Roger Leo
2007-05-07 00:41:39 UTC
the same endless postforgries go oand on but as long as they attack me
or my wife it is ok with you
What would you have me do?or my wife it is ok with you
occoured when you posted more irrealavant data the NG
another is return what does not blog to you my blog
critize them with anything like the same vehemance as you do
admit that you are part of the prblem not the solutation and then
decide you want to be part of the soltuion
IOW be a decent USENET citizen indeed of one of the harrassing troll
it is just that simple if you stoped you efforts to harrasme and maybe
one or 2 other thers the NG would be fine in a matter of days
have the stupidity to tell Dloyd to be a decent Usenet citizen and stop
You really are missing some screws in that misfiring head of yours.
When you were missing from Usenet for two days, the group was just fine.
Things calmed down, everybody was civil and, more importantly, nobody missed
The problem here, shit-for-brains, is that YOU are the problem, not Dloyd.
You are the reason a moderated group was formed, not Dloyd. YOU are the
person who shits on everybody's posts, not Dloyd.
You are the brain-fogged clown that hijacks threads time after time, not
The recent acts taken by some which have caused discomfort in your personal
life are, in my estimation, deserved. Maybe Roger will share one of his
surplus pizzas with you. He already knows where to ship it.
And, for Gog's sake, STOP whining about "your" blog. It is not yours now.
Grow up, wipe the tears from your chubby cheeks, and be a man.
You ARE the problem, Mark. Not the solution.
I don't want to poison any NG please stop lying about me
I don't want to poison any NG please stop lying about me