesty for you to ponder!>>>
Once again, the anti-circ ilk deflects and projects! Firstly, I am
responding to a crosspost that contained alt.support.depression.
Unlike you and the rest of the psychosexual skinfreaks,>
The rest was snipped due to its failure to follow the topic.>
Darrin, wake up and smell the coffee. You're spinning verbosely out
of control and attacking like a rabid dog. Our "conversation" began
with me refuting your statement, "WITH or without a condom,
circumcised men are still 50% less likely to contract HIV/AIDS."
As I clearly pointed out to you, that is untrue due to the fact that
the protection afforded by a properly used condom would, cancel out
any benefit in regard to HIV transmission that circumcision has show
I still stand behind my comments. As I once told you: baggin' a
foreskin is like trying to heat your house with all the windows open,
or jumping out of a plane without a backup parachute!ehehee Condom use
is not always a given. Particularly since most skinfreaks engage in
foreplay, while forgoing a condom. Thus, in lieu of protection,
circumcised men are still 60% less likely to contract HIV. Do I have
to cite you the article again?
in the RCT's. How you contrive that to be "anti circ" is proof of you> myopic agenda.>
Your ongoing refusal to acknowledge medical evidence that supports
circumcision as a prophylactic measure in the combat of HIV/AIDS. See
Sub-Saharan Africa as one prime example. Your ongoing fervor in the
preservation of that hideous scab of skin. All these things add up to
a homosexual anti-circ skinfreak of the highest order. Prove me wrong
- what is your sexuality?
Secondly, you made a statement that said "The 10-fold increase in HIV/> AIDS among the uncircumcised is not a lie."
Pardon me - it was 8-fold! 10-fold, 8-fold, 2-fold - it's an
unnecessary risk that results in death.

<<after I pointed out to you
that Science via RCT results have shown circumcised subject were 60%
less likely to contract HIV than uncircumcised subject. Whatever
source you chose, to embrace that figure was unscientific and strewn
with unaccounted for scenarios which makes it useless! SO, SPARKY,
like it or not, circumcision yields, according to the RCT's, appx. a 2
fold not 10 fold advantage.>
Stick to posting the truth, and I won't have to correct you.
BTW, you ad hominem rants are childish and serve no purpose so, in the
spirit of this Memorial Day, I'll cite you the following; Loading Image...
Since you're continually on the receiving end of my sharp cursor
tongue, how else would you perceive my comments?ehee BTW, if the truth
was your friend, you and the rest of the skinfreaks wouldn't continue
to challenge a no-brainer like circumcision. Stop projecting your
skinfreak fetish onto others. Shush yo' mouth indeed! I hope you
enjoyed your Memorial Day as well (barf-bag not included!eheh):
2008-05-28 11:08:24 UTC
Post by Darrin
Post by Darrin
What part of, "8-fold higher in those with low circumcision rate" did
your skinfreakness not understand the first time around? Here's
another link that confirms the above:http://tinyurl.com/bf8gs
(Background: "The most recent evidence suggests that circumcised men
are 8 times less likely to become infected by HIV-1 than uncircumcised
Obviously, you don't let science get in the way of your agenda! Your
Suggestion, based upon a non scientific survey indicates how agenda
driven you are. FYI, a 60% less likelyhood, based upon RCT's results,
in no way relates to an 8 fold variance, but you already knew that!
To sayyour premise is skewed is a major understatement!! GIGO!!!->>>
No, you're allowing a useless piece of skin to come before the well-
being of others. I'll say it once & I'll say it again: foreskin
fetishism is one of the most dangerous and maniacal obsessions of its
kind. You would rather risk AIDS than part with your beloved aardvark
snout. While I am neither a fayg nor a faygophobe, is it fair to
assume that you are a Foreskinstein (coined by yours truly!eh)
faygeleh?eh Afterall, with a name like Husky...ehe What is your
agenda? Where is this foreskin fervor coming from? Be honest now!>
My agenda is saying what's true because there are many people who,
like you, will skew reports and other data to make an untrue point,
not base on fact or science.
You are certifiably insane. Who is saying anything but facts, other
than me? You made ridiculous statements not based upon any
scientific testing, that are directly refuted by RCT's and
subsequently go off on a tangent making unfounded conclusions and
insults. You've reached troll status! See a mental health
professional, as you obviously have issues that go deeper than mere
depression.> Now that's a dose of honesty for you to ponder!>>>
Once again, the anti-circ ilk deflects and projects! Firstly, I am
responding to a crosspost that contained alt.support.depression.
Unlike you and the rest of the psychosexual skinfreaks,>
The rest was snipped due to its failure to follow the topic.>
Darrin, wake up and smell the coffee. You're spinning verbosely out
of control and attacking like a rabid dog. Our "conversation" began
with me refuting your statement, "WITH or without a condom,
circumcised men are still 50% less likely to contract HIV/AIDS."
As I clearly pointed out to you, that is untrue due to the fact that
the protection afforded by a properly used condom would, cancel out
any benefit in regard to HIV transmission that circumcision has show
I still stand behind my comments. As I once told you: baggin' a
foreskin is like trying to heat your house with all the windows open,
or jumping out of a plane without a backup parachute!ehehee Condom use
is not always a given. Particularly since most skinfreaks engage in
foreplay, while forgoing a condom. Thus, in lieu of protection,
circumcised men are still 60% less likely to contract HIV. Do I have
to cite you the article again?
Then you are standing in quick sand! Keep up, Sparky. You were the
one who sais" With or without" Now you're saying in "lieu of
protection." You have managed to confuse yourself!
Post by Darrin
in the RCT's. How you contrive that to be "anti circ" is proof of you> myopic agenda.>
Your ongoing refusal to acknowledge medical evidence that supports
circumcision as a prophylactic measure in the combat of HIV/AIDS. See
Sub-Saharan Africa as one prime example. Your ongoing fervor in the
preservation of that hideous scab of skin. All these things add up to
a homosexual anti-circ skinfreak of the highest order. Prove me wrong
- what is your sexuality?
I was the one who mentioned the RCTs and the results. You are not
presenting a coherent argument, which is no surprise. Ad Hominem is
all you have.
Post by Darrin
Secondly, you made a statement that said "The 10-fold increase in HIV/> AIDS among the uncircumcised is not a lie."
Pardon me - it was 8-fold! 10-fold, 8-fold, 2-fold - it's an
unnecessary risk that results in death.
Actually it's neither, it's 2 fold. What you cited was unscientific
and useless!
Post by Darrin
<<after I pointed out to you
that Science via RCT results have shown circumcised subject were 60%
less likely to contract HIV than uncircumcised subject. Whatever
source you chose, to embrace that figure was unscientific and strewn
with unaccounted for scenarios which makes it useless! SO, SPARKY,
like it or not, circumcision yields, according to the RCT's, appx. a 2
fold not 10 fold advantage.>
Stick to posting the truth, and I won't have to correct you.
BTW, you ad hominem rants are childish and serve no purpose so, in the
spirit of this Memorial Day, I'll cite you the following;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v476/Grmstr/GI.jpg
Since you're continually on the receiving end of my sharp cursor
tongue, how else would you perceive my comments?ehee BTW, if the truth
was your friend, you and the rest of the skinfreaks wouldn't continue
to challenge a no-brainer like circumcision. Stop projecting your
skinfreak fetish onto others. Shush yo' mouth indeed! I hope you
enjoyed your Memorial Day as well (barf-bag not included!eheh):http://tinyurl.com/ddrnw
You are as useful as the snipped foreskin you so despise, and listen
to the nice GI!
