"HEMI - Powered""HEMI - Powered" <***@none.giganews> proliferated
this from his "special place" on Broke-TripleK-Klan Mountain
Bucky Breeder added du jour ...
Post by Bucky BreederBTW, don't forget that what really rescued the US from the
Great Depression was NOT FDR and his New Deal, it was WWII, so
let us all hope that we don't need to go that route again!
Like they're gonna replay WWII... geezus chryste, man, get a
I didn't say we would, just how sad it would be. But, lest you
think it can't happen, what if Israel and Iran toss the bomb at
each other, China and North Korea enter the fray, and Russia
invades Eastern Europe? What would you call that except
"possible." And, considering that the Obamanation is a .22 caliber
brain in a .44 Magnum world wrt foreign policy - and hey, now he's
got Joe the Gaff and Hilary to help - what makes you think WWIII
ain't possible?
Post by Bucky BreederWe've got the nukes now... and Halliburton is still solvent.
And a dozen other countries, all rogue nations to one extent or
another except for a couple like UK ALL have The Bomb or are trying
really hard to get it.
Post by Bucky Breeder<huge church choir singing "God Bless America">
Yeeeeaaaaahhhh... I'm familar with the rationale that WWII specifically,
and wars generally, are the instant recovery solution to severe economic
downturns... And the general correlation that when we cease hostilities,
a-la Viet Nam, the economy takes a *serious* downturn. [Did someone say
I cannot have a reasoned discussion with you because you're such a name-
calling imbecile to anyone who develops an alternative position....
What I will say is this : in a consumer-driven economy which depends heavily
upon a balance between credit usage and speculation of profits from the
credit usage, there has got to be a pop in the balloon simply because there
is no such practical state of existence as "infinity"; thus, it all becomes
ONE big old Ponzi scheme : the folks at the tail end of the operation take it
in the tail end... and *WhOOps*, here we are.
Unless "the poor" start buying, which they can't do if they can't work, then
all us "rich folks" already have all the stuff we need, so where is our
economy to go from here? Nobody is buying, thus nobody is manufacturing,
thus nobody is working, thus nobody is lending [anymore - NINJA loans were
part of the problem which brought us here - but we were already in the
throes...], thus nobody is moving anywhere but down and in... That's where
the momentum is until we find a new direction. And waste management -
there's a future. Or funeral homes - for a while.
Most societies understand that there's no real profit in war; only inflation.
Simply because war does not produce any gain anymore - especially in a global
economy. War only costs more money. If we were taking the land, or
distributing the gold [oil] or something along those lines... But those days
are over. They are over because ever since WWII we, as human beings, have
been compelled to feed the hungry, house the homeless, and include the
excluded. And that's why there's not likely to be a full-on WWIII in the
vein that the previous two were so labeled. Conquest is simply not
profitable. Now, we need to start doing things at home again. That leaves
the "vulnerablilty" for asstards to feed the "Marxist" label and try to stir
up some fear > hate > conflict because the needs are clearly repairing our
own infrastucture and redirecting our efforts using available resources more
Not to say that an extreme number of bizarre circumstances would not result
in concomitant global conflicts... most being driven by acquisition of power
and/or land - simply covered by emotional hate issues.
But what's all that go to do with your fears that Obama will somehow go
Marxist and "redistribute [all what?] wealth"?
You're on with the "22-cal brain" insults... yet the man, amid all the
accusations of "inexperience" and "marxist" and "terrorist" just organized
and won the biggest and most important contest on the planet - at this time,
and is already having a tremendous stabilizing effect just by speaking to
I guess I'd be interested in hearing what does "leadership" mean to you?
I'd also be interested in hearing what do you think it profits you to be so
untenably negative all the time?
I am Bucky Breeder, (*(^; , and YOU... are not.
Repent - the end is near! So... smoke'em if you got'em.