Post by Henry Wilson DScIt might have taken twenty years
So you've been wasting your time (and everyone else's) for 20 years
trying to find a flaw or self-contradiction in SR .. and you still
haven't done it.
After 20 years the best you can come up with is that if you move two
synchronized clocks apart symmetrically, they remain in sync in their
original rest frame (the well known procedure for getting remote
synchronized clocks), and when you move them back together
symmetrically, they still remain in sync .. exactly what SR predicts
and not at all self-contradictory.
You don't even know your own theory.
SR specifically says that a clock runs slow in the inertial frame in which it
is moving.
C1 is moving inertially in C2's frame. C2 is moving inertially in C1/s frame.
Therefore, according to SR, C1 runs slow compared to C1 and C1 runs slow
compared to C2.
SR plainly contradicts itself with a logical impossibility.
If you can't find an actual flaw or self-contradiction in SR after 20
years, you should give up.
if you don't even understand the theory behind the H&K experiment you can
hardly claim to know anything about SR.
Yes. You (Henry Wilson) don't understand the theory behind the H&K
experiment so you can't claim to understand SR.
Post by Henry Wilson DScRemember, the clock that was flown around the earth was moving in the Earth's
inertial frame and was therefore claimed to run slow.
The clocks on the earths surface were not in the "earths inertial
frame". They were accelerating relative to the earths center. Each
clock had a different acceleration.
Using the earth's center as an inertial frame was the
approximation that H&K used. The acceleration of the earths center
relative to an inertial frame is too small to effect anything. I
notice that you didn't call that one.
However, the acceleration of the clocks on the earths surface was
implicit of the H&K mathematics. The clocks on the earths surface were
different due to the different accelerations.
You like Newtonian mechanics. Fine. Calculate the centripetal
acceleration of each clock. You will see they are different. Then look
at Hafele's relativistic calculations.
The Galilean formula for centripetal acceleration is:
where a is the centripetal acceleration and v is the velocity of the
revolving whatever relative to the center of rotation. The "v" for
each airplane, and for the clock fixed on the surface, is different.
It is the centripetal acceleration that breaks the symmetry between
Post by Henry Wilson DScMy experiment does exactly the same for each clock...and exposes the stupidity
of SR for all to see.
Exposes your stupidity for all to see. That is why your reply
was posted on alt.morons.
BTW: I didn't post your replies there. I don't know who did. I
replied just so people who read your post will know why you are a