Download limit??
(too old to reply)
Cork Soaker
2008-12-03 23:59:05 UTC
Windows vista home premium
I went to a web site with IE7 and got a pop up message that IE7 (all
versions) cannot download files larger than 4gb, try another browser.
What's up with this? I was after a DVD iso.
Were you saving it to disk or opening it?
Saving to disk, actually hadn't started any download yet.
Ok, try it again, but this time instead of left clicking on the link to
start the download, try right clicking and doing a "save as". I believe
the problem you're running into is the memory limit of a 32 bit address
bus. Which *is* 4 gig. There is a much higher limit for hard drives. You
*do* have at least 4 gig free on your hard drive right?
What a silly cunt!
Cork Soaker
2008-12-04 03:13:10 UTC
Ok, try it again, but this time instead of left clicking on the link
to start the download, try right clicking and doing a "save as". I
believe the problem you're running into is the memory limit of a 32
bit address bus. Which *is* 4 gig. There is a much higher limit for
hard drives. You *do* have at least 4 gig free on your hard drive
Read much?
Remember who you're talking to.
Yes, someone that didn't realize that such crap still existed in MS
software. Pure stupidity. no reason for it at all. Evan got lucky
with an unwarrented lucky search. Nothing more than that. Technet exists
for when anything other than a windows error has been eliminated.
You clueless dipshit!
2008-12-04 13:34:08 UTC
Chuck you just made the moron list.
Post by Cork Soaker
Windows vista home premium
I went to a web site with IE7 and got a pop up message that IE7 (all
versions) cannot download files larger than 4gb, try another browser.
What's up with this? I was after a DVD iso.
Were you saving it to disk or opening it?
Saving to disk, actually hadn't started any download yet.
Ok, try it again, but this time instead of left clicking on the link to
start the download, try right clicking and doing a "save as". I believe
the problem you're running into is the memory limit of a 32 bit address
bus. Which *is* 4 gig. There is a much higher limit for hard drives. You
*do* have at least 4 gig free on your hard drive right?
What a silly cunt!
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