(too old to reply)
Ditch Huntley
2013-12-25 22:41:36 UTC
You shoot the messenger.
When the messenger consistly delivers deceitful messages, he is a
traitor. And, yes, you do shoot him.
Imbecile, if the info brought is deceitful, what has this to do with the
messenger?? You kill your Internet, Radio/TV, telephone cables etc just
because what you hear is deceitful?

Heck, these people are crazy. Who would event think such a thing could
happen this place. They only accept info that is funny and make them
laugh :) LOL
Ditch Huntley
2013-12-25 22:41:58 UTC
You kill your Internet, Radio/TV, telephone cables etc just because
what you hear is deceitful?
The messenger is a person, imbecile. And some of those are traitors.
You, for instance.
Me?? Are you crazy! What has those yours stupid assessments, and that
messenger, to do with me? You stupid fart, hermetic sealed into a plastic
bottle. You are more stupid than first evaluated.
Ditch Huntley
2013-12-25 22:42:36 UTC
Post by Ditch Huntley
Me?? Are you crazy! What has those yours stupid assessments, and that
messenger, to do with me? You stupid fart, hermetic sealed into a
plastic bottle. You are more stupid than first evaluated.
You, sir, with your uncivilized, brutish behavior and fouler language,
are a traitor to humanity. You demonstrate a churlishness with not a
spark of decency about you. You think you are "cool" but you only
demean yourself.
Answer the question idiot, do not evade. Take a look at YOUR own
uncivilized "behavior" (behaviour for starters). You, UNPROVOKED,
wish the messenger, here Mr Pentcho, shot as a traitor. You must
be mental, you got to be.

Also, you just said this, idiot

You apparently do not have an informed opinion, then.

"You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed
opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant." — Harlan Ellison
Mr Pentcho is doing a service by quoting science published somewhere

In a different universe, maybe. It certainly isn't THIS one.
You shoot the messenger.
When the messenger consistly delivers deceitful messages, he is a traitor.
And, yes, you do shoot him.

and your friend Wizard regrets not more people gassed dead in chambers:

"Wizard" to Y.Porat lately:
