charlie mansons top 10! resons to vote for obamma!
(too old to reply)
Cork Soaker
2008-12-11 15:58:11 UTC
i like davidledder man dont u? out of al the
tv i get to watch hist one of my favorits inc
lil wayne 8 gramie
10...he promist me not to disconeckt internit
at cockhoran liebrery amd maybe i cn
have it in
my cell were i can get my degree in
privac-e witout
all the gay MF lookin ofver my sholder
9...prm iset me paroll in 2012 or par don
8...opra winfre-his frend- is not a racist
biytch or gay
with all doo risspect7...
wont take all the guns and ammo butt will
take all shanks
6---vote for him to relefve my gilt and
suspisshuns a-bout be in- aracist
5...vote for him bcose he reely didt palarond
with terorist s
4...vote for him becose he wus on y
undercuver at the blacklib church of rev
rightsand dint here nuttinn
3...voet for him cuss he hash good stuf 2 say
back werds i like it
2... boet for him cus s he
1...tada! #uno reesun cuss he says hell
remove rushlimba frumm theraydio an d
take down u-tube videe-oes sayin bad shit
bout me an him ayers and bern adine an how
bernadine likes me cus she diggs me man an
this one 2

So you're a spastic then?
Cork Soaker
2008-12-12 01:15:46 UTC
in naught but his dirtied diapers, baby-snot running down his face,
clomping around in his mommie's high-heels, and a Dodo-Bird feather
Boa wrapped 'round his neck, tripping him as he cries incessently for
his mommie's attention, but she remains passsively disinterested in all
but soap operas, chocolate-covered cherries and her self-gratification
Post by Cork Soaker
So you're a spastic then?
If YOU mean that YOU are confessing to being a
vomit-face-spastic-retard and a severely
disturbed social derelict; then... IAWTP!
BWAHAHAHAHA, Becky's back to her waffling!
Zunak the changeable mankball-reprehender
2008-12-12 02:14:32 UTC
Cork Soaker, ye empty-headed base muleter, thou art a frantic fool,
Post by Cork Soaker
in naught but his dirtied diapers, baby-snot running down his face,
clomping around in his mommie's high-heels, and a Dodo-Bird feather
Boa wrapped 'round his neck, tripping him as he cries incessently for
his mommie's attention, but she remains passsively disinterested in
all but soap operas, chocolate-covered cherries and her
Post by Cork Soaker
So you're a spastic then?
If YOU mean that YOU are confessing to being a
vomit-face-spastic-retard and a severely
disturbed social derelict; then... IAWTP!
BWAHAHAHAHA, Becky's back to her waffling!
You fucking cunt. I've just worked out who you are.

You bastard.
"We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us."
Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 [129]

Hammer of Thor: February 2007.
Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker:
September 2005, April 2006, January 2007, August 2008.
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle, Official owner
and trainer of Bucky Breeder, August 2008.
Official Member: Cabal Obsidian Order COOSN-124-07-06660
Official Overseer of Kooks & Trolls in 24hoursupport.helpdesk

Member of:
Usenet Ruiner List
Top Assholes on the Net List
Most hated usenetizens of all time List
Cog in the AUK Hate Machine List

Find me on Google Maps: 24°39'47.13"S, 134°4'20.18"E

Join me for dinner. I'm cooking thrown away horse flies and chive
preserve accentuated with gone off stinkbug intestine and catfish eye
seasoning, arranged in a randomly twitching double boiler heaped with
bland medley of an unidentifiable organ and crustacean in pustular
melted cheese, a side of foetal deer kidney and a pitcher of thickened
ligament extract.
Cork Soaker
2008-12-12 02:34:08 UTC
Post by Zunak the changeable mankball-reprehender
Cork Soaker, ye empty-headed base muleter, thou art a frantic fool,
Post by Cork Soaker
in naught but his dirtied diapers, baby-snot running down his face,
clomping around in his mommie's high-heels, and a Dodo-Bird feather
Boa wrapped 'round his neck, tripping him as he cries incessently for
his mommie's attention, but she remains passsively disinterested in
all but soap operas, chocolate-covered cherries and her
Post by Cork Soaker
So you're a spastic then?
If YOU mean that YOU are confessing to being a
vomit-face-spastic-retard and a severely
disturbed social derelict; then... IAWTP!
BWAHAHAHAHA, Becky's back to her waffling!
You fucking cunt. I've just worked out who you are.
You bastard.
What are you on about?
Gruduk the errant dolt-leaguerer
2008-12-12 02:49:51 UTC
Cork Soaker, ye lily-livered sour husband, I had rather be married to a
Post by Cork Soaker
Post by Zunak the changeable mankball-reprehender
Cork Soaker, ye empty-headed base muleter, thou art a frantic fool,
Post by Cork Soaker
in naught but his dirtied diapers, baby-snot running down his face,
clomping around in his mommie's high-heels, and a Dodo-Bird feather
Boa wrapped 'round his neck, tripping him as he cries incessently
for his mommie's attention, but she remains passsively
disinterested in all but soap operas, chocolate-covered cherries
Post by Cork Soaker
So you're a spastic then?
If YOU mean that YOU are confessing to being a
vomit-face-spastic-retard and a severely
disturbed social derelict; then... IAWTP!
BWAHAHAHAHA, Becky's back to her waffling!
You fucking cunt. I've just worked out who you are.
You bastard.
What are you on about?
har har har
"We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us."
Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 [129]

Hammer of Thor: February 2007.
Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker:
September 2005, April 2006, January 2007, August 2008.
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle, Official owner
and trainer of Bucky Breeder, August 2008.
Official Member: Cabal Obsidian Order COOSN-124-07-06660
Official Overseer of Kooks & Trolls in 24hoursupport.helpdesk

Member of:
Usenet Ruiner List
Top Assholes on the Net List
Most hated usenetizens of all time List
Cog in the AUK Hate Machine List

Find me on Google Maps: 24°39'47.13"S, 134°4'20.18"E

Join me for dinner. I'm cooking broiled penguin infection with turnip
topping next to parched used cat litter chips and Manx cat vein
dressing, simmered in a chilled skillet heaped with threadbare specks of
seaweed and particles of cashew in tea, a side of bed bug prostate and a
drink of smegma.
Cork Soaker
2008-12-12 04:19:13 UTC
Post by Gruduk the errant dolt-leaguerer
Cork Soaker, ye lily-livered sour husband, I had rather be married to a
Post by Cork Soaker
Post by Zunak the changeable mankball-reprehender
Cork Soaker, ye empty-headed base muleter, thou art a frantic fool,
Post by Cork Soaker
in naught but his dirtied diapers, baby-snot running down his face,
clomping around in his mommie's high-heels, and a Dodo-Bird feather
Boa wrapped 'round his neck, tripping him as he cries incessently
for his mommie's attention, but she remains passsively
disinterested in all but soap operas, chocolate-covered cherries
Post by Cork Soaker
So you're a spastic then?
If YOU mean that YOU are confessing to being a
vomit-face-spastic-retard and a severely
disturbed social derelict; then... IAWTP!
BWAHAHAHAHA, Becky's back to her waffling!
You fucking cunt. I've just worked out who you are.
You bastard.
What are you on about?
har har har
Indeed, four of them.
