Victory will be so much sweeter when you cheaters are crushed at 12-0 by the mighty Steelers in your own house!!!! Luv ya, Black & Gold.....slayers of Patsy Nation
Said the consummate Troll, as he craved attention.
It's the steroids....causes confusion and delusions...
-- We must change the way we live, or the climate will do it for us.
Victory will be so much sweeter when you cheaters are crushed at 12-0 by the mighty Steelers in your own house!!!! Luv ya, Black & Gold.....slayers of Patsy Nation
Said the consummate Troll, as he craved attention.
Victory will be so much sweeter when you cheaters are crushed at 12-0 by the mighty Steelers in your own house!!!! Luv ya, Black & Gold.....slayers of Patsy Nation
Said the consummate Troll, as he craved attention.
Victory will be so much sweeter when you cheaters are crushed at 12-0 by the mighty Steelers in your own house!!!! Luv ya, Black & Gold.....slayers of Patsy Nation
Said the consummate Troll, as he craved attention.
And you responded
And you shouldn't have!
Huh? Did it make you mad?
No, because it put you in a place I didn't intend to put you.