My only regret is that I could not have named all of my Cowboy brethren earlier.
(too old to reply)
2008-01-02 19:29:58 UTC
Just a hunch but I feel an NFCCG being played in GB!- Hide quoted
text -
I hope your hunches are right. Because that is what I want, too.
Aaron Hirshberg
well, if you get on your knees, and 'do' Husky, i am quite sure he
will not mind......
you have supplicated yourself to him so many times, after all
you boys have a good time today..and your daily circle jerk!
"supplicated yourself"
Don't pay attention to Ron.
He creates problems with everyone.
it's a true sign of small and insignificant genitalia
That's the pot calling the kettle, black, Moron!
Quit talking to your suppet - your sock puppet - Ron in such a manner
Husky. The only 'hunches' you gay boys, Husky and Ron and your very
good friend Ben, know of is hunching each other's very nasty asses.
and then giving your satiator head,
hence your mouths, minds, bodies, and totality such a nasty shambles!

enjoy it, fly boi!
2008-01-12 21:18:04 UTC
LOL! I fall far short of their glory. I'm just lucky enough to be a
squirrel in their world, and in OUR Cowboy's world - trying to get a
Mr. Sauteed Shrimp
"who's gonna fill their shoes" - George "Possum" Jones.........
so please don't take it personally, if you were not enumerated then.
if i had of listed all of you wonderful people, the subject: line
would have been clear to china!
lol...dayum, i'm great!
"in perpetuality"
i see you are still happy to live in your bliss of ignorance, Ron.
continue enjoy the darkness of all of your days - past, present, and
Just a hunch but I feel an NFCCG being played in GB!
the only 'hunch' you have a clue about is taking it up your hershey
Here's some sound, albeit belated advice, Sparky.Loading Image...
ma PWNED canuck Husky...get a job, why don'tcha...and get off the
govmint dole!
I see you met Husky! What a piece of work huh?
His specialty is calling people troll's.
Oh but wait...what was he doing in the Cowboys group???
Could it be???
The troll sheriff is a troll himself!!!
Moron, you're cross posting, but obviously, you're too stupid to know
Ok there Sheriff.
Maybe next week you will learn some more words in the fourth grade so
you can drop moron.
2008-01-12 21:18:10 UTC
LOL! I fall far short of their glory. I'm just lucky enough to be a
squirrel in their world, and in OUR Cowboy's world - trying to get a
Mr. Sauteed Shrimp
"who's gonna fill their shoes" - George "Possum" Jones.........
so please don't take it personally, if you were not enumerated then.
if i had of listed all of you wonderful people, the subject: line
would have been clear to china!
lol...dayum, i'm great!
"in perpetuality"
i see you are still happy to live in your bliss of ignorance, Ron.
continue enjoy the darkness of all of your days - past, present, and
Just a hunch but I feel an NFCCG being played in GB!
the only 'hunch' you have a clue about is taking it up your hershey
Here's some sound, albeit belated advice, Sparky.http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a162/STFU-ALREADY/shutup.jpg
ma PWNED canuck Husky...get a job, why don'tcha...and get off the
govmint dole!
Hello you NYM shifting moron. I've missed toyng with your addle
minded brain.
Where have you been, getting laid, relaid and parlayed by the fleet?
If I told you, you had half a brain, I'd be over exaggerating.
Go home, grow up and come back when your 15 or 16 you sophomoric
Moron is Husky's second favorite word.
Puberty was tough for everyone.
But he will be going through it for a long time.
Calling people names makes him feel like a man.
2008-01-13 02:56:09 UTC
I see you met Husky! What a piece of work huh?
His specialty is calling people troll's.
Oh but wait...what was he doing in the Cowboys group???
Responding to a cross posted thread, Numb Nuts!
Could it be???
The troll sheriff is a troll himself!!!
Hey you BB brained Moron, you still don't get it! Before you call
someone a Troll, learn what an X posted thread is. You,
shitforbrainds, triba and gravedigger deserve each other! What a
bunch of Dumbasses you are! BTW you're a certified Moron!
I'll x post all I like little boy.
You expanded your vocabulary!
I told you puberty will pass.
2008-01-13 18:01:20 UTC
Post by Vindows
Could it be???
The troll sheriff is a troll himself!!!
Hey you BB brained Moron, you still don't get it! Before you call
someone a Troll, learn what an X posted thread is. You,
shitforbrainds, triba and gravedigger deserve each other! What a
bunch of Dumbasses you are! BTW you're a certified Moron!
I'll x post all I like little boy.
Good, then more people will find out what a dope you are.
Post by Vindows
You expanded your vocabulary!
I told you puberty will pass.
Not for you, Moron. You'll always be stuck in the 3rd grade,
regardless of how your body grows.
You should try using your head for something other than a hat rack!
Do you even know what X posting means?? Do you even know what day it
You're the poster boy for "Dumbass", a person dumber than dirt.
Still going on about yesterday? Grow up kid.
When you grow up and get a job and you pay for my ISP you can tell me
how to post.
Congratulations for adding dumbass to your small vocabulary. You are
still using moron, but it will pass as you grow up. Or not.
Until then I'll have to kill filter.
I hate when parents don't supervise their kids on the net.
Although seeing this one get abducted wouldn't break my heart.
2008-01-17 17:49:29 UTC
LOL! I fall far short of their glory. I'm just lucky enough to be a
squirrel in their world, and in OUR Cowboy's world - trying to get a
Mr. Sauteed Shrimp
"who's gonna fill their shoes" - George "Possum" Jones.........
so please don't take it personally, if you were not enumerated then.
if i had of listed all of you wonderful people, the subject: line
would have been clear to china!
lol...dayum, i'm great!
"in perpetuality"
i see you are still happy to live in your bliss of ignorance, Ron.
continue enjoy the darkness of all of your days - past, present, and
Just a hunch but I feel an NFCCG being played in GB!
the only 'hunch' you have a clue about is taking it up your hershey
Here's some sound, albeit belated advice, Sparky.http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a162/STFU-ALREADY/shutup.jpg
f*ck your 'advice'! it is vacuous, my PWNED puppy dawg!
