Do Physicist such as Michio Kaku have moral obligation to report scientific objective truth or are they beholding to special interest?
(too old to reply)
2010-10-26 21:47:41 UTC
Ok Androcles

As far as the Mexican wave is concerned, I don’t know, but the space
in between the people certainly is not empty, and as such something is
communicated something that enables the sustaining of the wave between

It is interesting and I will look closer at it.

As far as what is between the Aether particles. Now that is the
Ultimate question of all of physics I would imagine.

And I think that just as you might think that we should conclude that
it is nothing, I think that we might conclude that, if photons can
wave through a certain density of the aether particles, even if not
the ultimate space between them, if that is a possible state of
existence, from the evidence that we can observe, I must conclude,
that for all practice purposes, the break down of particles, even in
space, has no end, that we can ascertain as absolutely empty.



This one is closest to how I would describe it , it list F=ma=mv^2/r
which I see as analogous to E=hf=mc^2/r and am sure I can prove it


c in linear direction x, c in 90 degree angular direction as 2 vectors
of velocity, will create a 90 degree angular rotation arc, which if
constant creates a circle, of F=mc^2/r.. This can be visualized if
you make a line like __ in linear direction, and connect it to a line
of equal measure like | in 90 degree angular direction, which would
look something like this __| and draw an arc trajectory between them,
which is constant, it will make a circular trajectory, representing a
centripetal/centrifugal force balance of 2 equal and 90 degree angular
velocity vectors or v^2 .

Conrad J Countess
2010-10-26 21:49:45 UTC
Ok Androcles

As far as the Mexican wave is concerned, I don’t know, but the space
in between the people certainly is not empty, and as such something is
communicated something that enables the sustaining of the wave between

It is interesting and I will look closer at it.

As far as what is between the Aether particles. Now that is the
Ultimate question of all of physics I would imagine.

And I think that just as you might think that we should conclude that
it is nothing, I think that we might conclude that, if photons can
wave through a certain density of the aether particles, even if not
the ultimate space between them, if that is a possible state of
existence, from the evidence that we can observe, I must conclude,
that for all practice purposes, the break down of particles, even in
space, has no end, that we can ascertain as absolutely empty.



This one is closest to how I would describe it , it list F=ma=mv^2/r
which I see as analogous to E=hf=mc^2/r and am sure I can prove it


c in linear direction x, c in 90 degree angular direction as 2 vectors
of velocity, will create a 90 degree angular rotation arc, which if
constant creates a circle, of F=mc^2/r.. This can be visualized if
you make a line like __ in linear direction, and connect it to a line
of equal measure like | in 90 degree angular direction, which would
look something like this __| and draw an arc trajectory between them,
which is constant, it will make a circular trajectory, representing a
centripetal/centrifugal force balance of 2 equal and 90 degree angular
velocity vectors or v^2 .

Conrad J Countess
2010-11-01 22:20:14 UTC
Who would have the Disrespect enough for me to create and post my
stuff on a site call alt moron?

Show yourself, and match wits with me.
It should be against the rules to be able to make post and publish my
work against my will.
Who is responsible.

Just know this.

The more you claim to know, the more you reveal what you don't know,

And Truth speaks for itself louder that any attempts to cover it or
discredit it

The Beauty of it All

What a contrast and chance to see the difference between "Plain,
Simple, Beautiful Truth", and Ugly, Discusting, Disrespectful,
Rantings, and Raving of a logical chalenged, frustrated, scientist,
who has run out of logic, and incite, and the ability to communicate
anything, but direspect, illogic, and frustration. I have heard of
people in the business of math and science, who run into the truth
that the underlayings of all they believed is false and/or inaccurate,
and how some have been driven to insanity, and even suicide.

Don't let this happen to you. The first hing you must abandone is
"follish pride", and admit when you are wrong. Only than can you shake
off the shakels of you limited untruth, and join us, who have already
learned this . And yes, we too, had to abandone what we once thought
to be true, in favor of what is more obviously true. plain, and
simple, beautiful truth, that speaks for itself, louder than any
title, or degree and blind faith ever could.

With "Crystal Blue Persuation", as the song goes, we come to you with
a truth that shines as brite as the "Sun of our Minds and Hearts",
illuminating the once mysteries of physics.

With just simple truth, beauty, logic and geometrical math, thats in
the form of pictures, that are worth thousands of words, and
equations, we help to uplift humanity, to a truth, that is not at all
mysterious, but the way it shoud be, understandable, even for
children. And if the trained, ingraind minds, of the established,
refuse to see or acknowledge it, than the world of science will be
turned ubside down, as it should be, if the "hour glass", is running
out, in a systen that does not rotate properly, as indeed the real
world does, and the children and the masses, will be above the so
called learned, and the true "Democrinazation of Science", and
understanding, takes its rightful place.

Morals without Morale causes one to Rebel

Or did't you know?

One of the main selling points of some of these scientist such as
Micio Kaku shoot us lines like whoever discovers "Quantu,Gravit first
will win a "Nobel Prize", along with the importance of such
discoveries. We can see the importance because that is not so hard to
explain, at least the minimum. But the Nobel Prize, hey I present to
you (The Geometrical Interpretation of E=mc^2 = E=mc^circled and /or
Sphered), with as clear understanding as could posibly be, and also
the obviousness of the inability to acknowledge it for the concerned
about who discovers it and gets credit for it than what is discovered
and adds to the knowledge base of humanity. Well it is out there
noew , on the World Wid Web and there is no hiding the fact of who
discovered it first and the concerne of who gets credit over the fact
that it was discovered at all.

If the titanic is sinking and a passenger hollers it out first before
a trained watchman, would that watchman cover the passengers cry
knowing that there is littel or no time to wast on who gets credit?
Hey put it out there and lets worry obout who gets credit latter I
don't mind if you don't.

The mear fact that we are asked to be interested in, and participate
in, the discussion of the search for these truths, generates
tremendous intrest, and participation, partialy because of the promase
of recognition, and the opportunity to help the very world and people,
on which, and whome which we live. But the thought that a persons
participation won't be acknowledged, especialy if he or she discovers
what, thousands of highly learned people, with thousands of learnd
hours, and billions of dollars, could not, or have not so far, thus
saving billions more dollar,s thousands of hours, and hundreds of
years is very discouraging although it won't stop us because we care
with or without getting credit.

But if we are to maintain respect for the institutions of science, and
the people that communicate the progress so far, than give us our due

At least if you are not the discoverer, you can be the discoveres
discoverer, and we can also have renewed faith that it does not always
take all that money, time and people to gets the answers to important
questions but thatsometimes it takes just a fresh look at it from a
simple perspective. and wow what a faith and confidence might be
regenerated in the power of the mnd of the lone individial, off couse
with the added help of the collective minds and ideas of the Great and
Powerful potential of the Internet.

Conrad J Countess
2010-11-01 23:15:25 UTC
Post by cjcountess
Ok Androcles
As far as the Mexican wave is concerned, I don’t know, but the space
in between the people certainly is not empty, and as such something is
communicated something that enables the sustaining of the wave between
It depends if the people are looking at the light which is being
shown at them from the stadium, or their nearest neighbor.
I have been in stadiums where the Mexican wave is being used.
Generally, there is a beamed flood lamp aimed at the audience from the
stands. The lamp is rotated. People in the audience wave when the
light from the stadium shines on their eyes, not when their neighbor
I say this is true not from a priori logic, but due to an
observation. The "Mexican wave" does not move faster than the
illuminated area.
Obviously, the illuminated area is moving through the stands not
because of communication between people, but because the beam is
changing direction. The area of illumination can be moving faster than
the speed of light, but still provide no faster than light
communication. The wave is sustained by the geometric configuration of
the beam, not due to anything traveling between the people. If this
wasn't true, the Mexican wave could move faster than the search light.
I take issue with the "I don't know" in your reply. If you just
paid attention to what is happening in a Mexican wave, you would know.
If you ever saw the Mexican wave move faster than the area of
illumination, then I would say you had something to discuss.
A Mexican wave can be set up without a searchlight. Members of the
audience would react to their neighbors, and would not pay attention
to rest of the statium. In that case, I assert that the wave can't
move faster than the speed of light. Then there is something traveling
from person to person.
Post by cjcountess
It is interesting and I will look closer at it.
As far as what is between the Aether particles. Now that is the
Ultimate question of all of physics I would imagine.
 And I think that just as you might think that we should conclude that
it is nothing, I think that we might conclude that, if photons can
wave through a certain density of the aether particles, even if not
the ultimate space between them, if that is a possible state of
existence, from the evidence that we can observe, I must conclude,
that for all practice purposes, the break down of particles, even in
space, has no end, that we can ascertain as absolutely empty.
This one is closest to how I would describe it , it list F=ma=mv^2/r
which I see as analogous to E=hf=mc^2/r and am sure I can prove it
c in linear direction x, c in 90 degree angular direction as 2 vectors
of velocity, will create a 90 degree angular rotation arc, which if
constant creates a circle, of  F=mc^2/r.. This can be visualized if
you make a line like __ in linear direction, and connect it to a line
of equal measure like  | in 90 degree angular direction, which would
look something like this __| and draw an arc trajectory between them,
which is constant, it will make a circular trajectory, representing a
centripetal/centrifugal force balance of 2 equal and 90 degree angular
velocity vectors or v^2 .
Conrad J Countess