Henry Wilson DSc.
2013-09-08 04:27:37 UTC
On Sat, 7 Sep 2013 23:26:56 +0000 (UTC), "Wizard-Of-Oz"
Geometry = mathematics.
Geometry in physics models something about reality. By talking about
"Geometry" there, Tom means that 'something' about reality, a very
fundmental something, that the geometry is modelling.
SR is a physics theory. It predicts what is observered
It changes the definition of what is being observed so it can't help
predicting it..
Translation: "I don't understand what you said"
How could anyone understand such nonsense?
while the members of the secret order of physicists are privy to special
You got that almost right.
relative so motion is relative all instruments are therefore equal.
No. That doesn't follow at all. Just because motion is relative (ie
different observers give attribute different motion fo the same object),
that does not mean that every object therefore has the same motion.
Henry Wilson DSc.
You forgot about the inherent influence of geometry."Geometry" there, Tom means that 'something' about reality, a very
fundmental something, that the geometry is modelling.
Ultimately, that is
i.e. not an explanation in terms of causality and physical processed
aswhat SR is about.
Yes it is a mathematical model. Not a "Theory" in the classical sensei.e. not an explanation in terms of causality and physical processed
per classical philosophy.
We're talking physics here, not classical philosophySR is a physics theory. It predicts what is observered
predicting it..
Differently moving instruments are inherently oriented
differently in space-time;
That statement doesn't mean anything.differently in space-time;
there is anything "out there" which it curved, it is simply a
pseudo-physical description of the maths. Intended for the masses and
the not very bright physicists to give the impression that it is more
than mathematical modelling.
Oh dear .. so its part of the conspiracy to confuse the general publicpseudo-physical description of the maths. Intended for the masses and
the not very bright physicists to give the impression that it is more
than mathematical modelling.
while the members of the secret order of physicists are privy to special
Differently moving instruments are inherently oriented
differently in space-time;
Let me take that apart for you. First "differently moving". Speed isdifferently in space-time;
relative so motion is relative all instruments are therefore equal.
different observers give attribute different motion fo the same object),
that does not mean that every object therefore has the same motion.