Post by jkh001Post by The Masked BishopThat's not what I'm suggesting. I'm suggesting that acting like name-
calling ten-year olds is even worse that posting delusions. If the
notions aren't worth debating, ignore them.
I know, it's a reach.
I have some sympathy with that view.
Only when others use the tactic against HIM. A little Boolean logic
unravels the darker motive.
OH please tell us what that darker motive might be oh wise one......
Post by jkh001The problem is that a
loggorhoetic narcissist like Sloan
With narcissist defined at someone better at drawing crowds than
he. How DARE people pay attention to Sloan!!
? The underlying premise is that John should be the one to determine
Post by jkh001Sloans level of self-esteem, an attempt at social dominance which is
actually rather predatory.
Look who's talking! Pot, meet Kettle..
Post by jkh001is going to flood all available
channels with his lunacies.
The term lunacy is what they call SLANTED language, used to
establish false premise for discrediting it, or a false need to
counteract it, which, of course, could be done LOGICALLY, without the
insults, most of which are thought by actual debaters to be a sign
that one is LOSING an argument, and is just making noise to disguise
One cannot use logic, with the illogical. Sloan feels it's necessary to
post everything in his life on every group that he has the remotest interest
in. Who cares what is going on in some lawsuit over who knows what in
California? it has nothing to do with the purpose of this group. Sort of
like the garbage you post and cross post all over the internet when you want
attention. One does not have to have a degree in psychology to know an
attention whore when it manefests itself.
Post by jkh001Often, he sounds superficially rational if
you don't know the facts,
He SOUNDS that way at times, because he IS that way, at times. Thats
the point of DEBATING. John is actually insulting the AUDIENCE, by
claiming that it doesnt know how to think for itself, and needs him
to inform it.
This is also the guy who felt the need to post a DEATH THREAT against
me (people DO go to prisons for that stuff), with similar
justification (in his mind), literally at risk to his freedom. As a
rule, men dont risk prison or lawsuits unless something BIG is at
Ohhhh, another claim of a DEATH THREAT (note the capitals) which is
unspecified and if history serves us, probably not a threat at all. Like
the "death threats" that were supposed to be in that letter that was sent to
his mother, and later turned out to contain only the truth of what he has
been doing for years. Are we supposed to pity poor gordie now, because he's
scared of the big bad wolf?
Post by jkh001This raises the question: what IS his stake here that would cause him
to take such risks?
Maybe he just doesn't like you, and your bombast. Did you ever think about
that gordie?
Post by jkh001If he's not debunked, he'll end up being
quoted later as an "authority." Stomp him like a cockroach, /then/
ignore him.
John has some seriously violent ideations here, and its not the
first time. His basic premise that his words carry more weight than
any other voice on this group is flawed, and used only to justify
his abusive, if not illegal, behavior.
Abusive, hmmm, like all that stuff you posted on the gymnastics group? you
mean abusive like that?
Post by jkh001I do know that a pattern is emerging where several individuals with
current or former ties to USCF are harassing me on this group, to the
point where another round of litigation (if not outright criminal
complaints) may be in order.
Ok, he's almost finished with his list of whines, and threats that are
typical of his posts, so here it comes.........
Post by jkh001Maybe John has been so isolated for so long, he doesnt understand
that what might sound innocuous when spoken among equally impotent
chess geeks can lead to some serious legal consequences in regular
company. Saw his type lots of time in the chess world: one got
verbally aggressive with me at a tournament skittles room until I took
two steps in his direction, only to find a sheepish offer of a
I cannot imagine gordie in a social setting, and why would anyone at a
tournament say such things to him anyway, unless he was displaying his
typical abrasive pattern?
Post by jkh001This thread has definitely strengthened my resolve NOT to settle this
case, something I was open to until Teddybear, JKH, and Double-D
started their shit again. I hope USCF and the Polgars are aware of
why this case will be continuing. They have no one but these three to
BINGO, he has now exhausted his list of typical threats, this time he's
going to carry on a lawsuit because uninvolved parties laugh at his threats.
Uh huh....LOL
Who is Double D? Or is that someone from another group? I see he's cross
posted to 5 groups including alt.morons. How appropriate!