Post by TJMIt's time for you to crawl back into your bottle! You need to take
trolling lessons from Dude. All you are is a vulgar lout!
I'm having too much fun owing this got no game.
You're a Clown, and not a funny one at that. The towel's off the
door, you can go home now!
31-28 Squealers Lose!
"Lauren came over and said, "Daddy, the refs handed us the World
Championship." It was a touching moment. (Feigned sniffle)" Bill
Cowher on NFLNET
Belicheat's Mistress came over and said, "Daddy, the refs handed us
the World Championship back in Oakland with the Tuck (cough) rule."
Belicheat says in his bestJoe Namath, "They did it, they did it."
BJ 9.79