John M.
2009-09-30 07:16:00 UTC
<snip of redundant text>
can see how you structured the response to make your numbskull kookie
"You are lacking real basic information in science, yet seem to think
you can structure a plausible theory like Einstein or Feynman. If you
fail to structure a hypothesis that is not in accord with historical
discoveries and well established, main stream text book science, then
you are going to get
Nice link, though. And the theory within those pages already verified
empirically, just as science requires, and permitting us to dismiss
fruit cakes like you who don't know their arse'ole from breakfast-time.
Ok, let's see you get somewhere. Prove Einstein's crap is plausible when
has done is produced paradox.
You are lacking real basic information in science, fuckwit.
‘By denying scientific principles, one may maintain any paradox.’ —
Answer the question, ignorant cunt.
What's so fuckin' plausible about
the speed of light from A to B is c-v,
the speed of light from B to A is c+v,
the "time" each way is the same?
The answer is simple.
What is it then, shithead ?
You based your question on just half of a
sentence I wrote.
No, I based my question on your idiotic claim that Einstein's crackpot
theory is plausible and stated you don't the meaning of the word,
Remaining non-reply to the question asked snipped as non sequitur.
You've gotten nowhere, bigot. Fuck off.
While it seems plausible to allow people like yourself access to the
Internet, I'm hopeful the superintendent of this Hogwart's institution
you are, apparently, currently incarcerated in, sees fit to keep the
doors locked. A raging lunatic like you could be a real danger to the
public if allowed out on the streets.
No, you don't see where I am coming from. You are lacking real basic
information in science, yet seem to think you can structure a
plausible theory like Einstein
Yes, he sees where you are coming from, and so do I.
In your dreams you imagine Einstein's theory is plausible.
You don't know the meaning of the word "plausible".
What's so fuckin' plausible about
the speed of light from A to B is c-v,
the speed of light from B to A is c+v,
the "time" each way is the same?
Oooh... a snip artist. Let's just put back what you took out, so weinformation in science, yet seem to think you can structure a
plausible theory like Einstein
Yes, he sees where you are coming from, and so do I.
In your dreams you imagine Einstein's theory is plausible.
You don't know the meaning of the word "plausible".
What's so fuckin' plausible about
the speed of light from A to B is c-v,
the speed of light from B to A is c+v,
the "time" each way is the same?
can see how you structured the response to make your numbskull kookie
"You are lacking real basic information in science, yet seem to think
you can structure a plausible theory like Einstein or Feynman. If you
fail to structure a hypothesis that is not in accord with historical
discoveries and well established, main stream text book science, then
you are going to get
Nice link, though. And the theory within those pages already verified
empirically, just as science requires, and permitting us to dismiss
fruit cakes like you who don't know their arse'ole from breakfast-time.
Ok, let's see you get somewhere. Prove Einstein's crap is plausible when
has done is produced paradox.
You are lacking real basic information in science, fuckwit.
‘By denying scientific principles, one may maintain any paradox.’ —
Answer the question, ignorant cunt.
What's so fuckin' plausible about
the speed of light from A to B is c-v,
the speed of light from B to A is c+v,
the "time" each way is the same?
What is it then, shithead ?
You based your question on just half of a
sentence I wrote.
No, I based my question on your idiotic claim that Einstein's crackpot
theory is plausible and stated you don't the meaning of the word,
Remaining non-reply to the question asked snipped as non sequitur.
You've gotten nowhere, bigot. Fuck off.
Internet, I'm hopeful the superintendent of this Hogwart's institution
you are, apparently, currently incarcerated in, sees fit to keep the
doors locked. A raging lunatic like you could be a real danger to the
public if allowed out on the streets.