But this is diabolical, my dear Watson...
(too old to reply)
Koobee Wublee
2008-09-03 23:58:44 UTC
Punk, this is a science discussion forum. It is not one where you can
threaten to punch someone’s face in. Now, get lost. Better yet, go
back to mommy’s arms.
It also isn't a forum for libel and insults, yet you do it all the
time. What goes around....
Since it is a forum for science discussion, why don't you respond to
the original point that there is no goddamn g^-1 in the Christoffel
Yes, there are [g^-1] which is the inverse of [g] in the Christoffel’s
symbols of the second kind. Take a closer look. Its elements have
the following form.

** [g^-1]^ij

In order to create more mysticism, the following describes exactly
what the above is.

** g^ij

While the metric is written as

** g_ij


** Kroniker_delta^i_j = g^ij g_ij

Now, get lost.
Eric Gisse
2008-09-04 00:02:23 UTC
Post by Koobee Wublee
Punk, this is a science discussion forum.  It is not one where you can
threaten to punch someone’s face in.  Now, get lost.  Better yet, go
back to mommy’s arms.
It also isn't a forum for libel and insults, yet you do it all the
time. What goes around....
Since it is a forum for science discussion, why don't you respond to
the original point that there is no goddamn g^-1 in the Christoffel
Yes, there are [g^-1] which is the inverse of [g] in the Christoffel’s
symbols of the second kind.  Take a closer look.  Its elements have
the following form.
**  [g^-1]^ij
Which is incorrect and confusion notation. Perfectly consistent with
your inability to understand why the way things are.
Post by Koobee Wublee
In order to create more mysticism, the following describes exactly
what the above is.
**  g^ij
While the metric is written as
**  g_ij
**  Kroniker_delta^i_j = g^ij g_ij
Now, get lost.
2008-09-04 01:46:20 UTC
Post by Koobee Wublee
Punk, this is a science discussion forum.  It is not one where you can
threaten to punch someone’s face in.  Now, get lost.  Better yet, go
back to mommy’s arms.
It also isn't a forum for libel and insults, yet you do it all the
time. What goes around....
Since it is a forum for science discussion, why don't you respond to
the original point that there is no goddamn g^-1 in the Christoffel
Yes, there are [g^-1] which is the inverse of [g] in the Christoffel’s
symbols of the second kind.  Take a closer look.  Its elements have
the following form.
**  [g^-1]^ij
In order to create more mysticism, the following describes exactly
what the above is.
**  g^ij
Then maybe you should just write it that way in the first place before
people realize you're stupider than they already know you are.
Koobee Wublee
2008-09-04 05:46:10 UTC
Post by Koobee Wublee
Punk, this is a science discussion forum.  It is not one where you can
threaten to punch someone’s face in.  Now, get lost.  Better yet, go
back to mommy’s arms.
It also isn't a forum for libel and insults, yet you do it all the
time. What goes around....
Since it is a forum for science discussion, why don't you respond to
the original point that there is no goddamn g^-1 in the Christoffel
Yes, there are [g^-1] which is the inverse of [g] in the Christoffel’s
symbols of the second kind.  Take a closer look.  Its elements have
the following form.
**  [g^-1]^ij
In order to create more mysticism, the following describes exactly
what the above is.
**  g^ij
While the metric is written as
**  g_ij
**  Kroniker_delta^i_j = g^ij g_ij
Now, get lost.
Allow me to correct myself on this very minor typo.

** Kroniker_delta^i_j = g^ik g_kj

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