Post by Cork SoakerAfter takin' a swig o' grog, Hadron belched out
They bitch about Roy, who posts mostly material suited toward a
linux advocacy group. Not a peep about Quirk, who mostly makes
shit up and calls it "advocacy".
No. Most of my posts are NOT advocacy. They are pointing out the
lies from the loony fringe.
But I can tell you I advocate Linux more than Liarnut and the rest.
He wanted Peter to point out his lies. There's one.
I don't see a great lot of his posts because I have him and
references killfiled (where I put the rule allows some to sneak
through based on the users who are following up). But I'll be happy
to point out the lying posts for him of the ones I *do* see if he'd
Off you go ... Feel free.
Stop lying, you fucking bitch!
Fool, have you not noticed that noone ever responds to your posts but me
and I only do it for some cheap laughs.
Linux newbies, ask your questions in a moderated safe haven:
On 11/26/08 networking_at_home said:
"I learned from the best Dan, I learned from you. How do you like me now?"
A good read indeed:
Dan C Wannabes: Cork Soaker, SINNER
Now Playing: Nektar, Remember the Future