A simple stunning prove- against curved space- time!!
(too old to reply)
2009-05-15 19:09:34 UTC
Dude, you're a friggin' moron.  If an isolated mass is sufficiently
far from other masses it will not feel the effects of curved spacetime
to a measurable degree.  It's motion certainly would not be affected
by the spacetime curvature that it is causing with it's own mass.  Why
the hell would that happen?
Please go and read just one chapter of one physics book.  Please.
Dude, you are a stooopid cunt.
Please fuck off.
i hope you agree with me !!

2009-05-15 23:20:48 UTC
Dude, you're a friggin' moron. If an isolated mass is sufficiently
far from other masses it will not feel the effects of curved spacetime
to a measurable degree. It's motion certainly would not be affected
by the spacetime curvature that it is causing with it's own mass. Why
the hell would that happen?
Please go and read just one chapter of one physics book. Please.
Dude, you are a stooopid cunt.
Please fuck off.
You and porat butt-buddies?
2009-05-20 08:08:23 UTC
Post by VMCM1905
Dude, you're a friggin' moron.  If an isolated mass is sufficiently
far from other masses it will not feel the effects of curved spacetime
to a measurable degree.  It's motion certainly would not be affected
by the spacetime curvature that it is causing with it's own mass.  Why
the hell would that happen?
Please go and read just one chapter of one physics book.  Please.
Dude, you are a stooopid cunt.
Please fuck off.
You and porat butt-buddies?
this thread of mine
was diverter to alt moron ng
by the famous moron pigg shit
so let anyone know who is
the dirty pig psychopath

VMCM that came to this ng
just this month with a new mask
and ddint take in account that
a pig shit human being moron gangster
can be smelled for thousands of kilometers !!
so just ignore him as a farting homo pig
that the only thing hecan do is
fuck himself
or change his mask again .....
(but again it want help him because a pig remains a pig)
btw Varney
how is your wife ?? (:-)
even as a gangster Boas
i would not hire him as minor gangster--
he does not worth his salary as a gangster
he is not cleaver enough even as a gangster !!!


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