Cork Soaker, ye depraved unruly woman, thou crusty batch of nature, ye
Post by Cork Soakerphilo, ye decayed shallow fool, thou would answer very well to a
philo, ye drunk hardhearted lord, you lisp and wear strange suits,
I have 2 hard drives one with XP Home and one with XP Pro, each
on a different computer. Both computers are compatible with each
other. The computer with XP Home on it crapped out on me so now I
would like to add the Hard Drive with XP Home on it to the
computer with XP Pro on it and be able to use either one of the
OS. All help will be appreciated, and I will be back to thank
you. If you need more info let me know. XP Home is on a WD, and
XP Pro is on a Maxtor.
First off, if you put the XP-home drive in place of the XP-pro
drive... unless the hardware is close to identical...the system is
unlikely to boot.
Fucking crapola. Unless the chipsets are similar...
It's hard to predict<BITCHSLAP>
You simply don't know the correct answer. Now, stop arguing or I
will beat you to a pulp with metaphor.
Where the hell is this metaphor I've been waiting for?
If by YOU I mean YOU by wibble wobble<BITCHSLAP>
Snap out of it, you silly cunt.
"We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us."
Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 [129]
Hammer of Thor: February 2007.
Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker:
September 2005, April 2006, January 2007, August 2008.
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle, Official owner
and trainer of Bucky Breeder, August 2008.
Official Member: Cabal Obsidian Order COOSN-124-07-06660
Official Overseer of Kooks & Trolls in 24hoursupport.helpdesk
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Find me on Google Maps: 24°39'47.13"S, 134°4'20.18"E
Join me for dinner. I'm cooking sun dried hobo's nose hairs and opossum
appendix topping smothered in horrid discarded douchebags, dished up in
a splashing saucepan with a slew of rare particles of pea and green
pepper with leftover green snot pie in melted cheese, a side of pastries
and a beaker of emulsified sweat and grease from the chef's forehead.