Paul Cardinale
2009-11-24 20:25:15 UTC
Many have suggested I study textbooks instead
of posting questions. Which textbook do you
recommend that gives a scholarly explanation of
the following.
In the photo-electric effect, Einstein
hypothesizes that a photon's energy is
proportional to the light frequency.
Actually, this is an experimental result. VLBA is based on it.of posting questions. Which textbook do you
recommend that gives a scholarly explanation of
the following.
In the photo-electric effect, Einstein
hypothesizes that a photon's energy is
proportional to the light frequency.
I find that when the picture on a TV changes
from red to blue, there isn't a measureable
difference in the power consumption.
For a given intensity, there is a difference in "gun current".from red to blue, there isn't a measureable
difference in the power consumption.
the old days, the red phosphors were much less efficient than the
green & blue, and when red dominated the image, beam current would go
way up.
Paul Cardinale