Doctor No
2007-11-13 08:40:41 UTC
Yeah, let's thank our Veterans for raping Iraqi boys, gang raping
Iraqi mothers before killing their children and families, and IF they
can't find the bad guy, they just drag out a family next door and
execute them in the streets then throw weapons in their hand to make
it look like a fire fight.
All documented.
America learned nothing from the ass raping it took on 9/11.
Hey moron, don't forget to thank them for insuring your right to sayIraqi mothers before killing their children and families, and IF they
can't find the bad guy, they just drag out a family next door and
execute them in the streets then throw weapons in their hand to make
it look like a fire fight.
All documented.
America learned nothing from the ass raping it took on 9/11.
such moronic drivel with no threat of reprisal. In your country such
Idiocy would get you shot!
can kiss my ass. That's American freedom.