Bush ignores recent ruling, claims power to conduct *warrantless* surveillance of US citizens A shameless mention of hypocritical laws and people.
(too old to reply)
2007-05-12 11:12:12 UTC
Brilliant response, but wrong. NY must be so proud to have you on
their Welfare role. You're a shining example of why abortion should
remain legal!
Dear Mr. Cliched Response: It's welfare "roll," not "role."
2007-05-12 11:16:21 UTC
On May 12, 6:59 am, Husky <***@gmail.com> wrote:
Go get help, or at
least remove yourself from the general population. You're a threat to
yourself and others.
Isn't it funny how people like you that scream the loudest about
intolerance are often the most intolerant of them all?
2007-05-12 12:03:58 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Go get help, or at
least remove yourself from the general population. You're a threat to
yourself and others.
Isn't it funny how people like you that scream the loudest about
intolerance are often the most intolerant of them all?
It's not intolerance, it's sound advice. You're clearly anti social
with strong hate issues. So, you're either a risk to yourself and
others or a phony internet troll. Which is it?
2007-05-12 12:04:13 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Go get help, or at
least remove yourself from the general population. You're a threat to
yourself and others.
Isn't it funny how people like you that scream the loudest about
intolerance are often the most intolerant of them all?
It's not intolerance, it's sound advice. You're clearly anti social
with strong hate issues. So, you're either a risk to yourself and
others or a phony internet troll. Which is it?
2007-05-12 23:33:32 UTC
Hey Ace, It's called levity you brain dead boob. Did you even bother
to look at the post, you trolling nit wit? Of course not! If you
did, you wouldn't have posted this.
When they brain washed you, they left your gray matter in the dryer
too long, because your brain has shrunk to the size of a pea.
People that post to newsgroups like alt.sex.fetish shouldn't talk.
2007-05-12 11:27:47 UTC
If brains were dynamite, you couldn't blow your nose, you moron!
You're dumb as dirt, dillweed.
Wow, how many other unoriginal cliches can you think of?
Sparky Spartacus
2007-05-28 09:03:37 UTC
Listen up, Idiot, there is no such thing as an "Americanized" Italian
word. What you posted was a misspelled word.
And you're a liar, because no one writes that term, or goes about
spelling in "The Neighborhood."!
Hey fuckface ... did you read this?
And if it wasn't a real term in use, it wouldn't have been heard in a
Sopranos episode, would it, you stupid illiterate fuck?
If brains were dynamite, you couldn't blow your nose, you moron!
First of all using the "Urbandictionary" as your reference source
explains a lot about ignoRANT posts.
You're dumb as dirt, dillweed. They didn't "Americanize" it, they
misspelled it, as did you, over and over, in your bigoted, ignoRANT
and racist writings .
And, obviously, the term "dialectal differences" still escapes you, I
see. No wonder, it's clear many things are beyond your comprehension.
Here's an idea, go the the corner of 125th and Lenox, and spew you're
racial venom there, tough guy! Never mind, I know you don't have the
nerve to say the stupid things you say on the internet, to people,
face to face. You just enjoy spewing your rhetoric behind the
anonymity of the internet.
And take your fucking gun with you. That'll give the locals something to
stick up your ass and squeeze off a couple of rounds. :)
