2008-12-09 21:42:14 UTC
Cork Soaker added these comments in the current discussion du
jour ...
Are you one of those who feel that the US should be MADE to be nice
to others? If yes, by whom, please? The simple fact of the matter
is WAY beyond American law in the first place - it is patently
absurd and impossible to even attempt to implement such a
declaration of human rights even if we wanted to. Or, are you also
going to provide the resources?
jour ...
Too bad this nonsensical document has ZERO force of law, huh?
Seriously, do whatever you think is best in your country, but
in mine, we go by the simple principle that American law
trumps all of these initiatives unless/until they are enacted
into law by Congress as an approved bill and signed by the
president OR the United States signs a treaty to this effect
and it is confirmed by the US Senate in it's "advise and
consent role".
Yes, the world knows.Seriously, do whatever you think is best in your country, but
in mine, we go by the simple principle that American law
trumps all of these initiatives unless/until they are enacted
into law by Congress as an approved bill and signed by the
president OR the United States signs a treaty to this effect
and it is confirmed by the US Senate in it's "advise and
consent role".
to others? If yes, by whom, please? The simple fact of the matter
is WAY beyond American law in the first place - it is patently
absurd and impossible to even attempt to implement such a
declaration of human rights even if we wanted to. Or, are you also
going to provide the resources?
HP, aka Jerry
Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when
you lose your job Ronald Reagan
HP, aka Jerry
Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when
you lose your job Ronald Reagan