The Inconvenient Truth
2010-07-08 20:41:44 UTC
First off, I'd like to know exactly which personality of yours am I
addressing here?
The "you're a stupid fuck" personality. You're a stupid fuck.addressing here?
you're being a dumbass, again (sigh.) or maybe you're not.
If you can't figure out stupid, it's you, stupid.Wouldn't want to give up the...oh well, never mind.
OK, I won't. Fuck you, Stimpy.That's Ms Niner who is attempting to communicate with your obtuse,
obfuscating dumb ass.
Horse fucking shit, you neuron-wasted dimbulb. It's not working, ok? Get aobfuscating dumb ass.
clue!!! Fuck!
It's been, well, since birth when you were last
in direct contact with a female of our species,
My reality exceeds your wildest fantasy. You'll never catch up no matter howin direct contact with a female of our species,
long you live.
so you do get some
slack but enough already.
Gee whiz, thanks, mister rocket scientist MPD genetic experiment sir.slack but enough already.
Now comes the best part... wait for it...
It's fairly easy to discern that you're
addressing two different posters, mr. paranoiac.'s almost here....That is, unless
you're a net wannabe pretender phony ass liar who does know the
difference between ip addys and shinola.
Huh????? HAAAAAHAHAHAHA!!!! You're SO FUCKED UP!you're a net wannabe pretender phony ass liar who does know the
difference between ip addys and shinola.
Give up your tragically shortlived kat sock, it's dead. All that is left for
you to do is lick the roadkill.
So with all these different little imaginary play friends you have,
where do they end and what remains of the actual you begin?
You wanna translate that into English? Fuck! You're really stupid!where do they end and what remains of the actual you begin?
Bertt Farve
I think, therefore I smack you around and you beg for more, and more,
and more
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