Uncle Ben
2009-06-14 16:44:28 UTC
<< in 1907 Einstein criticized the "ad hoc" characterSHORTENING IN EINSTEIN RELATIVITY
of Lorentz's contraction hypothesis in his theory
of electrons, because according to him it was only
invented to rescue the hypothesis of an immobile
<<... the four-dimensional space-time continuum
of the theory of relativity, in its most essential
formal properties, shows a pronounced relationship
to the three-dimensional continuum of Euclidean
geometrical space. 1 In order to give due prominence
to this relationship, however, we must replace
the usual time co-ordinate t by an imaginary
ct proportional to it. Under these conditions,
the natural laws satisfying the demands of the
(special) theory of relativity assume mathematical
forms, in which the time co-ordinate plays exactly
the same role as the three space co-ordinates.
relativist dogma.
Still there are thousands on the other side. Maybe better take
another look?
What's with the "maybe", fuckwit?
is 2 = 1/0.5 too difficult that maybe we should question it?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Mr. John Parker, aka "Androcles", announced today that results of his
analysis of trainspotter reports proves that England has the longest
choo-choo train known to man, stretching from Sheffield to London.
Specifically, Mr. Basil Wellington spotted train number 421 heading
into Paddington Station at 5:25 PM, last Saturday.
But Mrs. Hermione Spruce had earlier reported to Androcles that
security cameras in Sheffield station show the caboose of this very
train passing by the end of the central platform of the station at
exactly noon on Friday.
Mr. Parker says that he plans to submit this finding to the Guiness
Book of World Records.
(Story relayed by "Uncle Ben")