IE share slips under 70%; Firefox surges past 20%
(too old to reply)
Cork Soaker
2008-12-03 21:17:37 UTC
Don't forget that you are forced to use IE in most schools too... when
you have limited accounts... This is why I always carry a CD of OPHcrack
with me :-P
So you hack school computers?
This is something you are proud of?
I'm sure the authorities would be very interested in your "extra curricular
For your sake, I hope you don't get caught.
It's morons like you that give the real Linux advocates (there are none in
COLA BTW) a bad name.
How many here are liars?
I am. Tim Smith is. Ezekiel is I believe. Michael Trausch is. There are
a few otgers but, well to be honest, it's hard to think of any.
Cork Soaker
2008-12-03 21:16:39 UTC
Don't forget that you are forced to use IE in most schools too... when
you have limited accounts... This is why I always carry a CD of OPHcrack
with me :-P
So you hack school computers?
This is something you are proud of?
I'm sure the authorities would be very interested in your "extra curricular
For your sake, I hope you don't get caught.
It's morons like you that give the real Linux advocates (there are none in
COLA BTW) a bad name.
Like you, you mean?

Leave then, silly cunt.
Cork Soaker
2008-12-03 21:15:44 UTC
The market share of Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Explorer dropped under
the 70% mark last month for the first time since Web metrics vendor
I thought you couldn't have market share for something that is "free"?
That's because you are a complete moron, as you constantly prove with
stupid-as-shit comments like that!

Wibble wobble lie lie lie.
Net Applications Inc. started keeping tabs on browsers, ...[IE is] off
7.6 percentage points in the past year.... Firefox [ended] the month
at 20.8%, an increase of 0.8 percentage points, the largest one-month
increase since March 2007.
This had to happen some time...
What? A 0.8 % raise?
What a gimp!
Translation: People use IE at work because they are forced to, but at
home where they have a choice they use Firefox.
Real translation : IE is still the dominant browser. Firefox is popular.
Don't forget that you are forced to use IE in most schools too... when
you have limited accounts... This is why I always carry a CD of OPHcrack
with me :-P
You hack school computers?!?
I am yet to visit any office where people are "forced" to use IE. If
anything they have no access to the web at all, but if they do they can
generally use the browser of their choice.
I'm not thoroughly convinced you can not read.

Wibble wobble wibble wobble True Linux Advocate wibble wobble kernel
hacker wibble wobble lies.
2008-12-03 22:01:00 UTC
Post by Cork Soaker
I thought you couldn't have market share for something that is "free"?
That's because you are a complete moron, as you constantly prove with
stupid-as-shit comments like that!
Wibble wobble lie lie lie.
Indeed. AFAIK, the advocates in here have always taken the position
that money is NOT a factor in calculating market share, while some
Wintrolls (Rat comes to mind) argued otherwise.

So, the fsckwit Quack AGAIN makes a jackass of himself, hoping to
attack the advocates, but in fact attacking his fellow Wintrolls!

