Post by Sandeep KumarPost by Cork Soaker#1 at
Linux just works
Only Windows needs to be reinstalled
blah blah blah
Most people toss Linux after the third re-install.
That guy must have a lot of patience.
So use another distro. What are the options if Windwoes fails?
Windows works fine for me but if it didn't I would buy a Mac..
The problem with you Linux users is that you are so used to putting up with
crap you just push it under the carpet under the guise of "just use another
distribution". Maybe that's the real reason why Linux has so many
I don't use Fedora. So there is nothing for me to "push under the carpet".
I get to use Linux and other free software quite literally as it's being
developed. I can get it as raw or as polished as I like. I can wait for an
official release or extract the very latest development version out of the
same source control repositories that the guys coding it use.
That said, I've had very good luck with both SLES and RHEL.
I'd just never run either of them since I don't want to spend that kind
of money for Linux and I don't run the sort of software that makes running
that kind of distribution necessary.
Post by Sandeep Kumardistributions.
None of them fully work properly.
Any generality is fraught with peril.
Metallica is not worth the ruination of someone |||
who has pirated their music / | \
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