2009-02-09 09:39:21 UTC
Any analytical individual will pick up the mathematical inconsistency
of Special Relativity. The algebraic equations of the Lorentz
transformations are symmetric. Meaning applied one way, t is
transformed to t' wherein t'>t.
You mean wherein t' = g t with g > 1.Any analytical individual will pick up the mathematical inconsistency
of Special Relativity. The algebraic equations of the Lorentz
transformations are symmetric. Meaning applied one way, t is
transformed to t' wherein t'>t.
So you conveniently forget the case t = t' = 0.
And you ignorantly forget to mention that t' = g t is only valid if x =
0, as you would see if you would understand the meanings
of the variables in the transformation.
However, in the obverse process, the
same equation transforms t' to t resulting in t>t'.
You mean wherein t = g t' with g > 1.same equation transforms t' to t resulting in t>t'.
So you conveniently forget the case t' = t = 0.
And you ignorantly forget to mention that t = g t' is only valid if x' =
0, as you would see if you would understand the meanings
of the variables in the transformation.
In summary the
LTE implies t<t' AND t'<t.
You mean t = g t' AND t ' = g t with g > 1, i.o.w. withLTE implies t<t' AND t'<t.
x = x' = 0 and thus with t = t' = 0, if you would be able
to apply the algebra of the transformation.
So the LTE implies 0 = 0 AND 0 = 0.
individual", so it does not apply to a clone-drone like you.
Uwe Hayek.
Als ik nu op dit moment geld transfereer [in België]
naar een
andere rekening staat dat een uur later daar gecrediteerd.
-- Boutros Gali, realiteitsdeskundige.
Als ik nu op dit moment geld transfereer [in België]
naar een
andere rekening staat dat een uur later daar gecrediteerd.
-- Boutros Gali, realiteitsdeskundige.