I don't agree with much that Obama does,
(1) Doubling the value of the stock market (typical of a communist,
Pumped up by the fed to the tune of 85 billion a month to create an
economic bubble
Typical of Flannigan (aka "Haskell") the designated drunk of the internet.
Get it through the inebriated shit you call "brains." The Fed is run by
Goddamn lie.
I didn't expect you to know that because a pile of dogshit knows nothing.
Nice admission, shit for brains.
(2) Converting the US auto industry into a profit making business
Bailed out the unions as opposed to letting GM go through bankruptcy
Fuckin idiot. GM couldn't be restructured.
Shameless fucking lie.
Even your whore Romney admitted that when he wasn't robbing pension funds.
Nobody wanted GM but Obama saw it for its potential and got the right
people to run the company.
He sucked union cock for money after they bankrupted the company and then he
illegally FUCKED the investors, but that's what niggers do. Loot plunder and
GM sales in 2007: 9,370,000 vehicles
Toyota sales in 2007: 9,366,418 vehicles
GM profit/loss in 2007: -$38,730,000,000 (-$4,055 per car)
Toyota profit in 2007: +$17,146,000,000 (+$1,874 per car)
It's profitable and people who bought stock in the GM run by Obama's
people are making money. But a useless drunk like Flannigan knows nothing
about being productive since downing a six pack is Flanny's idea of
productivity for himself.
More fucking lying. Try giving a fuck about your country as opposed to
propping up your corrupt lying nigger.
"General Motors Is Headed For Bankruptcy -- Again"
(3) Converting a MINUS 5% GDP growth rate to a PLUS 4+% growth rate
The financial crisis was caused by policies Obama supported
Obama wasn't even in congress when the GOP fucked up the country with an
asshole running the SEC. Of course Flannigan (aka "Haskell") was too
drunk to know that Chris Cox, Bush's SEC chairman, was watching porno on
his government supplied computer when Wall Street fell apart.
You're a lying cocksucker. Obama was in congress when Bush was proposing
measures to avert a financial crisis and Obama opposed it because he was
being paid off by Fannie and Freddie. That's what niggers do. It's all about
himself and fuck the country. Just like you.
(4) Lowest taxes since the Eisenhower Administration
Flat out fucking lie.
Flanny, are you always a drunken pile of shit or do you save your
stupidity only for the internet? Get it through the inebriated shit in
your head that Obama cut taxes to 1950s level
(5) Ending two Cheney wars
Losing two American wars.
They were Cheney wars.
They were American wars, you corrupt anti-American democrat cocksucker.
They were run to make Eric Prince and his scumbags at Blackwater rich and
to bump up the value of Cheney's HAL stock options.
You're a corrupt fucking liar. All democrats are. It's the foundation of the
The "Gift Trust Agreement" the Cheney's signed two days before he took
office turns over power of attorney to a trust administrator to sell the
options at some future time and to give the after-tax profits to three
charities. The agreement specifies that 40% will go to the University of
Wyoming (Cheney's home state), 40% will go to George Washington University's
medical faculty to be used for tax-exempt charitable purposes, and 20% will
go to Capital Partners for Education, a charity that provides financial aid
for low-income students in Washington, DC to attend private and religious
The agreement states that it is "irrevocable and may not be terminated,
waived or amended," so the Cheney's can't take back their options later.
The options owned by the Cheney's have been valued at nearly $8 million, his
attorney says.
Such valuations are rough estimates only -- the actual value will depend on
what happens to stock prices in the future, which of course can't be known
beforehand. But it is clear that giving up rights to the future profits
constitutes a significant financial sacrifice, and a sizable donation to the
chosen charities.
We lost 4500 Americans in Iraq
And your self serving nigger deliberately wasted the lives of every fucking
one of them. If you had an ounce of morals you'd be hating his guts as
opposed to sucking his nigger dick.
and 3500 civilians at the WTC. Flanny, sober up before you speak, you
drunken pile of dogshit.
(6) Extending unemployment benefits
Oh, thank god for democrats throwing people some table scraps after
destroying their ability to get a job and provide for themselves. Goddamn
what an achievement. You don't give a fuck.
Those scraps are more than the GOP ever gave anyone other than paying GOP
operative Eric Prince (owner of Blackwater Mercenaries) and Haliburton
$150/hour for their truck drivers in Iraq
Clinton and Hussein both awarded Haliburton no bid contracts, you lying
fascist fuck.
(7) Outlawing junk health plans (aka "catastrophic health plans") that
rarely pay out
Obama LIES so you LIE for him. Go fuck your goddamn self, you shameless
Obama cocksucker. Furthermore, catastrophic plans are the best way to
keep healthcare costs down. That's why your nigger lied and then outlawed
them while you suck his cock for it.
Keeping health costs down by bankrupting people with health plans that
don't pay?
No, you stupid fuck. Catastrophic plans keep market forces in healthcare
which keeps costs down. That's why Obama lied and decreed them outlawed, you
groveling sycophantic serf fuck.
Ask you again, Flanny, are you always a drunken pile of shit or you just a
plain ordinary cocksucker?
(8) Removing pre-existing conditions as an excuse for health insurers
not paying out
Destroying private insurance. The point of it while your nigger lies.
Suck his dick some more.
Flanny, how long have you been an unemployable pile of shit and a
cocksucking racist?
You made a racist president, you stupid lying piece of anti-American shit.
(9) Overriding Ted Cruz's objection to insuring 600,000 Texas children
for health care
A complete fabrication. A goddamn lie. Every bit of it.
Yeah? so what's Cruz's formula for insuring 600,000 children in Texas
without health coverage?
Why are you claiming that Medicaid doesn't work? Stupid regurgitating DNC
talking fuckwit? Yes of course you are. No morals and dumb as shit. A nigger
no doubt.
Prove to the world you know something besides know how to act like the
unemployable drunk you are.
The whole issue is a fabricated lie, you lying dumbfuck.
The reason I HATE
.. is because Flannigan has to blame someone for his being a worthless
pile of shit.
Obama lies to your face and destroys the country and your response is to
suck his dick. Get the fuck out of my country, you stupid third world nigger
"The one unifying principle in the Republican Party at the moment is making
sure that 30 million people don't have healthcare."
"CBO: Obamacare Will Leave 30 Million Uninsured "
-Eddie Haskell