Bucky Breeder
2008-12-18 19:36:40 UTC
On Wed, 17 Dec 2008 23:32:04 -0500, Terry's Web Server aided th'
I was not aware...that Bucky had a long lost
twin sister on teh intanets!
I was not aware...that Bucky had a long lost
twin sister on teh intanets!
*ONE* /YOUUGLY/ BeAtch! Like yer mama...
That would be the drunken you, Smirnoff. Of course, you can't remember
anything from one day to next as your brains cells don't have time to
dry out -- mercy, mercy.
So basicly you're saying that daddy used to come home from the bar andanything from one day to next as your brains cells don't have time to
dry out -- mercy, mercy.
beat you senseless?
My condolences.
to come home from bars and beat YOU senseless, then... IAWTP!
Because YOU are CERTAINLY "senseless"... but YOU could have been
borned that way, or from when your mama dropped YOU on YOUR head
when she was reaching for the crack-pipe... frequently....
One word for YOU : Childrens' Social Services Is Way TOO LATE!
I am Bucky Breeder, (*(^; , & I got the Christmas Spirit! <(*(}^%{>~*
Best wishes to all for a safe and joyous Holiday Season! Yes, even
to the degenerate corndogs and tweeties because peace is what the baby
Jesus would want under his Christmas tree - and Tonka Toys too!
What-up with all this gold, frankincense and myrrh crap? It's like
getting underwear, pajamas, and toothbrushes - all wrapped up. WTF?!?!
Repent, the end is near! So... smoke'em if you got'em.