2011-05-14 13:46:32 UTC
Fucking moron! LMFAO!!!
Maybe he should delete all his online personal information like you?Maybe he should always use anonmyous sources to prove his
Maybe he should use a dial-up so as to hide his IP you?
Maybe he should move into a house full of girls, so they can teach him how
to fight like a you?
Who the "Fucking moron!" now?
Struble admitted on Twitter that he drove DUI on Ambien, then made fun
of it.
of it.
wedlock with three women!
What does that have to do with Farnsworth's technology?
Maybe, I'll repost his Twit on my blog for all to see.
do with HD Radio technology?
Surely, that would drive anyone from MADD from HD Radio...
HD Radio?
I emailed his Twit to the Howard County Police and the
Maryland State Police.
Maryland State Police.
And you accuse others of stalking? LOL!
During the past fours years of you stalking me..
However, it was you that have posted all sorts of personal information about
others online.
had an old resume open to the general public, but the contact
information was still current. Too bad, it's gone, now! Yup, i've done
a number of different search terms on myself, and it's all gone!
information was still current. Too bad, it's gone, now! Yup, i've done
a number of different search terms on myself, and it's all gone!
Post an anonymous blog where no one can comment!
LOL! And you wonder why no one takes you seriously?
I've already got the contact information on far I have not
lowered myself to your level and posted it online...unless of course you
want me to.
Since you are local to Maryland (you referred to Potomac instead of
Potomac, Maryland, so that was the giveaway)...
Potomac, Maryland, so that was the giveaway)...
it's a good thing you have no idea of my address/phone number, else I'de
have to report you
to the authorities as a stalker.
have to report you
to the authorities as a stalker.
to everywhere on the internet that you have posted your garbage...just give
me the word. Some of those people you disparaged online might want to give
you a call! LOL!
It's amazing that you can hold a grudge for four years....
Speaking of holding a long have you held a grudge against Mr.
Struble and iBiquity?
after I supposedly stole a post of yours from AVS, or RI.
You are fucking nothing.
If I am nothing...simply ignore me..while I show you up!
I sit on Google's Homepage!
All you can do is change subjects! LMFAO!!!!
All you can do is spam the internet and spread your poor mental healtheverywhere, cut/paste outdated articles, obsess about others, post items
without reading or understanding them, etc., etc.
The entire internet knows you are are unemployed, have
obsessive comulsive disorder, and have all day to spam the internet. Boy!
That's surely is someone who is a source of reliable information! LOL!
People have you figured out!
Laughing...laughing...>ROFL!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
lowered myself to your level and posted online...unless of course you
want me to. "
Go ahead and post my real address and phone number! LMFAO!!
ba.broadcast is just as irrelavent as you. What a sick puppy for
stalking me for four years, following me around like a little fuck-boy
puppy dog! LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!