"an_old_friend" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:***@e3g2000cwe.googlegroups.com...
Colonel Mark wrote:
more fraud I see steve
Post by Colonel MarkWhen you place 100 or more posts a day, is that not a "crapathon"?
on;ly if the posts were crap
Post by Colonel MarkSure it is.
You haven't the sense to see that Slow Code is returning your spams in kind
I don't spam at all spaming is mostly he perrojitve of wogoer
Post by Colonel Markin an attempt to show you just how ridiculous you are.
You need professional help, Mork. Perhaps Woger will loan you his therapist.
professionhelp for what steve?
objecting to forgery or is it obejcting your efforts at runing a smear
campiagn you object to
You prove once again that Slow Code is pretty much on the mark when he
refers to you as a blithering idiot.
And the fact that you falsely accused Wiseman of sending you an alleged
death threat this morning is also a smear campaign.
Stop your lies.