Now, what were the Prognosticators saying in August?
(too old to reply)
2008-11-28 19:28:23 UTC
NFC Championship Book Closes 30 Nov 17:35
Each-way 1/3 1-2
NY Giants 5/4 Bet
DAL Cowboys 9/2 Bet
TB Buccaneers 9/1 Bet
CAR Panthers 10/1 Bet
ARZ Cardinals 14/1 Bet
According to the "Pros", Weren't the Giants only supposed to win 8 or
9 games, Tops?
Not anyone who I ever heard. The line on Giants regular season wins was
over eight.
Reads this, Sparky!
New York Giants o/u 8.5
If you think that you are so much wiser than the "pros" trying betting on
sports. You can sure show them.
Non Sequitar, as usual!

We will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that your keyboard did
not know how to spell "non sequitur". If you want to use five dollar terms
either learn them or learn your computer how to proof.

I listen to these sports talk call in radio shows and when somebody calls
with "I could have predicted that such and such was going to happen" the
host sometimes pretends to go off and starting yelling about "Call in
before the game with your predictions! Don't call in after the game and try
to tell me how much you used to know!". I always find that funny.
George Orwell
2008-11-28 22:25:09 UTC
Post by RickyBobby
Don't call in after the game and try
to tell me how much you used to know!
you don't know anything BEFORE, DURING, OR AFTER the game.

so shut your piehole, dufus.

Il mittente di questo messaggio|The sender address of this
non corrisponde ad un utente |message is not related to a real
reale ma all'indirizzo fittizio|person but to a fake address of an
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Per maggiori informazioni |For more info
Borked Pseudo Mailed
2008-11-28 23:41:25 UTC
Post by RickyBobby
Don't call in after the game and try
to tell me how much you used to know!
you don't know anything BEFORE, DURING, OR AFTER the game.

so shut your piehole, dufus.

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