### Federal judge in Ga. sanctions 'birther' attorney <= nutters get kicked to the gutter! ###
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Saint Archival
2009-10-15 07:49:20 UTC
Federal judge in Ga. sanctions 'birther' attorney
(AP) - 32 minutes ago
COLUMBUS, Ga. - A federal judge in Georgia has fined a leader of
the movement that claims President Barack Obama was born outside
the U.S. and isn't eligible to be president.
U.S. District Judge Clay D. Land's scathing 43-page order says
California lawyer and dentist Orly Taitz is attempting to misuse
the federal courts to press "wild accusations."
Taitz is a leader of the so-called birther movement and sued on
behalf of a soldier who claimed she shouldn't have to deploy to
Iraq because Obama wasn't born in the U.S. Documents show he was
born in Hawaii.
Land, appointed in 2001 by President George W. Bush, says he fined
Taitz $20,000 "as a deterrent to prevent future misconduct and to
protect the integrity of the court."
Taitz tells The Fulton County Daily Report the order is "an
absolute outrage."
Sounds to me like this judge took the case just to legally whip her
ass. He could have denied the case to begin with, but chose not to.
District Courts may not turn down properly filed suits.
Taitz has yet to understand that nowhere in the Constitution does
it mention anything about having to prove where one was born or how
that proof is to be shown.
Which ignorance wouldn't have gotten her sanctioned. Good news for
you, eh?
The really big question should be, under which name is he legally
Why is that a question at all?
US citizens do not get student foreign aid.
Just like Obama.
There is documentation showing Barry Soreotoro received foreign aid
at occidental college.
No, he didn't. Occidental College says it has no records of anyone
named Soetoro. The foriegn aid story is a hoax. See factcheck.org
Yet, in Hawaii he attended high school as Barack Obama.
Is there anything so ignorant that you won't espouse it?
Explain then, at a time when travel to Pakistan was forbidden to US
citizens, how he managed to go there?
God damn boy, you are one stump-stupid son of a bitch, aren't you?
He's not nearly as stupid as you.
When -- EXACTLY -- was U$ travel to Pakistan forbidden and under what
1977, Pakistan declared Martial Law. Civilian government resumed in 1988.
U.S. travel was discouraged or forbidden. Apparently you're too stupid to
read a newspaper, or too young to have known about it.
This is a fact he stated himself in
his own book.
Why is he constantly spending millions of dollars to keep records
from being unsealed?
Why would anyone need to spend even 1 million $$ to keep something
that is sealed, sealed?
Because a good lawyer can get anything unsealed, stupid.
Why are they even sealed to begin with?
Why are any of the MILLIONS of sealed records in the U$A sealed?
So stupid people like you can ask stupid questions.
What does he have to hide?
Anything that he desires should be hidden from pig-ignorant asswipes
like you.
PKB, cretin.
2009-10-15 14:02:58 UTC
Post by Saint Archival
Federal judge in Ga. sanctions 'birther' attorney
(AP) - 32 minutes ago
COLUMBUS, Ga. - A federal judge in Georgia has fined a leader of
the movement that claims President Barack Obama was born outside
the U.S. and isn't eligible to be president.
U.S. District Judge Clay D. Land's scathing 43-page order says
California lawyer and dentist Orly Taitz is attempting to misuse
the federal courts to press "wild accusations."
[Idiocy Allayed]
Post by Saint Archival
God damn boy, you are one stump-stupid son of a bitch, aren't you?
He's not nearly as stupid as you.
QUITE TRUE... In That richard is SEVERAL DEGREES *DOWN* the IQ
Scale from RC...

MUCH The Same as Yourself...
Post by Saint Archival
When -- EXACTLY -- was U$ travel to Pakistan forbidden and under what
1977, Pakistan declared Martial Law.  Civilian government resumed in 1988.  
U.S. travel was discouraged or forbidden.  Apparently you're too stupid to
read a newspaper, or too young to have known about it.
STAND BY, MuthaFUCKER... Off To Court at 0749 just now... I
_PROMISE_ You I'll be back To Deal With your IGNORANT Self-Serving
Rightard Ass later this afternoon...

IN the meantime BITCH, You Be Gathering Together those
"newspaper" [Articles] that Purport to Inform that there [Ever Was] a
Travel Ban imposed WRT to Pakistan, circa 1977...

DO PLEASE include ANY & ALL "Sources" of this Alleged ban,
INcluding those of Taitz, Beck, Fox News, and MY Personal Favourite,
Fat, Pie-Eatin' Slobs of Amerika, Inc, DUMBaugh...

IN the meantime, I Fervently Hope that Ostensibly Lesser OUTRAGED
Free-Thinkers... like Dee-uh-DRAT will chime in and Expose another
Imbecilic RightTARD BungHole for the Self-Deluding IDIOT that he is...

Dee-uh-DRAT... SIC `EM!!!
Post by Saint Archival
This is a fact he stated himself in
his own book.
Why is he constantly spending millions of dollars to keep records
from being unsealed?
Why would anyone need to spend even 1 million $$ to keep something
that is sealed, sealed?
Because a good lawyer can get anything unsealed, stupid.
Why are they even sealed to begin with?
Why are any of the MILLIONS of sealed records in the U$A sealed?
So stupid people like you can ask stupid questions.
What does he have to hide?
Anything that he desires should be hidden from pig-ignorant asswipes
like you.
PKB, cretin
Naughtius "FUCK YOU, Judge, You Can't Do That..." Maximus
2009-10-15 20:50:04 UTC
Post by Naughtius
Post by Saint Archival
Federal judge in Ga. sanctions 'birther' attorney
(AP) - 32 minutes ago
COLUMBUS, Ga. - A federal judge in Georgia has fined a leader of
the movement that claims President Barack Obama was born outside
the U.S. and isn't eligible to be president.
U.S. District Judge Clay D. Land's scathing 43-page order says
California lawyer and dentist Orly Taitz is attempting to misuse
the federal courts to press "wild accusations."
[Idiocy Allayed]
Post by Saint Archival
God damn boy, you are one stump-stupid son of a bitch, aren't you?
He's not nearly as stupid as you.
   QUITE TRUE... In That richard is SEVERAL DEGREES *DOWN* the IQ
Scale from RC...
   MUCH The Same as Yourself...
Post by Saint Archival
When -- EXACTLY -- was U$ travel to Pakistan forbidden and under what
1977, Pakistan declared Martial Law.  Civilian government resumed in 1988.  
U.S. travel was discouraged or forbidden.  Apparently you're too stupid to
read a newspaper, or too young to have known about it.
   STAND BY, MuthaFUCKER... Off To Court at 0749 just now... I
_PROMISE_ You I'll be back To Deal With your IGNORANT Self-Serving
Rightard Ass later this afternoon...
   IN the meantime BITCH, You Be Gathering Together those
"newspaper" [Articles] that Purport to Inform that there [Ever Was] a
Travel Ban imposed WRT to Pakistan, circa 1977...
   DO PLEASE include ANY & ALL "Sources" of this Alleged ban,
INcluding those of Taitz, Beck, Fox News, and MY Personal Favourite,
Fat, Pie-Eatin' Slobs of Amerika, Inc, DUMBaugh...
   IN the meantime, I Fervently Hope that Ostensibly Lesser OUTRAGED
Free-Thinkers... like Dee-uh-DRAT will chime in and Expose another
Imbecilic RightTARD BungHole for the Self-Deluding IDIOT that he is...
   Dee-uh-DRAT... SIC `EM!!!
Post by Saint Archival
This is a fact he stated himself in
his own book.
Why is he constantly spending millions of dollars to keep records
from being unsealed?
Why would anyone need to spend even 1 million $$ to keep something
that is sealed, sealed?
Because a good lawyer can get anything unsealed, stupid.
Why are they even sealed to begin with?
Why are any of the MILLIONS of sealed records in the U$A sealed?
So stupid people like you can ask stupid questions.
What does he have to hide?
Anything that he desires should be hidden from pig-ignorant asswipes
like you.
PKB, cretin
Naughtius "FUCK YOU, Judge, You Can't Do That..." Maximus
Alrighty...HERE I Am... Just Returned some six hours later from
Doing Battle With The Forces of EVIL and ITCHING to do MORE...
However, NOT a LYING Piece Of Shit RighTARD in sight...

NOT that I'm Surprised... Ever & ALWAYS, when Called on their
LYING, DELUSIONAL Shit, they SCATTER like The Proverbial Cockroaches
From Light...

A Show Of Hands... ANYone Surprised that "Saint Archival"... has
Chosen The Usual Tack of Scurrying Away... Under the frig... Behind
the TV... Into The Basement Upon DEMAND for DISCOVERY of Sources &
Citations Supporting an OBVIOUS Self-Serving LIE? OR at least that
"richard" has Opined that he thinks he remembers a TV Show sometime
past, where Starsky and Hutch were DENIED Visas to Enter Pakistan In
Search Of bin Laden and Other ENEMY LIBERALS? [Scanning the MULTITUDE
of misc.legal Followers... NOT ONE HAND is Now Showing]

Well... Let's All Be Charitable and give the Delusional RighTARD
Faction an EXTENSION on their DUTY To Provide Documentation &
Verification of their Current "I Believe It's True Because It's
*CONVENIENT* To Believe It's True" Delusional Utterance... [AKA

RighTARDS!! Yer ON...


Which are WHOLLY DIFFERENT FROM your Collective, Self-Serving, Self-
Important, Self-DELUDING, Specious & UNinformed *OPINION*...

Naughtius "Prove Me Wrong, Silent Bob" Maximus
