2011-03-14 00:24:47 UTC
DAYTON -- The Dayton Police Department is lowering its testing standards for
It's a move required by the U.S. Department of Justice after it says not
enough African-Americans passed the exam.
Is the test skewed to benefit whites?recruits.
It's a move required by the U.S. Department of Justice after it says not
enough African-Americans passed the exam.
Are the schools discriminating against blacks?
How?Is the black population aleady too low in Ohio so there there are few
Do the Dayton police have a history of racism against blacks?
Non starter. The test doesn't know who is who.candidates?
Do the Dayton police have a history of racism against blacks?
Dayton is in desperate need of officers to replace dozens of retirees. The
hiring process was postponed for months because the D.O.J. rejected the
original scores provided by the Dayton Civil Service Board, which
administers the test.
Under the previous requirements, candidates had to get a 66% on part one of
the exam and a 72% on part two.
The D.O.J. approved new scoring policy only requires potential police
officers to get a 58% and a 63%. That's the equivalent of an 'F' and a 'D'.
No it isn't.hiring process was postponed for months because the D.O.J. rejected the
original scores provided by the Dayton Civil Service Board, which
administers the test.
Under the previous requirements, candidates had to get a 66% on part one of
the exam and a 72% on part two.
The D.O.J. approved new scoring policy only requires potential police
officers to get a 58% and a 63%. That's the equivalent of an 'F' and a 'D'.
that way is stupidity. Did you earn an F on your income taxes because
you only paid 15%?
THAT WAY is stupidity.
Ray Fischer | Mendacracy (n.) government by lying
DAYTON -- The Dayton Police Department is lowering its testing standards for
It's a move required by the U.S. Department of Justice after it says not
enough African-Americans passed the exam.
Is the test skewed to benefit whites?recruits.
It's a move required by the U.S. Department of Justice after it says not
enough African-Americans passed the exam.
Are the schools discriminating against blacks?
How?Is the black population aleady too low in Ohio so there there are few
Do the Dayton police have a history of racism against blacks?
Non starter. The test doesn't know who is who.candidates?
Do the Dayton police have a history of racism against blacks?
Dayton is in desperate need of officers to replace dozens of retirees. The
hiring process was postponed for months because the D.O.J. rejected the
original scores provided by the Dayton Civil Service Board, which
administers the test.
Under the previous requirements, candidates had to get a 66% on part one of
the exam and a 72% on part two.
The D.O.J. approved new scoring policy only requires potential police
officers to get a 58% and a 63%. That's the equivalent of an 'F' and a 'D'.
No it isn't.hiring process was postponed for months because the D.O.J. rejected the
original scores provided by the Dayton Civil Service Board, which
administers the test.
Under the previous requirements, candidates had to get a 66% on part one of
the exam and a 72% on part two.
The D.O.J. approved new scoring policy only requires potential police
officers to get a 58% and a 63%. That's the equivalent of an 'F' and a 'D'.
that way is stupidity. Did you earn an F on your income taxes because
you only paid 15%?
THAT WAY is stupidity.
Ray Fischer | Mendacracy (n.) government by lying
value to you, but that's about it.
The obvious point escaped you. Such low scores should be failing (F)
scores in a PD entrance exam. It was meant figuratively, BUT you knew