Becky Breeder is retarded
(too old to reply)
Cork Soaker
2008-12-10 21:52:14 UTC
in naught but his dirtied diapers, baby-snot running down his face,
clomping around in his mommie's high-heels, and a Dodo-Bird feather
Boa wrapped 'round his neck, tripping him as he cries incessently for
his mommie's attention, but she remains passsively disinterested in
all but the soap operas, chocolate-covered cherries and her hot-rollers
The judge spoke very well.
With perfect enunciation I could hear him pronouncing,
very long sentences.
What's the comma for?
Poetic license, you fucking idiot.
Righto Becky. You are the biggest fucking idiot on Usenet.
Cork Soaker
2008-12-11 15:52:23 UTC
in naught but his dirtied diapers, baby-snot running down his face,
clomping around in his mommie's high-heels, and a Dodo-Bird feather
Boa wrapped 'round his neck, tripping him as he cries incessently for
his mommie's attention, but s/he remains reclined recovering from her
sex reassignment surgery, agonizing and self-absorbed in comic books
Also, I am absolutely GAGGING to suck anybody's cock, anybody's at
all. Now, you know I'm a dirty slut, so let me know how much of your
cock you would like me to swallow, I managed to down twelve inches an
more cos I'm a handsome young slut. Get back to me!
One of life's losers.
Post by Cork Soaker
in naught but his dirtied diapers, baby-snot running down his face,
clomping around in his mommie's high-heels, and a Dodo-Bird feather
Boa wrapped 'round his neck, tripping him as he cries incessently for
his mommie's attention, but she remains passsively disinterested in
all but the soap operas, chocolate-covered cherries and her hot-rollers
The judge spoke very well.
With perfect enunciation I could hear him pronouncing,
very long sentences.
What's the comma for?
Poetic license, you fucking idiot.
Righto Becky. You are the biggest fucking idiot on Usenet.
Whining will get you nowhere, you little retarded
Missy-Snotnoggin. Stay on topic or fuck-off forever!
The Comma Nazis Done Got Me
A Brilliant Poem by Bucky Breeder
My poetic license was revoked with extreme prejudice, damn;
I couldn't think of anything to rhyme with "Nantucket."
The storm-troopers came with a warrant and battering ram;
All that I could say was "Well, that pretty much sucks."
Teh Edn
My plan for Blagojevich : his peeples should contact President Bush's
peeples and in return for a full presidential pardon, he'll appoint a
hard-core Conservative Repulican Right-wing warmonger - like Cheney's
gay daughter... Kill 2 birds with one stoner.
Just look at all that mindless bullshit! And she honestly thinks she's

She's fucking special alright!

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